
“Pois não tenho vergonha do evangelho, porque é o poder de Deus que leva a salvação a todos que creem: primeiro o judeu, depois o gentio.” Romanos 1:16

Leia os testemunhos de como o acesso ao Evangelho está transformando comunidades em mais de 50 países.

“Pois não tenho vergonha do evangelho, porque é o poder de Deus que leva a salvação a todos que creem: primeiro o judeu, depois o gentio.” Romanos 1:16

Leia os testemunhos de como o acesso ao Evangelho está transformando comunidades em mais de 60 países.

Chavuma students with materials and bibles. Harvesters Ministries

Rural Communities in Zambia Need Your Help to Hear About Jesus

Training Resumes “Harvesters is back in the town of Zambezi, Zambia after 2 years. Praise God,” came the joyful celebrations ...
Newsletter Feb 2022

Newsletter – February 2022

Here you can download our February 2022 newsletter. Inside are some recent stories from the field, including new translation work ...

What Happens When God Changes the Life of An Individual

Meet Rafique*. He is a man who grew up in a Middle Eastern country. Just like many other fathers, Rafique’s ...

How to Reach a New Tribe for Jesus

The Luvale tribe is found in the most remote parts of north-western Zambia and south-eastern Angola. “The people there are ...

Update from Zimbabwe

The landlocked nation of Zimbabwe is located in southeast Africa. Home to 15 million people, it borders Mozambique, Zambia, South ...

Help Reach Cameroon and Beyond for Christ

There is an exciting vision unfolding in the central African nation of Cameroon and you can participate! One leader, Reverend ...

1,056 Believers Received Bibles in South Africa

The rural Mboza region of South Africa has been producing fruit for many years, even through the struggles of Covid-19 ...

You Are Training Pastors in the Amazon

“Amazonas has been the state most affected by the pandemic here in Brazil,” explains Tiago de Oliveira Santos, Harvesters’ Operations ...

Super Spreaders of Hope in India

Not too long ago, India was in the middle of a horrific spike in Covid cases that overwhelmed their resources ...

Rwanda: Where Horror and Hope Collide

The worst chapter of Rwandan history is well known – its darkest hour when one million precious lives were stolen ...