War-torn Ethiopia Region Needs Your Gifts

The situation in northern Ethiopia is becoming extremely dire. People are fleeing for their lives. The unrest and violence in the Tigray region are escalating daily. Believers are fleeing into Sudan – one of the most dangerous countries for a Christian to live in.

The desperation of people to save themselves and their children are becoming more and more evident. They are willing to do anything to escape from the brutal violence.

The situation is truly devastating. Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, gave forces in the northern Tigray region a three-day ultimatum to surrender. The military will start an offensive on the rebel-held regional capital of Mekelle.

Lives are Destroyed in Tigray

Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) are ruling the Tigray region with an iron fist. The war has been carrying on for weeks. Innocent civilians, including children and women, are the victims of this ongoing war.

More than 525,000 civilians live in Mekelle, Tigray and need to escape safely from the region. Furthermore, 31,000 refugees have already fled to Sudan. They are living in refugee camps and had to leave everything that they knew behind.


Harvesters Ministries is Opening the Way

Hundreds of people have already been killed in the ongoing war. Harvesters Ministries have been fortunate enough to start working with pastors in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia two years ago. Pastor Getahun Tadessee is leading pastors and student pastors in this precious nation.

Thus far more than 180 pastors have successfully started their training with Harvesters Ministries. They are reaching out to communities, sharing the Gospel, making disciples, and winning souls for God’s Kingdom.

What is even greater is the fact that pastors in Ethiopia already planted more than 75 new churches in communities who previously had no access to a church. Communities are changed one church at a time.


Gaining Access into Sudan

Many of the pastors who are enrolled in the Harvesters Ministries program have congregations in Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, and Djibouti. The refugees in Sudan need hope. If they have access to God’s Word, they can place their hope in Jesus and have eternal hope.

It is now more important than ever to ensure that the Good News moves throughout communities in Ethiopia, as well as in refugee camps in Sudan. The church is an agent for change and a beacon of hope in communities where all hope is lost; in communities where they have placed their hope in earthly things.


All Believers are Called to Obey the Great Commission

In Matthew 28 verse 19 – 20 Jesus clearly gave all believers this task,  “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Ethiopian pastors are obedient to the Great Commission. Pastor Shuferu is one of the many pastors who are busy completing the Harvesters training. He testified about an amazing mass baptism that took place recently where more than 800 people surrendered their lives to Christ and were baptised.

It is such victories that confirms again that Jesus is building His church and the enemy cannot stop Him.