Training in Kenya is Moving Forward

Homa Bay has the most magnificent views of Lake Victoria. On a beautiful morning you can see the fishermen going out before sunrise – casting their nets and bringing the catch of the day back to shore. People flock to the fish markets to purchase the freshest and biggest fish.

Harvesters Ministries was fortunate to start training pastors in this bustling, vibrant and spectacular county of Kenya. During the COVID-19 national lockdown it was impossible to have meetings and carry on with pastoral training.


A New Door Opened to Train Pastors

Pastor Dylan Agoye, Harvesters Ministries Country leader of Kenya, and Pastor Mathias Dickens, one of our county leaders in Kenya, had a fruitful visit to Homa Bay. The group of pastors were overjoyed to start with their training, evangelise the lost, make disciples and start planting churches.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has changed life as we know it in the majority of countries all across the globe. Third world countries experienced extra pressure because of their high poverty rate. People who were already suffering experience more hardship because they could not earn an income and provide for their families.

“Kenya was not left aside, we were affected by COVID-19, but we thank God for the numbers (infection rate) that have been coming down,” said Dylan Agoye.

Due to the lockdown being relaxed, it was possible to continue with pastoral training. Homa Bay is one of the new areas where Harvesters is starting to train pastors.

Even though the Kenyan government is still restricting gatherings, it was possible to have a training session with a small group of pastors. These pastors completed their Phase A training.


Poverty-stricken Homa Bay

Communities in Homa Bay urgently need the Gospel. With its rapidly growing population there are a shortage of churches and trained pastors to serve in the communities.

The unemployment rate is rising, more and more people are suffering from malnutrition, and access to good education is becoming a challenge.

“Now as Harvesters Ministries we are able to go to regions and we are able to meet with pastors and do training. This is something that has been happening now. This is the second month that our trainers have been going to various regions to do training,” said Dylan.

One of the cities in Homa Bay that we have been visiting is Kisii. This is the first time ever that Harvesters is hosting a training session for pastors in this beautiful county.

The new COVID-19 regulations will not stop the Good News from spreading through Kenya. The enemy thought that he could stop the Gospel from spreading like a wildfire. People are still sharing the love of Jesus and winning souls for His Kingdom.


Your Gifts are Making a Difference

Thank you for making these training sessions possible with your generous gifts. Your partnership is really making an impact in communities in Kenya. People are accepting Jesus Christ and opening their hearts to the Gospel.

Pastors are getting equipped to share the Gospel with lost souls and make disciples for God’s Kingdom. They will be giving new believers access to newly planted churches and be great shepherds to their flocks.