The Widespread Impact of Harvesters

This article explores the far-reaching impact of Harvesters, highlighting a few recent stories of breakthrough, transformation and empowerment. Thanks to your ongoing support, pastors are being equipped, believers are being discipled, and God’s Kingdom is being expanded across the globe.


Discipleship in Egypt

In Egypt, Harvesters’ training is bearing fruit as dozens of Student Pastors are equipping new disciples. Merna from Alexandria confessed that previously she had been “afraid of people’s reactions” when trying to make disciples, but “during this training, the Lord told me to put into practise what I learned.” Today, she is actively discipling four believers.

In Cairo, Mary and Noura regularly meet with a group of women ranging in age from young adults to elderly ladies. “They have benefited greatly from the teaching,” explained Mary. “I am thankful to the Lord for [Harvesters] and for the valuable lessons in theology which benefit both us and our disciples.”

Pastor Yousri is “delighted” with the discipleship programme from Harvesters. He has a group of disciples whom he meets weekly. “The teachings are deep and impactful for us,” he said. “We thank the Lord for the spiritual growth we have experienced though Harvesters Ministries.”


Lives Transformed in Kenya

In Kapsabet, Kenya, the Lord orchestrated a powerful encounter. During our recent training visit, we met Hadija at a local hotel. She was a Muslim but was curious about our faith. After a brief conversation, God stirred a desire in her heart to know more. A few days passed and she returned to us with more questions. We had the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus and she accepted Him as her Lord and Saviour! Praise God for this divine encounter. Hadija has been connected to a church and is being discipled in her newfound faith.

A month later, in Trans-Nzoia, we presented Phase C, ‘Homiletics and Sermon Preparation’, to a group of Student Pastors. One pastor, whose church served as the training centre, recounted a humbling yet transformative experience.

Previously, his preaching at a funeral was so poorly received that elders and leaders present forcibly removed him and sent him home. “Through this course, I’ve learned my mistakes and realised that I need to invest time in sermon preparation,” he admitted. His renewed dedication to effective preaching is a testament to the impact of Harvesters’ training, which not only equips pastors with knowledge but also fosters genuine growth and improvement in their ministry.


Indigenous Trainers in Thailand

Pastor Ali teaching. Harvesters Ministries
Pastor Ali teaching.

In Thailand we are seeing the fruits of training indigenous HLTs (Harvesters Licensed Trainers). Pastor Ali is from the Akha people who reside in the mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. Through Covid, he persevered with a lack of signal and electric blackouts to study online.

His determination paid off and he is now a fully trained HLT. Earlier this year he effectively presented the Phase B, ‘Preparing for Ministry’, curriculum to students from Thailand and Myanmar. “This was the first time I taught Phase B, so I was a little nervous. Will they understand my teaching?” he wondered. “By God’s grace alone, they all understood. And this teaching leads to transformation in Christ and then extending God’s Kingdom. So thank you for the opportunity to be a trainer here.”

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