The Joy of God’s Word for Malawi

Early in September 2024, 8,500 Bibles reached the cities of Zomba and Lilongwe in Malawi. These Bibles, supplied by Biblica, were earmarked for disciples in churches planted through Harvesters. Putting God’s Word into the hands of these believers required the help of 23 volunteers, divided into four teams.

The fruit we discovered in churches in and around Lilongwe, Mzuzu, Bangula and Zomba is a testament to the power of the Spirit at work in these communities. So, let’s pray for every disciple who received a Bible and to thank God for all He is doing. Prayer points are included below.


The joy of the Lord is their strength

Gloria, a headwoman (a community leader role similar to a village chief) from Mkhucke in southern Malawi, shared a testimony that evokes humble awe at the joy sparked by the simple gift of a Bible. “When I heard that you were coming, I left home before I ate anything. Before you arrived, I was so hungry,” she said. “But when you gave me the gift of a Bible, all the hunger that I had has gone. And now I’m filled up with so much joy that I could stay here the rest of the day!”

Another sister who received a Bible echoes the sentiment: “Since I was born I did not have… a full Bible. Today is my happiest day!”

These testimonies make us want to join in a dance of praise, like one elderly Student Pastor who said, “I am dancing before the Lord to show how happy I am to receive this Bible. I am so full of happiness that I can’t help but dance today.”


Freely they receive. Freely they give.

Pastors and believers who received a Bible also gladly accepted the responsibility that comes with it. Dolla Katsala, who previously lost two Bibles to theft, understands that God wants to equip us through His Word to reach others. “I am committed to using this Bible I have received to the maximum!” she shared.

Pastor Frank, from Balaka in southern Malawi, pastors a church with 82 members – where previously only two had Bibles before Harvesters visited them! But now, members of his church can read the Word on their own and teach others.

“God has given the responsibility. I have taken the weapon. My life will not be same,” declared Andrew Tembo as he held his new Bible. And we say, Amen.


Next level church planting and discipleship

The fact that so many believers were eagerly awaiting Bibles is a consequence of many years’ dedicated evangelism and church planting in Malawi. Some Bibles were delivered to Level 5 student pastors – individuals who have been discipled through a chain of mentorship. This chain begins by Hub Leaders who attend Harvesters Hub Church Planting training and go on to train others, who in turn train others. This cycle ensures a saturation of church plants with trained pastors.

In Malawi, where Harvesters has been active for over 25 years, it’s clear to see 2 Timothy 2:2 in action – leaders teaching leaders to teach others. We praise God for the fruit of their tireless work. Pastor Saulosi Suluma sums up their dedication perfectly: “The programme doesn’t stop. We continue, we continue, we continue!”

May we join these inspirational pastors in persisting, fighting the good fight, finishing the race and keeping the faith.


Pray with pastors and believers in Malawi:

  • Praise God for the Bibles He has provided, as expressed by Brother Joseph Ernest: “This is my opportunity and this is my joy.”
  • Join Pastor Robert in thanking God for the fruit in his life and ministry. “Harvesters Bible School helped me a lot to know how to plant churches, how to grow the church, how to grow my spiritual life, how to grow my family, how to grow the Christian family,” he shares.
  • Pray for continued strength for Malawian Christians. In the words of Andrew Tembo, “Let’s put on the whole armour of God that we will be able to wrestle against the will of the enemy.”
  • Ask God to continue providing resources so that this sister’s plea will not be in vain: “Please, Biblica and Harvesters, don’t stop.Continue to help us with Bibles and the Word of God.”


More prayer requests from the field


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