The Amazon Needs Our Prayers

We at Harvesters Ministries are truly blessed to have such an amazing team of prayer warriors on our side. We have seen so many prayers answered over the past 18 years and we are just amazed at what God has done for us. We continue to trust Him through prayer and ask you to join us in prayer this week.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19

The Amazon tribes need our prayers

Why is Harvesters Ministries working in the Amazon? The answer is simple – we were called to lead the lost to Christ, to plant churches where there have never been churches before and to shine Christ’s light in the darkest of places. There are about 24 million inhabitants in the Amazon basin that stretches over a vast landscape and a few different countries. Furthermore, there are 900,000 indigenous people from 240 tribes. Most of these tribes in the Amazon currently live in protected reserves which are closed to the public.

Harvesters went to the Amazon with the deliberate intention of sharing the Gospel, planting churches and developing disciple makers who would evangelise, disciple and grow the church. By God’s amazing grace we were introduced to qualified, competent brothers and sisters in Christ who, by means of love and practical explication, taught us what we were woefully lacking in knowledge and understanding.

You don’t come to the Amazon (indigenous people groups), they come to you.

Please continue to pray for the church Streams that are being planted in the Amazon. Pray that God will bless the pastors with the wisdom that they need to evangelise the indigenous people of the Amazon that live in remote and far-off villages. Pray for their safety as they enter these tribes. Pray that God will raise up more brothers and sisters in Christ that will go out and evangelise the lost.

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Mark 16:15