Southeast Asia: Save Those in Need

The Golden Triangle is a well-known region in Southeast Asia. The borders of northern Thailand, Laos and Myanmar meet here. It is known as one of the most strategic, and also darkest, areas in Asia. This region received its name because of all the corrupt money that is made there through, among other things human and drug trafficking. More than 50% of the world’s opium, which is used to make heroin, is produced here.

Many people living in Myanmar and the highlands of Thailand live in extreme poverty and are forced to cultivate opium in order to survive. Drug addiction is also a very real struggle for families in this region.

“Over the last two years Harvesters Ministries has also used this strategic region to initiate a church planting movement among these three countries,” said Regional Director of Southeast Asia for Harvesters Ministries.

The only way to change someone’s heart is by sharing the Gospel with them. No single person can change another person’s heart, but God can use you as an instrument to change someone’s heart.

Through Evangelism, Discipleship and Church Planting, Harvesters Ministries is influencing communities and transforming them for the better. Church leaders in this region are on fire for Jesus and want to see people getting saved.

Unfortunately, none of these church leaders were spared from the terrible consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. They have experienced different levels of lockdowns. On top of this dire situation these church leaders have also faced a long drought. Many of these church leaders are dependent on farming to sustain their families.

All public gatherings, which include church gatherings, were banned for several months. Church leaders were unable to host church meetings and generate an income from the contributions that are made by church members. This has left church leaders desperate for help.

Thanks to generous donors it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to start helping families with much needed funds for food. Church leaders were able to supply families with rice, oil and beans. Some families in specifically Myanmar live in very remote areas and it is quite challenging to reach them.

The drought stricken area was also hit with heavy rains recently and this made travelling even more difficult. Church leaders had to travel across rivers and on muddy, dirt roads to reach struggling families.

Your gift today will feed a family for one month in the Golden Triangle region. Partner with Harvesters Ministries today and help us to encourage believers in Southeast Asia. Your gift will enable church leaders to renew their strength and reach more unreached villages not only with food, but also with the Good News of the Gospel.


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