Rural Communities in Zambia Need Your Help to Hear About Jesus

Training Resumes

“Harvesters is back in the town of Zambezi, Zambia after 2 years. Praise God,” came the joyful celebrations of Regional Director for Southern Africa, Beyers Brink. And a joyous occasion it certainly was! After months of restrictions and lockdowns, Harvesters was able return to teach the next phase of pastoral training.

There were 20 leaders who were last trained in 2019. Since then, despite the challenges of the pandemic, there have been six new churches planted through evangelism! This is equally thanks to you, our donors.

Zambezi Training. Harvesters Ministries

After a rewarding few days in Zambezi, the Harvesters Licenced Trainers travelled the hourlong journey north to conduct more training among the rural Luvale people.

Thirteen pastors gathered in Chavuma, a remote village situated on the bank of the mighty Zambezi River, under the hot African sun – nearly 40 degrees that day! The Zambezi is a dominant figure in the lives of the Luvale people who are fishermen by trade. “What a privilege to train Phase B, Preparing for Ministry, overlooking the Zambezi River,” said Beyers. “These pastors have already planted 24 new churches!”

Zambezi Rover. Harvesters Ministries


Iron Sharpers Iron

Pastor Teddy, an overseer in the district, explained that pastors doing the Harvesters training are motivated and excited to evangelise, plant churches, study the Word, and disciple others. Going through the programme creates a community too, he says. “We have leaders that have interest in whatever you, their brother, is doing. They want to hear what God is doing and rejoice with you in the work. If anything is not done rightly, they are able to correct and help you and tell you way to go. I think that’s the way it should be. That really helps you to grow.”


A Huge Need

All of the leaders also received their own Luvale Bibles, thanks to your donations. Although the Bible is available in the mother tongue, the area is in huge demand for churches and leaders as there are only very few in this area.

Brother Masaha from the region explains the situation. “There are some congregations there. But I would say generally people are not grounded in the Word of God. They are nominal Christians. Even those that call themselves Christians, they really need the full Gospel.”

Rural Training. Harvesters Ministries

There is a cry for equipped, trained leaders in the area. Brother Masaha is thankful to Harvesters for meeting this need. “I have seen there is a big advantage in what Harvesters are doing because after this training we will have people, leaders, that will help teach these people, even the so-called Christians who are not grounded in the Word. We are going to have people who really help because the present leadership is not capable of helping the people spiritually.”


Opening the Way

Pastor Teddy explains his excitement about Harvesters Church Planting Model. “We are a church that is here to do church planting,” he says proudly. “So, the Harvesters model of planting churches really touched me. Especially the model of a hub leader planting 10 churches and then those 10 student pastors each planting 3 churches – you’ll make 40 churches. I think that if we have about 10 of them you have 400 churches. You really saturate the area with local churches. And that really motivates me a lot.”

I want to train a pastor >>>


Harvesters Ministries