Q&A with CEO Steven Loots
Steven Loots is the founder and CEO of Harvesters Ministries. He answers some questions below to explain how your support makes a powerful difference…
“Harvesters is a church-planting organization applying biblical principles of evangelism and discipleship to fulfill a biblical mandate. The Word of God clearly laid out the master plan: to go to the ends of the earth and make disciples. The principles we use are evangelism, discipleship, pastoral training and multiplication church planting. We’ve developed the Harvesters Hub Church Planting Model that’s led to exponential church growth since 1998.”
“A Hub Church is led by a full-time pastor who is tasked to strategically plant at least 10 new churches in a two- to three-year period. He will then teach and assist these new churches to plant additional churches through evangelism, opening the way for the Good News to spread fast and change even more lives.”
“We trust God to call a local person from the new church to be the pastor. This student pastor is then trained within one day’s travel at the Hub Church. They’re taken through an entire three-year curriculum led by the Hub Leader at the Hub Church. Each student pastor is then required to plant three new churches, with the support of their Hub leader, during their three-year studies as their “tuition” for the training. They meet for three days every five weeks, for three years.”
“Harvesters are completely dependent on the generosity of Christians who are passionate about fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission. That support has led to planting over 100 churches per day in more than 65 countries. Millions have been reached with the Gospel, and many of those have become disciple-makers who train others to do the same.”