Pray for Guatemala

One morning at 5am more than 65 pastors from Guatemala gathered virtually to testify about what God has done through Harvesters Ministries. Harvesters Ministries’ Phase A training focuses on Spiritual Disciplines.

Marriages were saved – and local ministries were expanded. One of the pastor’s shared that his friend was led to Jesus Christ just before he passed away due to COVID-19. Not only were two churches planted during the pandemic but in one church 12 people were saved and are now being discipled.  They ran out to immediately start to disciple others.  “Phase A changed our lives – some people have never heard of Spiritual Disciplines,” one pastor testified.

These pastors are mostly from rural Guatemala and have never ever used Zoom or connected to the outside world.  Thanks to pastor Luissi, the coordinator for Harvesters, their world was opened to connect to the rest of Africa and the US via a technological platform. Pastor Eduardo Arroyo testified how his whole ministry changed thanks to Harvesters Ministries. Guatemala is now reaching Mexico with evangelism, church planting and discipleship!

Pastor Luiz Alonso not only planted two new churches during the pandemic but also led 12 new disciples into a relationship with Jesus Christ.  “People are thirsty for Jesus like never before!” He said. “Phase A rescued variousmarriages when we presented it.”

Praise the Lord for what is happening in Guatemala!

Jeremiah 29: 12 “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”