Pastors in Ivory Coast are Leading the Lost to Christ

Dodging potholes, waving and smiling at the staring faces, seeing and smelling the poverty and the dust – the dust settles everywhere! This is what travelling in Ivory Coast is like.

Our first stop – Bouaké. The second largest city in Ivory Coast. Our loyal country leader greets us with open arms. We meet each other half way with my broken English and his deep French accent.

A group of 50 enthusiastic pastors were waiting on our arrival. They jumped at the opportunity to receive training in evangelism, discipleship and church planting. After training them in evangelism, we sent out the pastors to share the Gospel with people in the city.

After only two hours 104 people were reached with the Gospel and 44 people made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord for these souls! We cannot take our earthly things with us to heaven, but we can collect eternal treasures and share Jesus’ love with those who do not know Him.

We will return for more training in six months’ time and look forward to hear the testimonies of how these pastors have impacted their communities with the Gospel.

After this amazing experience it was time to head further into the country to share the Harvesters vision with more pastors in another beautiful city.We traveled further with our trusty guide to place called Daloa, the third most densely populated city in Ivory Coast. We were overwhelmed to see 160 pastors already waiting for us! When we walked into the venue the presence of the Holy Spirit was tangible.

We shared the Harvesters vision with this group of pastors and the response was phenomenal! These pastors shared the Gospel with 272 people and in only two hours, 104 of these people believed the Gospel and accepted Jesus Christ as their Redeemer and Savior.

I am excited to see how these pastors’ ministries will expand in the next six months. We are expecting them to saturate their communities with churches in the next few years.

All the glory goes to our Lord Jesus Christ for saving these souls and leading our new pastors on their journeys.