Our Stories

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” -Matt 28:19-20
Read the testimonies of how access to the Gospel is transforming communities in more than 60 countries.

A Bikeload of Books Arrives in the DRC

In some parts of the world, a training day may mean a minor adaptation to the daily schedule and a ...

Two Successful Kick Off Events Take Place in South Africa

Harvesters Ministries has been working in South Africa for the last three years. In that time, 13 church planting hubs ...

New Students Realise the Importance of Discipleship

Kenya, like many countries, was hit hard with the Covid-19 virus. As infection rates rose and lockdowns ensued, the ability ...

Cambodia Receives Food Parcels After Devastating Typhoons

Towards the end of last year, a series of typhoons hit Southeast Asia, with “many describing the flooding as the ...

Faithful Pastors are Reaching Indigenous People in the Amazon

The work of Harvesters Ministries in Brazil includes a network of churches that have been planted in and around Tefé ...
Pray for Your Brothers and Sisters in Lesotho. Harvesters Ministries. Feb 2021 Featured Image

Pray for Your Brothers and Sisters in Lesotho

The mountainous kingdom of Lesotho is a beautiful southern African nation. The last few months have been busy and fruitful ...
Newsletter Feb 2021

Newsletter – February 2021

Click the link to download our February 2021 newsletter to read how your gifts are making a difference in Guatemala ...

Your Gifts are Helping Communities in Southeast Asia

In the last few weeks, a series of terrible typhoons hit large parts of Southeast Asia. Many people described the ...
War-torn Ethiopia Region Needs Your Gifts. Harvesters Ministries. Jan 2021 Featured Image

War-torn Ethiopia Region Needs Your Gifts

The situation in northern Ethiopia is becoming extremely dire. People are fleeing for their lives. The unrest and violence in ...

Training in Kenya is Moving Forward

Homa Bay has the most magnificent views of Lake Victoria. On a beautiful morning you can see the fishermen going ...