Our Stories

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” -Matt 28:19-20
Read the testimonies of how access to the Gospel is transforming communities in more than 60 countries.

Opening the Way to Restore Hope. Harvesters Ministries. Mar 2019 Featured Image

Opening the Way to Restore Hope

As you know a catastrophe has hit not only Mozambique, but Zimbabwe and Malawi was also drastically affected by Cyclone ...
The Harvest is Ready in the Amazon. Harvesters Ministries. Mar 2019 Featured Image

The Harvest is Ready in the Amazon

After 27 hours of traveling I arrived in Manaus meeting up with Harvesters staff. The hot humid air couldn’t stop ...
The Malagasy Island Tribes Are on Fire for God. Harvesters Ministries. Feb 2019 Featured Image

The Malagasy Island Tribes Are on Fire for God

“Every time I fly over Madagascar I feel excited and I know that this is where God wants me to ...
Angola My First Missions Experience. Harvesters Ministries. Jan 2019 Featured Image

Angola: My First Missions Experience

Leaving for my very first missions trip I kept wondering,“What can I do?” But God reminded me that it is ...
Mission Impossible. Harvesters Ministries. Oct 2018 Featured Image

Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible? When Jesus told us to, “Go, make disciples of all the nations,” did He mean it literally? Every ...
God is at Work in India. Harvesters Ministries. Oct 2018 Featured Image

God is at Work in India

Taking the Gospel to the Tribes Away from the teeming masses of the cities, deep in the Indian jungle, there ...
Egypt A Nation Ready For Change. Harvesters Ministries. Sep 2018 Featured Image

Egypt: A Nation Ready For Change

Some things will never change Things change. Through the dusty afternoon haze, beyond a line of camels moving slowly across ...
The Amazon Needs Our Prayers. Harvesters Ministries. Aug 2018 Featured Image

The Amazon Needs Our Prayers

We at Harvesters Ministries are truly blessed to have such an amazing team of prayer warriors on our side. We ...
The Church on the River. Harvesters Ministries. Jul 2018 Featured Image

The Church on the River

Harvesters Ministries has planted churches in some unexpected places – in bus stops, in barber shops, in refugee camps, in ...

Uganda Bible Placement

Every time a pastor, like pastor Richard Okello of Apac District near Lira, tells us that he does not own ...