Our Stories

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” -Matt 28:19-20
Read the testimonies of how access to the Gospel is transforming communities in more than 60 countries.

Pastors are Facing Extreme Challenges. Harvesters Ministries. Apr 2020 Featured Image

Pastors are Facing Extreme Challenges

A church leader from Southeast Asia said, “We have been in lockdown for over five weeks and we are starving.” ...
The Harvest is Ripe in Southeast Asia. Harvesters Ministries. Apr 2020 Featured Image

The Harvest is Ripe in Southeast Asia

Aran*, one of our leaders in Southeast Asia, seeks God’s face in everything that he does. The discipline of prayer ...
Covid-19 – An Unprecedented Opportunity. Harvesters Ministries. Mar 2020 Featured Image

Covid-19 – An Unprecedented Opportunity

This crisis is going to become very challenging to almost everyone you know. The Covid-19 pandemic however is also a ...
God opened the doors to Mombasa! Harvesters Ministries. Mar 2020 Featured Image

God opened the doors to Mombasa!

Dylan Agoye, a pastor in Kenya, has been praying for an opportunity to share the Gospel and reach the unreached ...

The Time is Now

Every four seconds somebody in India dies without knowing Christ. Somebody enters eternity without ever having the opportunity of knowing ...
Lesotho Rejoices over Bibles! Harvesters Ministries. Feb 2020 Featured Image

Lesotho Rejoices over Bibles!

Vivid green hills, majestic mountains and remote villages – this is what I experienced as I travelled through the mountainous ...
Rwandan Pastors Receive the Word of God. Harvesters Ministries. Feb 2020 Featured Image

Rwandan Pastors Receive the Word of God

Imagine receiving the perfect gift just in time for Christmas. For Rwanda pastors this was a reality. They did not ...
A Church Planting Explosion in Guatemala. Harvesters Ministries. Jan 2020 Featured Image

A Church Planting Explosion in Guatemala

Thank God with us for the church planting explosion that is currently taking place in Guatemala – both in the ...
Cameroonian Pastors are Obeying the Great Commission. Harvesters Ministries. Jan 2020 Featured Image

Cameroonian Pastors are Obeying the Great Commission

Praise the Lord for what is happening in Cameroon! None of this would be possible without your continuous prayers. I ...
The Prayer Became a Vision. Harvesters Ministries. Jan 2020 Featured Image

The Prayer Became a Vision

The Malawian terrain moves by below us in patches of green and brown as if in slow motion.  I am ...