Our Stories

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” -Matt 28:19-20
Read the testimonies of how access to the Gospel is transforming communities in more than 60 countries.

You can Answer Jesus’ Great Commission

“Fulfilling the Great Commission is a call to all Christians worldwide – to take the Gospel to places where Christ ...

Southeast Asia: Save Those in Need

The Golden Triangle is a well-known region in Southeast Asia. The borders of northern Thailand, Laos and Myanmar meet here ...

The Gospel is Changing Rwandan Communities

The country of a thousand hills, stunning scenery, warm and friendly people, bursts of colour everywhere, gorilla paradise, jungles galore, ...

Laos Pastors are Getting Arrested for Carrying Bibles

Pastor Fatee* was walking down the street, peacefully, minding his own business and instead of reaching his destination safely he ...

A Tribute to a True Disciple

We as a Harvesters Ministries family recently received very sad news. Pastor Saeed from Egypt passed away at the age ...
The Ministry is Expanding in Mozambique. Harvesters Ministries. Jun 2020 Featured Image

The Ministry is Expanding in Mozambique

Unlike most countries, Mozambique did not experience an official lockdown. Social distancing and a state of emergency was announced in ...
New Believers in India Experience Joy. Harvesters Ministries. Jun 2020 Featured Image

New Believers in India Experience Joy

We are living in unprecedented times. You are currently experiencing lockdowns, regulations and activities that has never been experienced before ...
Place Your Trust in Jesus. Harvesters Ministries. May 2020 Featured Image

Place Your Trust in Jesus

The world is currently facing a strange and uncertain time. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every single person across ...
Harvesters can Reach the Lost in the Amazon. Harvesters Ministries. May 2020 Featured Image

Harvesters can Reach the Lost in the Amazon

Missions and mission organisations desperately need the prayers of believers like you to reach the lost with the Gospel. Through ...

Newsletter – May 2020

Download our May 2020 newsletter to read all about new bibles for Angola, untold stories from Uganda, and the importance ...