A Muslim Girl’s Journey to Finding Jesus
Deep within a nation in southern Eurasia, amidst the backdrop of strict Muslim laws, a teenage girl named Kira* found herself entangled in a web of oppression and despair. Raised within the confines of her religion, she yearned for the promised freedom but found only emptiness. However, amidst her darkest moments, a glimmer of hope emerged, leading her on a transformative journey toward the living Jesus.
Desperation in Search of Freedom
Kira’s journey began when she opened the Quran to find a promise that by staying on the path of Allah, she would find freedom. Bound by strict laws and traditions, she felt suffocated, unable to find the liberation promised by her religion. Despite her efforts to adhere to the teachings of the Quran, Kira found herself sinking deeper into despair.
“I could not find the freedom I was searching for,” she confesses, her voice tinged with sadness. “The more I searched, the heavier my heart became.” The weight of her struggles ultimately affected her academic performance, leaving her grappling with failing grades and a sense of hopelessness. “I was in trouble,” she realised.
Encountering the Living Jesus
Amidst the darkness, a flicker of light emerged in the form of Natalya*, a hidden missionary within Kira’s Muslim community. Natalya covertly shared the name of Jesus, introducing Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life. It ignited a spark of curiosity within Kira’s heart.
In a moment of desperation during her final exams, Kira prayed silently to Jesus for the first time in her life, pleading for Him to reveal Himself and offer guidance. “I didn’t know how [to pray],” she said, “but I called on this Jesus who was the Way.”
To her amazement, peace washed over her, and she felt a presence unlike anything she had experienced before. As her exam results arrived, showing she had graduated cum laude, Kira realized that Jesus was with her, guiding her steps and demonstrating His love in tangible ways. “He cared and He loved me,” she declared, her eyes shining with newfound faith.
Kira’s Ongoing Discipleship
Sadly, as is often the case, Kira’s encounter with the living Jesus was met with fierce opposition from her family and friends. Despite the persecution she faces, she remains steadfast in her belief, testifying to the transformative power of Jesus. She is being discipled and is growing in her faith with the support of Natalya, Harvesters’ missionary in this Muslim community.
Kira’s testimony serves as a powerful reminder that true freedom is found not in adherence to religious laws but in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As she continues to navigate the complexities of her newfound faith, let us stand in prayer with Kira and other new believers like her. May her testimony inspire others to seek the living Jesus and experience the boundless freedom found in His embrace.
*Names changed for security reasons
Pray with Us: Pastors Kidnapped and Killed
Let’s pray together for pastors in Ethiopia who are facing threats, kidnappings and even killings. Below, you will find some prayer points to guide you as your partner with us in prayer.
Daily Struggles
Harvesters’ pastors are demonstrating astounding resilience in the face of immense pressure. Rebel groups are prowling the area, and even as Harvesters arrived recently to Adama for training there were reports of rebels nearby. This imminent threat of violence is something local pastors such as Ps Nigussi are dealing with every day.
“The rebels come to the church and ask for money,” he reports. “They take people, they kidnap people and keep them for ransom.”
In spite of the surrounding dangers, 26 courageous church planters gathered for Phase C training with Harvesters to study homiletics and sermon preparation.
“These pastors are really suffering,” shares Ps Nigussi, “But they are committed, they are eager, and they are devoted to plant more churches and preach the Gospel.”
Tragedy Strikes
During our time spent with these inspiring leaders, one tragic story came to light that illustrates the unthinkable difficulties they’re facing.
Pastor Shaferu, described as a “strong, energetic young pastor”, was one of the first pastors trained by Harvesters in Ethiopia and has just graduated from the programme.
He shared how his father-in-law, also a pastor who has planted several churches in the area, was kidnapped and held captive for a harrowing 10 to 15 days. Despite the frantic attempts of his family to find him, their efforts proved futile. Ultimately, a ransom demand came – an exuberant amount of half a million Ethiopian birr.
As they scrambled to source a solution, the captors took a heinous turn and mercilessly ended the father-in-law’s life. Heartbreakingly, the family have been unable to bury their loved one as a result.
These distressing events highlight the perilous situations faced by pastors in this region. Their courage, commitment and faithfulness is truly inspiring, but they need our prayers!
Pray with Us
- Praise God for faithful and courageous labourers like Pastors Shaferu and Nigussi (pictured above). Thanks to believers like them, the Gospel is still being preached in the midst of unimaginable personal pressure.
- As Jesus said to his disciples, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.” (Matt 10:16). This passage of Scripture is particularly relevant to leaders and believers in Ethiopia. Let’s pray fervently for the Lord’s strength and protection.
- Ask God to intervene and bring an end to the cycle of violence. Let’s pray that the rebels will be transformed by the Gospel.
- Extend your prayers to Ps Shaferu and his family at this tragic and distressing time. Pray for God to bring comfort to them in their grief.
Kenya Rejoices Over Bibles
In October 2023, Harvesters had the privilege of delivering 2,600 local-language Bibles to newly planted churches in Kenya. As Student Pastors faithfully evangelise and plant churches in communities with no Christian presence, there comes a desperate cry for Bibles – a precious lifeline for God’s people.
Thanks to the support of partners and donors like you, Harvesters distributed God’s Word to disciples in 63 newly planted churches across the challenging terrains of Bungoma, Busia and Siyaya counties. Although the roads were difficult, it was all worth it to meet our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ who were overcome with joy. Below are some powerful testimonies of impact from those who received their very first Bible.
Muslim-Background-Believer Receives God’s Word
Isah Marida, once a follower of Islam, discovered faith in Christ when Harvesters planted a church in her hometown of Busia. The recently established congregation is flourishing with new believers, and the members can now strengthen their spiritual journey following the distribution of God’s Word. Isah, one of the recipients of a Bible, is advancing in her understanding and connection with Christ.
Just Two Bibles for the Whole Church
Pastor Judith Baraza, a student of Harvesters in Busia County, previously only had two Bibles to share among her congregation. Now, every member has their own Bible to read, study and use to grow closer to God. She is thankful to Harvesters and partners for providing this precious gift.
Displaying God’s Love
Leonardo Pierro, a new believer, explained that previously he was “struggling” to understand what was being preached at church. Upon being handed a Bible of his very own he thanked God. “Now, even me, I can preach, I can teach, I can do anything for God. Thank you for remembering me,” he rejoiced. “See how God loves me!”
Widespread Impact of God’s Word
Pastor Bonventure Ogola expressed his appreciation for Harvesters’ training programme, highlighting newcomers embracing faith and a positive impact on his congregation. He attested, “They have changed from their traditional ways to godly ways.” Expressing gratitude for the Bibles they received, Pastor Bonventure explained that these sacred books will help his church to “reveal the One” and bring about transformation in people’s lives and the community.
Reaching More with the Gospel
Pastor James Lukorito’s congregation will use their new Bibles to witness to others about Christ. Previously they were short of Bibles and many congregants didn’t have one. “But now, thanks to your help, it will be easy for us to reach more people than ever before with the Gospel,” shares Ps James.
Praising God for His Gift
Doreen Mercy is in her church choir and longed for a Bible of her own. “Once we were told to go and read some verses,” she shared, “and I was wondering where I would read them because I didn’t have a Bible.” Harvesters was privileged to hand Doreen her very first Bible and she rejoiced and praised God for the wonderful gift.
A Desire to Reach the Nations
Levina Okumu possesses a fervent evangelical heart. As a student of Harvesters, she credited the training programme with helping her to grow spiritually. Upon receiving Bibles from Harvesters, Levina thanked God, saying “I want to reach many people and many nations to teach them the Word of God.”
Going Deeper in God’s Word
Pastor Grace Ajiambo Juma only had three Bibles in her church which were primarily used by the leaders. Receiving Bibles from Harvesters has brought significant change for her congregation. “Now when I read Scripture, people will be able to follow along,” she rejoices. “You have done something great by bringing these Bibles to us, they are really important to us. We will continue reading God’s Word and learning.”
Pray with Us: Southeast Asia
Harvesters is expanding the Kingdom in Southeast Asia as new believers come to Christ. Local pastors are working faithfully; however, challenges abound as they evangelise in enemy territory, and we are calling on you to pray with us for them. Below you will find prayer points to guide you.
Expansion in Southeast Asia
In 2023, Harvesters opened a new nation in Southeast Asia for church-planting: Indonesia. As the country with the largest Muslim population globally – home to 13% of the world’s Muslim inhabitants – Indonesia presents a critical opportunity to reach the lost, establish churches and train pastors.
Overseeing church-planting in the Bali region are Ps Ongke and his wife Shelley. Their journey began with fervent prayers seeking the Lord’s guidance for the next steps of their church. When they encountered Harvesters church-planting methodology, it became clear that this was the path God intended for them in this season. Sister Shelley described her heart being “on fire” as Harvesters’ vision aligned with God’s calling for their future.
“This is the tool we were praying for,” said Ps Ongke. “It will help us to produce more leaders and more churches.” Already a group of key leaders has commenced the training programme. They started with six church plants and have recently planted two more.
Reaching Out
After successfully presenting Phase A in Bali, we travelled to the island of Borneo to present Harvesters’ methodology and vision to leaders in Kalimantan. We joined them for an outreach to a nearby village.
It was a privilege to see the transformative impact of the church in action as they went from house to house bringing food, caring for people, and looking for opportunities to share the Gospel in this primarily-Buddhist community.
We saw how God’s Word transformed the lives of many people, leading individuals to accept Jesus Christ. Together, we spent time in praise and worship, celebrating what God had done in their lives. So please pray with us for the Church in Indonesia, that God will not only establish His Church here, but also see it grow as more and more people come to faith, as they respond to the Gospel.
Obstacles to Overcome
It’s not easy to evangelise in this part of the world. Pastors often travel in pairs to navigate the obstacles they face. Travelling by motorbike through treacherous mud often requires two or more people to push the bike when it gets stuck. Moreover, travelling together enhances their safety because pastors are uncertain how their message of salvation will be received village-to-village.
Prayer Points
- Thank the Lord for opening the way in Indonesia. Let’s pray for the establishment of a thriving Christian presence throughout Southeast Asia.
- Pray protection over the pastors who take huge risks to bring the Gospel to the lost. Ask God to fortify them with wisdom, discernment and faith.
- Pray that the hearts of those who hear the message of Good News will be open to receiving Christ as their Saviour.
- Seek God’s strength for the leaders undergoing training. Pray for spiritual growth, effective leadership and the courage to boldly spread the Gospel. May they become influential leaders, producing more churches and disciples in Southeast Asia.
Newsletter – February 2024
Download your newsletter here. It’s filled with transformative stories and impactful updates to encourage you today.
Discover how Harvesters is bringing over 25 years of evangelism, discipleship and church-planting experience to Europe, and opening the way through our Disciple Makers Course. Plus, take a deep dive into the jungles of South America, and catch up on the latest developments in South Africa.
Thank you for making a Kingdom impact through your continued prayers and financial support. Together, we continue the pursuit to close the gap and reach the lost for Christ.
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Pray with Us: Ivory Coast
Since 2018, Harvesters has been equipping pastors to establish churches through evangelism in Ivory Coast. With thirteen Streams (church planting movements) successfully established and more on the horizon in the coming months, your prayers play a crucial role in helping pastors maintain this momentum and overcome challenges. Join us in praying for Ivory Coast using the provided prayer points below.
The Successful Impact of Harvesters’ Training
Over the last year, five new Streams have been launched in the eastern side of Ivory Coast where training has proved to be a resounding success. Harvesters recently travelled to the towns of Bondoukou, Agnibilékrou and Abengourou to present Phase A of the curriculum, and to Bouna and Tanda to conduct Kick Off launches of the programme.
Pastor Fabrice from Bondoukou, who is overseeing the church planting efforts in the east, was delighted to share how much momentum he is now seeing in his region. Pastors who have been ministering in one church for 10 or 20 years have been mobilised to become church-planters and to reach the lost with the Gospel.
In addition to establishing these new eastern Streams, we also visited Abidjan in the south for the graduation ceremony of 70 pastors who have successfully completed the programme. It was uplifting to see the same enthusiasm for God’s mission amongst the graduates as we experienced with those in the east embarking on their church-planting journeys. The impactful testimony of Ps Adieque, who has planted 22 churches since joining Harvesters in 2018, serves as a testament to the profound influence of the training.
Dealing with False Ministers
Ps Fabrice went on to explain some of the challenges they face in Ivory Coast. Firstly, he highlighted an issue of charlatan pastors who are not interested in reaching the lost for Christ or discipling believers. Instead, they are pursuing power, position, even fame.
These deceptive spiritual leaders, who are concerned with money and control, often preach a false prosperity gospel or promise mystical performances. Sadly, it tarnishes the reputation of all pastors and affects the ministry of those who are doing the Lord’s work. Our prayers are needed to fortify them against these challenges.
Thankfully, the Lord is already bringing together a group of genuine and reliable leaders. As the word of Harvesters is spreading, more and more pastors are coming to be trained, drawing pastors back to the biblical mission of making Jesus known.
Surrounded by Islam
Bondoukou is known as the town of a thousand mosques. “That means we have to go further in establishing churches,” says Fabrice, although he admits that’s not easy because the average person you encounter as you evangelise is likely a Muslim.
However, with the Lord’s help evangelism will always be fruitful, even in the most difficult of circumstances. Pastors in Tanda realised this when they were challenged to go and share the Gospel. They reported that the visual tool provided by Harvesters was impactful, because if they had gone out with a Bible in their hands, no one would have given them any attention.
Twelve pastors went out and presented to 66 people… and 31 accepted Christ as their Saviour! What a miraculous outcome, proving the field is ripe for harvest.
Urgent Prayer for Ivory Coast
- Pray for fruitfulness. As pastors evangelise and minister, pray that the message of the true Gospel will be heard and accepted.
- Pray for the salvation of the lost, including the false priests and the Muslims in the eastern region and throughout Ivory Coast.
- Pray for the new believers who have come to faith in Christ. Pray over their discipleship journeys in the new churches that will be planted and pray that more will be added to their number.
- Let’s join pastors like Fabrice in their vision to see ‘the town of a thousand mosques’ become saturated with churches, breaking down strongholds and bringing forth transformation.
- Praise the Lord for the pastors who have committed to planting churches. Pray for all the Student Pastors as they study, minister and reach the unreached.
Taking a God Perspective
Across Eurasia, where challenges abound, Harvesters persists in the mission to spread the Gospel. The region, rife with conflicts, wars and opposition, poses dangers and we cannot be specific about where we are working. But we can say how encouraged we are by the dedication of local leaders who choose to take a God perspective– viewing challenges not as hindrances but as opportunities to make a profound impact.
Taking a God Perspective on War
There is a well-publicised war currently raging in Eastern Europe that is affecting most of the Eurasia region. In addition, there are further conflicts that the rest of the world knows little about. Our Regional Director in the area explains that this poses “big challenges” for local leaders.
However, with remarkable faith, she goes on to express that instead of seeing the dangers, she is choosing to see it as an “adventure with the Lord to go wherever He sends, even if it’s difficult and dark,” because there are numerous opportunities created for the Gospel during times of war.
“It’s horrible to go through conflict,” she continues. “It’s horrible to see people die. But it’s amazing if you look at it from a perspective that God is giving the church an opportunity to actually be the light, to be the salt, and to reach out to others in the midst of this. People are hopeless and we have the answer… And when we come from that perspective, it’s no more a challenge, it becomes an opportunity. And we have seen churches use this opportunity and have grown tremendously.”
Taking a God Perspective on Persecution
Persecution for spreading the Gospel is a stark reality in this vast and diverse region. The extent and nature of persecution varies country-to-country from legal restrictions to ostracisation and even violence from communities.
In this spectrum of religious freedom, the Lord provides creative opportunities for sharing the Gospel. In some nations, you are free to share your testimony – but only if asked. Sharing personal faith journeys is a powerful tool which can lead to further discussions and, hopefully, provide the chance to introduce someone to Jesus.
Evangelists in Eurasia know that it’s the Holy Spirit who works in the hearts of people, and the Lord will make the right connections for them. They are not alone. “You have to really trust the Lord,” shares one of Harvesters’ key leaders in the region. “But He wants them to hear and so He always creates the opportunities for them.”
“We will continue to preach the Gospel because that’s the Commission,” the Regional Director adds. “So, we enjoy every minute of it.”
Taking a God Perspective on Belonging
Whichever legal restrictions exist, persecution still often comes from families, communities, and other religions. Even individuals themselves face challenges from within, such as a fear of rejection or a conflict of identity.
Local leaders in Eurasia explain how people tie their identity to their culture, their ethnicity, their religion. This connection is so profound that adopting a faith in Jesus is not merely a change in religion but is perceived as abandoning one’s ethnicity and culture, and can result in family members becoming ashamed or angry. Our leaders in the region sadly recount times when fathers have beaten or stoned their sons for becoming Christians.
That’s why the focus is not on changing someone from Orthodox, Buddhism or Islam to Christianity. The message of Jesus is to take people from sin to life; to become a member of His family, a citizen of heaven, possessing Kingdom culture. It’s not about conversion to a Western religion, it’s about moving from death to life – and this transcends cultural boundaries and results in true freedom.
It’s not an easy decision, there is a cost to following Jesus as He told us there would be (Mt 10:16-22). But, in choosing to see God’s perspective, “it’s a privilege to see people say that Jesus is worth it,” says the Regional Director for Eurasia. “And that gives [us] the courage to continue and to conquer these challenges and think that if they can do it, I can do it too.”
God’s Mission
In Eurasia, where conflicts abound, the mission of Harvesters remains to lead people from sin to Jesus. We have a deep love for the lost people within these nations. The resilience of leaders ministering on the ground, choosing to see God’s perspective of the obstacles they face, is inspiring. Harvesters is training pastors and mobilising churches to reach the unreached, and in the words of one passionate leader, “We trust the Lord that this will really bring the greater harvest that we desire to see.”
Changing the Landscape of Peru’s Heroic City
In the heart of South America, nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains, lies Peru—a beloved nation grappling with distinctive challenges.
Peruvian leaders Ps Daniel and Ps Victor explained the difficulties they are facing both inside and outside the church – from a lack of committed disciples and an absence of training, to tackling violent drug culture and extreme poverty.
Obstacles to Overcome
The religious fabric in Peru weaves together Catholic traditions and indigenous beliefs, creating a complex tapestry where the essence of the true Gospel is at times diluted. Pastor Victor describes it as ‘Gospel-lite,’ pinpointing a lack of discipleship as a contributing factor.
“There is a huge necessity,” he emphasises. “What we lack is getting church members to disciple others. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart to Harvesters Ministries for coming here to Peru… to put hands to work in response to the need for discipleship.”
Another prevalent issue is the abandonment of churches as pastors exit the ministry. Congregations are left as sheep without a shepherd, creating an urgent need for pastoral training.
Moreover, fear grips communities, especially after nightfall. Few dare to venture out and windows are securely barred. Many live without electricity or water, including some of the pastors. Despite this, visiting the homes of these beloved pastors gives a tangible sense of standing in a “pocket of joy” amidst the darkness.
Harvesters Responds
Harvesters recently travelled to the city of Chiclayo in northern Peru to meet with these pastors and respond to their call for support. Known as the ‘Heroic City’, Chiclayo has a proud and victorious history, but is spiritually lost.
We presented training and strategies for church-planting to more than 60 eager and enthusiastic leaders. “We are very grateful to this church-planting movement that has come to equip us,” said Ps Daniel. “It was a great blessing… because we learned discipleship strategies, and we are now breaking through and starting to plant new churches.”
The Work Has Already Begun
In fact, since our last visit, some local pastors have already started planting churches. We are so encouraged to see their heart and commitment!
For instance, after being equipped by Harvesters, Pastor Juan was “encouraged and blessed with a new mindset” for church-planting. He has since planted a church in a nearby town with 18 people. He is in the process of instating a leader for that church so he can go to other unreached communities to plant more churches. “[Church planting] is not easy,” he shared, “but I believe that we have to make an effort and make the sacrifice because the Bible says that He gives strength to the weak and we believe Him. We really want to continue the task. Thanks to Harvesters we are a step ahead.”
And Pastor Daniel has planted churches in Jaén and Guaral and each has a pastor. A new church is being planted in Sierra de Lambayeque where four people recently gave their lives to Christ. “We are ready to start meeting every Thursday and start discipling them” he reports.
Prayer Points
- Pray for the people of Peru who are dead in their sins feeling broken and desperate. That the Holy Spirit would soften their hearts to receive the Gospel.
- Pray with us that Chiclayo becomes the city of victories, a heroic place, once again. That by proclaiming the victory of Christ it becomes a refuge for lonely, broken and desperate people.
- Pray for the 60 pastors who are willing to do whatever it takes to evangelise the lost, plant churches and disciple believers in some of the most spiritually hardened communities of Chiclayo, Peru. As Ps Daniel says, “The harvest is ready and we are the ones called, the ones that God chose to be able to collect the largest harvest in recent times. How will we do it? Through planting churches and making disciples who make disciples.”
- Pray for the development of more leaders and pastors who are committed to the Great Commission.
Bridging the Gospel Gap in Madagascar
Harvesters is committed to reaching the unreached through evangelism, often venturing into some of the most challenging and remote areas of the world. This is exemplified through the ministry of pastors in Madagascar, an island nation in the Indian Ocean with a unique set of challenges and opportunities.
Bridging the Gap
Christianity in Madagascar was introduced by early European missionaries in the 19th century, but many communities, especially in the rural and isolated regions, have yet to experience the transformative power of the Gospel. Harvesters Ministries recognises this gap and has taken on the crucial role of bridging it.
Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world, is home to over 30 million people. From among them The Joshua Project has identified 11 unreached people groups totalling half a million people, highlighting the immense need for church planting and Gospel outreach.
Harvesters is Responding
We recently held a Kick Off event in Antananarivo, the capital city, where we presented our church-planting model to a new group of pastors. There was an overwhelming response as 102 new leaders eagerly signed up, ready to take on the mantle of church planting.
These dedicated individuals wasted no time, immediately going out to evangelise, resulting in 250 people giving their hearts to the Lord that day. This is a testament not only to the effectiveness of the tools and training from Harvesters, but the readiness of the local pastors to bring about transformative change in their communities.
Finding the Opportunities
Pastor Bertrant ministers in the south of the island. He travels by foot to some of the most forgotten places in the extreme heat. Sadly, many of these impoverished villages have no food to eat. He believes the Good News is the solution; it’s their only hope.
Madagascar suffers from extreme climate conditions that affect all aspects of life – from severe heat and drought to cyclones and flooding. When Pastor Alain, Country Leader for Madagascar, was asked how they prepare for an oncoming cyclone, he responded, “We gather all our resources and money. Then when the storm hits and people are left without food and clothing, we go out and provide for the community.”
In the middle of difficult and disastrous circumstances, these local leaders choose to see the opportunities.
Accelerating the Mission
Pastors in Madagascar face significant challenges to evangelism such as walking long distances, suffering scorching heat and encountering communities with limited access to education.
Through the support of friends like you, Harvesters is training pastors in evangelism and discipleship methods, as well as supplying resources such as the Heart of Man Chart, a powerful visual tool that transcends literacy barriers to effectively communicate the Gospel message.
We have also provided three key leaders with bicycles to help accelerate the mission. By foot, a pastor can reach one village on average per day; with a bicycle they can reach three.
With 11 unreached people groups still on the island, there is much work to be done. However, through the dedicated efforts of Harvesters’ pastors and the support of individuals like you, the Kingdom of God is advancing in Madagascar. By planting churches, making disciples and bringing the light of the Gospel to even the most forgotten corners, Harvesters Ministries is bringing the Kingdom of God to the unreached, one soul at a time.
Watch the Video
Ore conosco: Bíblias estão sendo queimadas!
No coração da Tanzânia, uma realidade devastadora está se desdobrando… uma comunidade de seguidores muçulmanos está comprando bíblias, não para reverência, mas para destruição, no entanto, onde as chamas do radicalismo ameaçam consumir a Palavra de Deus, a esperança brilha. Na cidade de Tabora, mais de 100 pastores se reuniram com uma empolgação incontida para as sessões inaugurais do programa de treinamento dos Harvesters, apropriadamente conhecido como “Kick Off” ou “Pontapé Inicial”.
Os desafios são inegáveis, e a urgência é real, mas no meio da adversidade, há um chamado à oração que pode fazer uma diferença incrível. Veja os pontos de oração abaixo.
Superando desafios
O Dr. Patrick Mbota, um líder chave para os Harvesters na Tanzânia, compartilhou uma perspectiva crítica sobre os desafios enfrentados. Ele destacou o rápido crescimento da população muçulmana na região, que foi “empoderada com dinheiro e materiais”.
Em resposta, os Harvesters veem o treinamento pastoral e o plantio de igrejas como a solução para contrapor essa influência. Estamos focados em fortalecer as comunidades cristãs e capacitar os pastores locais a espalhar a mensagem de Cristo com confiança.
Apesar do desafio evidente, os 106 pastores nos surpreenderam com sua vontade de espalhar a mensagem de Jesus. Para uma das sessões do treinamento, eles foram para as ruas de uma área densamente povoada por muçulmanos para evangelizar. Sua fé ousada resultou em 47 vidas sendo transformadas por Cristo!
A notícia mais devastadora é que algumas comunidades muçulmanas estão comprando todas as Bíblias que podem encontrar para que não estejam disponíveis para os cristãos – e as estão queimando! Você consegue imaginar viver em uma cidade onde suas Bíblias queridas estão sendo destruídas?
Felizmente, os Harvesters Ministries estão comprometidos em colocar a Palavra de Deus diretamente nas mãos dos crentes através do nosso projeto “Primeira Igreja, Primeira Bíblia”, em parceria com a Biblica, para que nenhum cristão seja privado deste tesouro que transforma vidas.
Oportunidades para o futuro
As oportunidades na Tanzânia são vastas. Durante os dias de treinamento, ficou evidente que para cada pastor presente, havia inúmeros colegas e amigos em todo o país ansiando pela orientação dos Harvestersno plantio de igrejas.
Além disso, dois pastores corajosos viajaram de um país vizinho onde é muito perigoso se envolver abertamente no ensino cristão, e estão determinados a retornar e “alcançar os perdidos a qualquer custo”. Infelizmente, em sua situação, o custo é um risco iminente, e devemos orar fervorosamente por eles.
O Dr. Patrick tem uma visão poderosa para o futuro. Ele compartilha: “É minha oração que, dentro de três a cinco anos, se pudermos obter Bíblias quando ministramos, começaremos a discipular as pessoas, e dentro de cinco anos, a Tanzânia estará em chamas por Jesus.”
Ore conosco
- Louve a Deus pelos seguidores comprometidos de Cristo em toda a Tanzânia, representados pelos 106 pastores que se reuniram no recente Kick Off. Ore por sua contínua coragem e paixão diante da crescente adversidade.
- Erga os dois pastores corajosos que estão determinados a alcançar os perdidos em um país vizinho perigoso. Ore por sua segurança, proteção divina e para que seu ministério dê muito fruto apesar dos riscos que enfrentam.
- Ore para que a Palavra de Deus permeie a região e que todo cristão tenha acesso a uma Bíblia. Ore pelo nosso projeto “Primeira Igreja, Primeira Bíblia” em parceria com a Biblica.
- Ore para que o radicalismo e a hostilidade contra o Cristianismo sejam transformados pelo amor e pela verdade de Cristo. Peça para que os corações se abram e vidas sejam transformadas através de encontros com Jesus.
- Vamos nos unir ao Dr. Patrick em oração por sua visão de ver a Tanzânia “em chamas por Jesus!”
Pray with Us: Bibles are Being Burned!
In the heart of Tanzania, a devastating reality is unfolding… a community of Muslim followers are buying Bibles, not for reverence but for destruction.
Yet, where the flames of radicalism threaten to consume the Word of God, hope shines through. In the city of Tabora, over 100 pastors gathered with uncontainable excitement for the inaugural sessions of Harvesters’ training programme, aptly known as a Kick Off.
The challenges are undeniable, and the urgency is real. But amidst the adversity, there is a call to prayer that can make an incredible difference. Find prayer points below.
Overcoming Challenges
Dr Patrick Mbota, a key leader for Harvesters in Tanzania, shared a critical perspective on the challenges being faced. He highlighted the rapid growth of the Muslim population in the region which has been “empowered with money and materials”.
In response, Harvesters sees pastoral training and church planting as the solution to counter this influence. We are focused on strengthening Christian communities and equipping local pastors to confidently spread the message of Christ.
Despite the clear challenge, the 106 pastors amazed us with their eagerness to spread the message of Jesus. For one of the training sessions, they took to the streets of a densely Muslim-populated area to evangelise. Their bold faithfulness resulted in 47 lives being transformed by Christ!
The most devastating news is that some Muslim communities are buying all the Bibles they can find so they are unavailable to Christians – and burning them! Can you imagine living in a city where your cherished Bibles are being obliterated?
Thankfully, Harvesters Ministries is committed to placing God’s Word directly into the hands of believers through our ‘First Church, First Bible’ project in partnership with Biblica, so that no Christian is deprived of this life-transforming treasure.
Opportunities for the Future
The opportunities in Tanzania are vast. During the training days, it became evident that for every pastor present, there were countless more colleagues and friends throughout the nation yearning for Harvesters’ guidance in church planting.
Additionally, two brave pastors travelled from a nearby country where it’s too dangerous to openly engage in Christian teaching. These missionaries are determined to return and “reach the lost at any cost.” Sadly, in their situation, the cost is an imminent risk, and we must pray fervently for them.
Dr Patrick has a powerful vision for the future. He shares, “It’s my prayer that within three to five years, if we can get Bibles when we minister, we will start discipling people, and within five years Tanzania will be on fire for Jesus.”
Pray With Us
- Praise God for committed Christ-followers throughout Tanzania, represented by the 106 pastors who gathered for the recent Kick Off. Pray for their continued boldness and passion in the face of increasing adversity.
- Lift up the two brave pastors who are determined to reach the lost in a nearby dangerous country. Pray for their safety, divine protection, and that their ministry will bear much fruit despite the risks they face.
- Pray that God’s Word will permeate the region and that every Christian will have access to a Bible. Pray for our “First Church, First Bible” project with Biblica.
- Pray for the radicalism and hostility towards Christianity to be transformed by the love and truth of Christ. Ask for hearts to be opened and for lives to be changed through encounters with Jesus.
- Let’s join Dr Patrick in prayer for his vision to see Tanzania “on fire for Jesus!”
Newsletter – November 2023
Here you can download your copy of the November 2023 newsletter from Harvesters Ministries. Inside you will discover incredible stories of how your support is making a difference worldwide.
Read of the unbelievable determination of your beloved brothers in Southeast Asia as they share the Gospel at any cost, and discover how a church in Zambia changed a life. Plus, we have launched a new church-planting Stream among the Maasai tribe in Kenya. We know these stories will warm your heart!
Download the November 2023 Newsletter – USA Version
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Download the November 2023 Newsletter – South Africa English Version
Download the November 2023 Newsletter – Afrikaans Version
Download the November 2023 Newsletter – International Version
A Missão Urgente de Espalhar o Evangelho
O mundo precisa desesperadamente de Jesus! E o Ministério Harvesters está treinando mais de 330 pastores em toda Togo para ajudar a suprir essa necessidade. Capacitar líderes com as ferramentas para o discipulado é vital para envolver o Corpo a alcançar os perdidos e fortalecer comunidades cristãs para resistir à crescente oposição.
Uma Missão Urgente
A paisagem de Togo é marcada tanto pela beleza de sua cultura quanto pela complexidade de suas dinâmicas religiosas. À medida que o Ministério Harvesters ajuda a abrir caminho para o Evangelho em toda a África Ocidental, um desafio alarmante vem à tona, a crescente influência do Islã. Isso destaca a urgência da missão de plantar igrejas, espalhar as boas novas de Jesus e treinar pastores.
Os pastores locais em Togo estão atendendo ao chamado para “ir e fazer discípulos” (Mateus 28:19). Ao longo de duas semanas, os Harvesters treinaram 332 pastores em cinco cidades em todo o país.
Unindo Pastores para Impacto
Em duas das cidades-alvo, pastores de outros países participaram das sessões. Alguns deles irão retornar para suas casa e irão iniciar um processo para estabelecimento da “presença” dos Harvesters, a fim de abrir novas nações para a plantação de igrejas. Isto fortalecerá a linha de frente cristã na África Ocidental para que possam se opor à propagação de uma falsa fé,
mas para outros, o treinamento é impossível dentro de suas próprias fronteiras devido à perseguição religiosa, portanto, esse modelo de ‘extração’ garante que os pastores recebam as ferramentas e o conhecimento necessários, minimizando o risco. Além disso, cria-se um ambiente colaborativo que fomenta conexões, apoio e uma visão unificada para a região mais ampla.
Das Dúvidas à Determinação
Tornar-se um plantador de igrejas pode parecer assustador no início, e alguns pastores compartilharam suas preocupações e desafios entre si. Um admitiu que, depois de 14 anos pastoreando uma igreja local, ele não via como poderia plantar mais alguma, mas após uma nova análise do chamado da Grande Comissão e munidos de ferramentas e métodos dos Harvesters, os nervos se acalmaram e uma paixão profunda foi reacendida.
O pastor que inicialmente sentia que plantar igrejas era quase impossível teve uma mudança completa de coração e admitiu que não percebia o quão fácil realmente é fazer isso. Com confiança renovada, esses pastores abraçaram seus papéis como plantadores de igrejas, fortalecidos pelo Espírito Santo.
Desafiando Zonas de Conforto: Uma Colheita Abundante
Os pastores foram desafiados a ir além de suas zonas de conforto e aplicar prontamente esses ensinamentos de maneiras práticas. Nos eventos de lançamento realizados em Vogan, Tabligbo e Kara, os pastores saíram às ruas equipados com o Gráfico do Coração do Homem, uma ferramenta de evangelismo utilizada pelos Harvesters, para espalhar a mensagem do Evangelho. Seu compromisso dedicado levou a um resultado notável – 163 indivíduos abraçaram a fé e dedicaram seus corações ao Senhor.
Fortalecer comunidades cristãs por meio da unidade e do discipulado é uma estratégia-chave para avançar o Reino em Togo. Agradecemos a Deus pelos pastores locais que estão vivendo a Grande Comissão diante da crescente oposição.
The Urgent Mission to Spread the Gospel
The world desperately needs Jesus! And Harvesters Ministries is training over 330 pastors across Togo to help meet that need. Equipping leaders with the tools for discipleship is vital to engage the Body to reach the lost, and strengthen Christian communities to stand against increasing opposition.
An Urgent Mission
The landscape of Togo is marked by both the beauty of its culture and the complexity of its religious dynamics. As Harvesters Ministries helps to open the way for the Gospel throughout West Africa, an alarming challenge has come to the forefront – the rising influence of Islam. This is underscoring the urgency of the mission to plant churches, spread the news of Jesus and train pastors.
Local pastors in Togo are rising to the occasion, responding to the call to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). Over the course of two weeks, Harvesters trained 332 pastors in five cities throughout the nation.
Uniting Pastors for Impact
In two of the targeted cities, pastors joined the sessions from other countries. For some, they will return home and begin the process of establishing Harvesters’ footprint in order to open new nations for church planting. This will strengthen the Christian frontline in West Africa to stand against the spreading of a false faith.
But for others, training is impossible within their own borders because of religious persecution. So, this ‘extraction model’ ensures that pastors receive the necessary tools and knowledge while minimising the risk. Furthermore, it creates a collaborative environment that fosters connections, support, and a unified vision for the wider region.
From Doubts to Determination
Becoming a church planter can seem daunting at the beginning, and some pastors shared their concerns and challenges with each another. One admitted that after 14 years of pastoring a local church, he did not see how he could plant any more.
But after a fresh examination of the Great Commission call, and armed with tools and methods from Harvesters, nerves were settled and a deep passion was reignited.
The pastor who had initially felt church planting was nearly impossible had a complete change of heart and admitted he had not realised how easy it really is to do. With renewed confidence, these pastors have embraced their roles as church planters emboldened by the Holy Spirit.
Challenging Comfort Zones: A Bountiful Harvest
The pastors were challenged to step beyond their comfort zones and promptly apply these teachings in practical ways. At the Kick Off events held in Vogan, Tabligbo and Kara, pastors hit the streets equipped with the Heart of Man Chart, an evangelism tool utilised by Harvesters, to spread the Gospel message. Their devoted commitment led to a remarkable outcome – 163 individuals embraced the faith and dedicated their hearts to the Lord.
Strengthening Christian communities through unity and discipleship is a key strategy for advancing the Kingdom in Togo. We thank God for local pastors outworking the Great Commission in the face of increasing opposition.
Testimonies of Impact: Angola Bible Placement
At the start of July 2023, Harvesters joyfully delivered a phenomenal amount of 6,820 Bibles to the embracing arms of Angola – a feat made possible thanks to the remarkable compassion of our partners and donors. Imagine the scenes of gratitude as these precious Bibles were lovingly handed to believers in over 150 church plants around Ondjiva in Southern Angola.
Below, read some of the testimonies we received from believers who received their very first Bibles. Their gratitude overflowed! We know you will be touched by their stories.
His Old Bible Had Pages Missing
Miguel Ngola, currently studying Phase C of Harvesters’ Training, is pastoring a new church near Xangongo with nine new believers in his congregation. The Bible he had was old with pages missing, making it extremely difficult to learn and preach. So, he was delighted to receive a new Portuguese Bible from Harvesters!
He Used to Walk 10km to Hear the Word
Thomas Hipunyati is an elder of a church in Okuandubu Village. Each week, he walks 10km to church and his sole access to the Word of God was confined to those church walls. But now, with a Bible of his own, he can explore the depths of its teachings in the quiet corners of his home.
Now People Can Read the Word and Come to Christ
Pastor Augustino is a Hub Leader in Santa Clara, which is situated on the border with Namibia. He recently graduated from Harvesters’ Training Programme and has planted three churches around Santa Clara as well as three over the border in Namibia. Harvesters delivered 326 Oshikwanyama and English Bibles to his churches in Ovamboland, northern Namibia.
“We will use the Bibles to preach the Gospel,” he said. “It’s a little bit difficult to preach to someone without having a Bible. Sometimes we become believers when we see and read. Even the person who is far away from God can come closer to God.”
His Dedication Brought Tears to Our Eyes
To experience how desperate some pastors are to get Bibles for their congregants touches our hearts. Pastor Celestino from Namakunde woke up before the sun to walk along a dirt path to the main road where he waited for the Harvesters Bible team – which picked him up ten hours after he left home. The joyous eruption of praise and dancing from the congregation when Harvesters eventually arrived left no heart untouched.
Reynold Fourie from the Harvesters team reflected, “Pastor, you really encouraged my faith today – I was in tears because of what you did today to help your congregation. We can really learn from you.”
Pastors Are Desperate for Bibles
Hub Leader Francisco Marcelino and three Student Pastors travelled for two days to meet Harvesters at Onjiva and collect Bibles. Then they journeyed back as far as a vehicle could go, before walking the rest of the way carrying the precious cargo on their heads. They will distribute the Bibles to their congregations in the Cunene District.
Now She Has a Bible in her Own Language
Paulina is a member of a church near Namacunde that meets under a beautiful fig tree. Previously, she used a very old Bible that was not even hers – and wasn’t in her home language. Now she treasures one of her own that she can read!
These testimonies remind us of the profound impact a single Bible can have on an individual, a community, and an entire nation. Access to the Word of God enables pastors to preach more effectively, believers to deepen their faith, and seekers to find their way to Christ.
Watch the Video
Testemunhos de impacto: Distribuição de bíblias em Angola
No início de julho de 2023, os Harvesters alegremente entregaram uma quantidade fenomenal de 6.820 bíblias nos braços acolhedores de Angola – uma realização tornada possível graças à notável compaixão de nossos parceiros e doadores. Imagine as cenas de gratidão quando essas preciosas bíblias foram amorosamente entregues aos crentes em mais de 150 igrejas ao redor de Ondjiva, no sul de Angola.
Abaixo, leia alguns dos testemunhos que recebemos dos crentes que receberam suas primeiras bíblias. Transbordando gratidão!
Sabemos que você será tocado por suas histórias.
Sua velha bíblia estava incompleta
Miguel Ngola, atualmente estudando a Fase C do Programa de Treinamento dos Harvesters, está pastoreando uma nova igreja perto de Xangongo, com nove novos crentes em sua congregação. A bíblia que ele tinha era antiga e faltavam páginas, tornando extremamente difícil aprender e pregar, sendo assim, ele ficou encantado ao receber uma nova bíblia em português dos Harvesters!
Ele costumava andar 10 km para ouvir a palavra
Thomas Hipunyati é membro de uma igreja na vila de Okuandubu. A cada semana, ele caminha 10 km até a igreja, e seu único acesso à palavra de Deus estava limitado às paredes daquela igreja, mas agora, com uma bíblia própria, ele pode explorar as profundezas de seus ensinamentos nos cantos tranquilos de sua casa.
Agora as pessoas podem ler a palavra e chegar a Cristo
O pastor Augustino é líder de um polo em Santa Clara, situado na fronteira com a Namíbia. Ele se formou recentemente no Programa de Treinamento dos Harvesters e plantou três igrejas em Santa Clara, bem como três na fronteira com a Namíbia. Os Harvesters entregaram 326 bíblias em Oshikwanyama, e em inglês para suas igrejas em Ovambolândia, no norte da Namíbia.
“Usaremos as bíblias para pregar o Evangelho”, disse ele. “É um pouco difícil pregar para alguém sem ter uma bíblia. Às vezes nos tornamos crentes quando vemos e lemos, mesmo a pessoa que está distante de Deus pode se aproximar Dele.”
Sua dedicação nos trouxe lágrimas
Testemunhar o quão desesperados alguns pastores estão para conseguir bíblias para seus congregados toca nossos corações. O pastor Celestino de Namakunde acordou antes do amanhecer para caminhar por um caminho de terra até a estrada principal, onde esperou pela equipe de bíblias dos Harvesters – que o pegou dez horas depois de ele ter saído de casa. A erupção alegre de louvor e dança da congregação quando os Harvesters finalmente chegaram não deixou nenhum coração intocado.
Reynold Fourie da equipe dos Harvesters refletiu: “Pastor, você realmente encorajou minha fé hoje – eu estava em lágrimas por causa do que você fez hoje para ajudar sua congregação. Podemos realmente aprender com você.”
Pastores estão desesperados por bíblias
O líder de polo Francisco Marcelino e três pastores estudantes viajaram durante dois dias para se encontrar com os Harvesters em Onjiva e coletar bíblias. Depois eles voltaram o máximo que puderam de veículo e continuaram a pé, carregando a preciosa carga em suas cabeças. Eles distribuirão as bíblias em suas congregações no Distrito de Cunene.
Agora ela tem uma bíblia em sua própria língua
Paulina é membro de uma igreja perto de Namacunde que se reúne sob uma bela figueira. Antes ela usava uma bíblia muito antiga que nem mesmo era dela – e que não estava em sua língua maternal, agora ela valoriza sua propria bíblia que pode ler!
Esses testemunhos nos lembram do impacto profundo que uma única bíblia pode ter em um indivíduo, em uma comunidade, e em uma nação inteira. O acesso à palavra de Deus permite que pastores preguem de maneira mais eficaz, crentes aprofundem sua fé, e àqueles que desejam encontrem o caminho para Cristo.