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2804, 2020

Pastors are Facing Extreme Challenges

April 28th, 2020|

A church leader from Southeast Asia said, “We have been in lockdown for over five weeks and we are starving.” One of the Harvesters Ministries Hub leaders in India told us, “We are living our faith out loud so that our neighbours can hear and believe.” In Guatemala, pastors are learning to use Zoom and other technologies to minister while isolated. In South Africa, most church services have moved online. The world has changed, but the Gospel hasn’t.

Over the past weeks we have been meeting online with Harvesters Ministries’ leaders around the world. Each of them has a different yet familiar story. Lockdowns are common, most church services have been cancelled, people are scared and there is already a lot of suffering.

Despite this we have been very encouraged by their faith and their willingness to find new ways to preach the Gospel. Most agree that there has never been a time like this. People are open to hearing the Good News. Many are desperate for hope in what is becoming a long battle against COVID-19. In some places, church planting through evangelism continues unabated.

As we look forward we continue to seek ways to reach the lost in what is sure to be a difficult season. Months of disruptions and intermittent lockdowns means that it cannot be business as usual. The growing economic fallout promises to bring new hardships to millions, but missions and ministry must continue. People need the Lord.

The fallout is impacting global missionary efforts. Already churches have let us know that their missions giving is down. Is it not strange that its always the missions funding that is done away with first? This tells us something about our priorities. Surely we should be supporting the preaching of the Gospel now more than ever.

Thank you to all our faithful supporters. We need you now as never before. We are praying for you, believing that God will supply in all your needs. Pray for us as we continue to serve.

Connect to our weekly Sunday sermons on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

2604, 2020

Citizens of Heaven – Sermon by Steven Loots

April 26th, 2020|

Sermon: Citizens of Heaven

Phil 3:18-21 18 For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. 20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

Why is it that many pastors and influential church leaders are so caught up in the politics of the Pandemic? Many seem to have lost all perspective – they seem to have no compassion with those suffering and those who have lost loved ones. They downplay the numbers, and ignore the plight of the poor around the world who have to bear the brunt of being in lockdown. Why are so many believers angry at their loss of freedom and the erosion of their rights? There seems to be a total loss of true perspective.

Let us turn to the source of truth, the Bible, and see if we can regain some perspective about our place in the world and the role we should be playing.

  1. We are Citizens of Heaven
  • We died
    • Colossians 3:1-3 1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly thingsFor you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
    • Our citizenship of this world was cancelled:
      • Our primary allegiance to the people, structures, systems, values and issues of this world was transferred to a different Kingdom.
      • We became part of a different culture:
        • You will always feel like a stranger when you serve God fully,
        • You will never be able to serve two masters,
        • You will never be able to fully assimilate into the culture of the day while setting your heart and mind on things above.
      • We serve a King and we are part of a Kingdom which transcends all others.

1 Pet 2: 9-12  But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

11 Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.


  • We have a new home
    • You are not HOME! Even if you are locked down, you are in your temporary home, not where you belong.
      • Even with all the creature comforts, you will become dissatisfied.
      • Buying more stuff will not help your feeling of homesickness.
      • When we worship we get a taste of heaven…
    • We are mere travelers, aliens and strangers in this world.
      • Homesickness.
    • So what are we doing here?


  1. We are ambassadors of Christ

2 Corinthians 5:19-21  19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin[a] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

  • We represent the King and His Kingdom:
    • His Kingdom is not a Democracy. He is the boss.
  • We are subject to His rules, laws and protection and provision.
  • Our mandate is clear.
  • We are on a mission.
  • We have an important message: Be reconciled to God.
  • We have an important plan: Make Disciples.
  • Ill: What is an Ambassador?
  • We are not secret agents:
    • We are not to put down roots.
    • We are not to emigrate back to the world = backslide.
    • We are not to assimilate –we are not to be like the world.
    • We are not to try be liked, accepted or even understood.
      • We will always rub the culture up the wrong way.
    • We are in uniform and under orders.


  1. We are soldiers under orders

Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. 1 Tim 2:3-4.

  • We are not “peacetime ambassadors”.
  • We are sent to an enemy nation!!
  • We do not have a cushy assignment.
  • We are not there to tell them how to run their country but to lay out the terms for peace or to face destruction.
    • We are ambassadors to a difficult place, a war zone, a place where sin is rampant and which HATES our King, His Kingdom and His servants.
    • We are under orders.
    • We are not supposed to get entangled in “civilian affairs” but to set our hearts and minds on things above.
      • Remember who you are.
      • Remember where home is.
      • Remember what you are doing here.
      • Remember who you serve.
      • Remember where your allegiance lies.
      • Remember who is in command.
      • Remember your assignment.
      • Remember to stay focused.
      • Remember to set your heart and mind on things above.
      • Remember that there might be a price to pay.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18  17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.


1 Peter 1:3-9 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

1904, 2020

Pandemic and Anxiety – Sermon by Steven Loots

April 19th, 2020|

Philippians 4: 4-9

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.


Anxiety, stress, fear and worry are all very familiar to us all. These are our natural responses to circumstances which seem beyond our control and which threaten to overwhelm us.

There are two levels of circumstances:

  1. The actual circumstances.
  2. The imagined potential circumstances created by worrying about the actual circumstances. This takes place in our mind and creates a new set of negative circumstances.

In other words: We start off facing a problem. Illustration: the loss of a job. This is a real issue, a real problem and will probably bring about real consequences in my life and the lives of my loved ones. The problem is that when I constantly think about it; worry about it; a point comes where I start to imagine the worst case scenario’s. I start to fear and this just leads to further stress and even depression; heart palpitations and sickness. Spiritually, very often, I  soon find myself walking in the flesh – my behavior reflects my heart.

Most people in this situation say: “I can’t help it. I have a real issue. I am just trying to deal with it.”

We are in the midst of a real problem. A global pandemic that is causing real problems. Physical, health, economic, social and even societal issues. Most of which we have never had to deal with before. Perhaps you have lost a job, perhaps you are in lockdown – lonely and frustrated, perhaps a loved one is sick or has died and perhaps you are fearing the virus yourself. All of these are real problems that can have real consequences in your life. In most cases there is nothing you can do – and this is frustrating.

What has your response been? Are you anxious? Fearful? Are you blaming others, angry at the world? Depressed? Are you entertaining the latest conspiracy theory?

The Bible has an answer!! Now remember – I am speaking to people who have come into a saving relationship with Christ. If you have not, that would be the starting point for you!

So how do we as believers handle anxiety, stress and fear?


The Biblical answer seems almost too simple, almost simplistic. However it presupposes a few things about your worldview. Here are 5 that should be part of a believer’s thought system:

  1. God is in control and has a plan.
  2. God cares for you 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
  3. God is able 2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
  4. God answers prayer.
  5. You have a choice.

What does the Bible say?

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

  • Rejoice, rather than stress.
  • Choose your attitude.
  • Let your behavior reflect your heart.
  • PROMISE: The Lord is near.

ILLUSTRATION: There is a crisis: “Stay calm, the lord is near. He is in control and He has a plan greater than your circumstance.


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

Do not be anxious about ANYTHING

  • Including disasters, pandemics, economic collapse, sickness or death.
  • This is not denying the seriousness of the situation, its about gaining the right perspective.


  • The Bible does NOT go on to say:
    • Declare, decree or demand of God that He change the circumstances.
    • NOR that we take authority over the circumstances.
    • NOR that we address the circumstances.
    • NOR that we need to show a certain level of faith over the circumstances.
    • NOR that we call down heaven to earth.
    • NOR that we command angels to do our bidding.

Gods answer is simply: PRAY!

but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

  • Wait – what about our authority, our power?
  • Well, basically – you have none. If you did you would not be anxious because you would have control over the circumstances.
  • The point is – WE NEED GOD!


  1. Recognize the situation for what it is – face reality.
  2. Choose your perspective.
  3. Recognise your inability, weakness and impotence.
  4. Call on the Lord – by prayer and petition.
  5. Exercise faith – with thanksgiving!
  6. Present your requests – not your demands, to God.

What does God do?

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  1. It does not promise that all will be well as far as the circumstances are concerned.
  2. It does promise that God would do something miraculous!
    1. He will give us His peace. (He already knows how it will all end and He is not stressed.)
    2. He is give us a peace that goes beyond understanding.
    3. A peace that will guard our hearts and minds – a peace that will guard our emotions and our thoughts, a peace that will remove the fear and anxiety and give us a godly perspective.
  3. The key is the phrase “In Christ Jesus”:
    1. Those in Christ Jesus have life, forgiveness of sin, an eternal hope and the promise of resurrection.
    2. Those in Chris Jesus have no reason to fear death.

One Step Further

Satan will try reminding you of the circumstances and cause you to fear, so now you need to exercise a second choice.

What will I allow my mind to dwell on? You can choose to replace those negative, fear inducing thoughts with:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Gods Glorious Promise

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

And the God of peace will be with you.

The peace of God and the God of peace will be with you. When? When you look to Him rather than to the circumstances of your life. Circumstances are opportunities to see God in action. When we have the right perspective and put our faith in God not in myself, or a politician or the world, God promises me His peace and His presence.

1504, 2020

Stand Together in Prayer

April 15th, 2020|

Whenever I face a challenge I think of Philippians 4: 6–7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

It is very important not to allow fear to overtake our thoughts during a possible pandemic and crisis. We have been reading about the Coronavirus in every newspaper, magazine and on every social media platform. The Coronavirus is on every news channel and on most people’s lips.

This virus has claimed more than 90 000 people’s lives already and is infecting people in 120 countries.

The world and Harvesters Ministries urgently need your prayers.

Despite the fact that this highly infectious virus is infecting people all across the globe – there is no better time than now to make an impact in the world. The work that you are helping Harvesters to do – training pastors in evangelism, discipleship, pastoral training and church planting – needs to continue in the more than 60 countries where the ministry is currently working.

We sincerely need your help to carry the ministry through this difficult and uncertain time. Pray that Harvesters-trained pastors will be able to continue with the important work in their villages and communities.

Please pray with us especially in the month that is lying ahead. You can keep believers all across the globe in your prayers.


Pray with us


504, 2020

Hope in Grief in the Midst of COVID-19 – Sermon by Steven Loots

April 5th, 2020|

Our Current Reality

  • Daily the pandemic spreads. Now about two million people infected, soon many millions.
  • For those who watched and speculated, who theorised and expressed doubt, for those who falsely prophesied that it would all be over soon; it has started to become a reality.
  • Daily the death total grows. In the US over a thousand deaths per day – and climbing.
  • This week someone died that I knew.
  • As we come to grips with the reality and severity of what we are facing, many find themselves on an emotional roller coaster. We don’t really know how to deal with death. Especially when it strikes as widely as it is now doing. In the weeks to come we are going to be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and deeply distressed to find out that we are familiar with the roll call of the departed.
  • In some cases it will be deeply personal. Within our own churches and even in our homes.

Our comfort is not found in denying reality; by closing our ears like a child and fending off the truth.

  • It is not found in false promises, false prophecies or fake stories.
  • It is not found in blaming others or in conspiracy theories.
  • Our hope lies in the truth. We know the Truth and the TRUTH sets us free – also free from fear.

In John 11 we find the story of Lazarus.

  • Lazarus, a friend of Jesus and the brother of Mary and Martha took ill.
  • The sisters called on Jesus to come and heal him.
  • Jesus deliberately took his time, and by the time he got there Lazarus had been dead for 4 days.
  • Jesus knew full well what had happened and what He was about to do.
  • Yet, as Jesus sees the grief of the family and those who came to comfort them, He is deeply moved.
  • JESUS WEPT John 11:35
  • Why? He knew He was about to raise Lazarus. Because Jesus saw what death does to people – not only to the dying, but to those left behind.
    • Jesus saw their loss, their desperation, their anguish, their grief.
    • Death had come to a loved one. It is permanent – Lazarus is forever gone.
    • Death causes separation. It leaves other needy, broken and lonely.
    • It takes away all hope of reconciliation with people and with God.
  • People everywhere recognize the hopelessness of death – that is why they grieve. It is final, permanent.

Then Jesus does the impossible!

  • Jesus commands a dead man to come out of the grave – and he does!
  • Lazarus is alive again!


Next week is Easter. An Easter like no other we have ever celebrated. A time when we will focus on another death and resurrection = that of Christ Himself.

  • Jesus did not just weep and do nothing.
  • Jesus took on Himself the cause of death and then overcame death itself.
  • Jesus made it possible for all – not just Lazarus to be resurrected!


Now we find these words in 1 Thess. 4:13-1413 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.”


  • The Bible does not say that we will not grieve, but that we will not grieve like the world (like the rest of mankind).
  • We view the death of a believer as if they have fallen asleep and will soon wake up again. ILLUSTRATION: Time zone…

We are going to face death in new ways, perhaps millions across the world; but we have hope.

  • We will not fear death for ourselves.
  • We will not grieve over believers as though there is no hope.
  • Resurrection awaits!!
  • However, we need to grieve the loss of unbelievers, recognizing their lost-ness without Christ. They have no hope.
  • Better still – introduce them to the hope that lives in you now.

We need others to see our hope in these days.

  • Our hope is our testimony to people who fear death.
  • Our hope is a bright light, drawing others into its comfort.
    • Ill: Believers in lockdown in India – living out their faith loudly!

Please don’t express false hope in this time.

  • Rather say nothing than say things the Bible does not promise.
  • No, the death of Jesus did not save all humanity.
  • He died for all, but without faith there can be no salvation.

As you deal with the grief of others recognize that there are no words that can dull the pain; but The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is the COMFORTER.

  • God Himself will bind up the wounds when people turn to Him.
  • Point to God in a loving way and pray that the Holy Spirit will bring peace to broken hearts.

Be strong. Study the Word. Speak the truth. Express your hope. Look up. We know where our hope comes from.

104, 2020

The Harvest is Ripe in Southeast Asia

April 1st, 2020|

Aran*, one of our leaders in Southeast Asia, seeks God’s face in everything that he does. The discipline of prayer is not only taught by Harvesters Ministries’ Hub-leaders, like Aran, but it is also very much a part of their daily lives.

They often pray for those who are unsaved asking God to give them opportunities to share the Gospel not knowing what God will bring along their way as they travel long distances to reach villages where there are little or no believers.

This was Aran’s prayer. He prayed that God will give him the opportunity to lead lost souls to Christ, little did he realize just how many souls he would lead to Christ by one simple meeting.

One day Aran and his team of disciples were travelling to seek an opportunity to share the Gospel. Just before reaching a village, after travelling 6 hours with their motorbikes on dangerous winding and narrow roads, Aran and his team came across Chesa*. She was sitting on the side of the road, badly injured after falling from her motorbike on her way back to her village.

Chesa was so touched by their concern for her that she immediately invited them to her village. Little did Aran know how God would use this woman of peace to be the key to opening the door for God’s work in her village. It didn’t take long for Chesa’s family and loved ones to discover the love of Jesus and the way to Salvation!

Aran encouraged Chesa to start sharing her new found faith in Christ with others. Overwhelmed by their eagerness to hear more, she invited Aran back to the village to share the Gospel with others by using the Heart of Man evangelism tool.

Now, once a week a group of new believers are gathering and enjoying fellowship. They are the Body of Christ and they are being equipped for ministry. They are making disciples and evangelising the lost in their community.

Praise the Lord for opening the way in countries where Christianity is in the minority. God is faithful! Always! He is our good, good Father. We are excited to see God’s Kingdom expand in this hostile part of the world.

*Names have been changed to protect the identity of individuals.

2903, 2020

Message of Hope – Sermon by Steven Loots

March 29th, 2020|

Current Reality

2 Dangerous viruses

  1. Global Pandemic Coronavirus or COVID-19:
    1. Reality,
    2. Deadly,
    3. Spreading exponentially,
    4. Particularly harmful to older people and those with certain pre-existing conditions.
    5. The numbers are incredible:
      1. Over half a million globally.
      2. Over 20 000 dead.
  • In SA there are over 1 000 cases.
  1. It has a Death Rate of over 2%
  1. Global shutdown of travel;
  2. Local lockdowns,
  3. Social distancing,
  4. Churches severely impacted,
  5. There is as of today NO know cure – a vaccine is still months away,
  6. Christians are NOT immune!
  7. BUT, we have faith and we do not fear – not even death.
  1. We need to take this seriously and follow the guidelines:
    1. We need to think of others.
    2. We need to protect the vulnerable.
    3. We need to use common sense.

Second Virus has a 100% infection rate, it has a 100% death rate. It has an eternal impact!

  1. I’m speaking of course about sin.
  2. Everyone is born with a sinful nature.
  3. Each of us practices sin.
  4. Sin causes a zombie apocalypse in that it makes us do harmful things to others.
    1. The world is full of violence.
    2. People murder and steal and rape.
    3. Children and women are abused.
    4. We lie and deceive one another and we infect one another causing others to sin.
  5. The GOOD NEWS however is that there is a cure:
    1. Paul received this GOOD NEWS and went asap to the Corinthians ans shared it with them.
    2. Jesus DIED for our SINS.
    3. He was Buried.
    4. He Rose again and overcame death!
    5. He appeared to many as proof of His resurrection.
  6. ILL ISRAEL in the Desert – Copper snake.
  7. HOPE for the world.

What do we do now?

As far as Corona is concerned:

  • Accept the reality.
  • Follow the rules.
  • Minister to those you need help while taking every precaution.
  • Reach out to the vulnerable – help, give, pray.
  • Connect to the lonely, restore relationships.
  • Be safe.
  • Continue to support the church financially.
  • Support Missions.


As far as the Gospel is Concerned:

  • This is an incredible opportunity. People who never would talk or listen will now.
  • Share the true Gospel.
  • Provide true hope – not false hope.
  • Make people aware of the greatest virus and the cure for it.
  • Don’t argue – be loving and humble – don’t force people.
  • There is an urgency.
  • Start with a prayer list and then seek opportunities to share your faith.


Closing the doors is not a form of persecution. It is just good old common sense. The church has never been about building and meetings but about living as disciples of Christ. Let’s act like people of faith, let’s be strong and faithful. Our hope is in the Lord.

2503, 2020

Covid-19 – An Unprecedented Opportunity

March 25th, 2020|


This crisis is going to become very challenging to almost everyone you know. The Covid-19 pandemic however is also a time of unprecedented opportunity for Christians like you to be a beacon of hope to those who will be affected, isolated or traumatized by this pandemic.  Even small acts of kindness and love will make an enormous impact.

I want to remind you that believers throughout the centuries have endured, but also survived hardship, persecution and pandemics. Not only did they survive, but have always grown and even thrived. This situation should be no different.

Both the denial of the pandemic as well as unrealistic fear will do much more harm than good.  Denial leads to irresponsible behaviour aiding the spread of the virus and fear leads to panic buying and hoarding, leaving the most vulnerable without basic necessities.

This is an opportunity to be the Church, to be the hands and feet of Christ, to share the Gospel and be generous. Many people will be open to listen to the message of hope and salvation. Let us encourage, share and serve.

Travel bans and meeting restrictions have been implemented by most countries. Many churches were forced to suspend traditional fellowship.  Harvesters Ministries also has to comply with these preventative measures.

In these times however, the harvest is even riper than before. Please pray for the thousands of Hub-leaders, Pastors and Student Pastors whose desire to love and serve is not diminished by this pandemic.  Pray for boldness as they continue to proclaim Christ, and for courage as they will most certainly have to deal with many sick and dying in their communities.

Please also pray for Harvesters Ministries.  Precautionary restrictions have all but halted almost all opportunities for fundraising.  Many people are using their money to stock up on groceries during this uncertain time.

Kingdom expansion cannot be halted by this pandemic.  If anything it has to be accelerated.  That is why we need your help today.

Your gift will make a crucial impact in the Kingdom and enable Harvesters to show even the most vulnerable that the body of Christ still cares.  Ask the Lord what your best gift could be in these trying times. Give with love today, give with generosity and give in faith.


Give here


1503, 2020

God opened the doors to Mombasa!

March 15th, 2020|

Dylan Agoye, a pastor in Kenya, has been praying for an opportunity to share the Gospel and reach the unreached in Mombasa for many years now. Dylan has always served the Lord faithfully, but it was never his intention to go into the ministry full time. While completing his Master’s degree tragedy struck his family!

His father, Michael Agoye, a full time pastor was on his way to share the Gospel with unreached communities in Kenya. He was brutally attacked and left for dead by religious extremists. After several weeks in a coma Michael finally awoke only to realise that he will never be able to walk again.

The enemy thought that he stopped the work of God, but this is simply not true.

God has called Dylan to complete the work of his father. Dylan has partnered up with Harvesters Ministries and is now training pastors all across the country, but his heart has always been to convert unbelievers to Christianity; to get the lost saved!

He knows that one person cannot change another person’s heart and that it is also impossible for a person to change a community. He knows that there is only one way to change people’s hearts and make an impact in communities – and that is the power of God!

Harvesters Ministries is truly grateful that God continues to make it possible for the ministry to plant churches in communities all across the globe. The Church is a beacon of hope. The Church shares the Gospel with people and only by hearing the true Gospel can someone be saved and changed.

Mombasa, Kenya, is one such community that desperately needs the Gospel; that desperately needs change. Although Kenya is known as a Christian country, Islam is the main religion in the Mombasa region and Christians face terrible persecution at the hands of religious extremists.

It took many years of praying and waiting patiently for prayers to be answered and for the opportunity for Harvesters Ministries to work in Mombasa. Finally, in 2019 our prayers were answered and our country leader, Dylan Agoye, was led to a phenomenal group of pastors in Mombasa. These pastors jumped at the opportunity to receive training in evangelism, discipleship and church planting. They too have been praying for a way to make an impact in the villages in their region.

Missionaries and missions organisations cannot reach the lost with the Gospel without the support of believers like you. Your prayers make it possible for missionaries to travel across the globe, share the Gospel with the lost and ensure that the Word of God truly reaches the ends of the earth. Continue to keep Dylan and his family in your prayers as they serve the Lord and build God’s Kingdom.

Please pray that the Gospel will make an impact in Mombasa. Trust the Lord that the number of believers in Mombasa will grow immensely. Ask the Lord to strengthen believers in this region. Pray that they will stand firm in their faith. Pray that they will continue to lead others to Christ, despite the terrible persecution that they face.

I am reminded of Matthew 5:16 that says, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

403, 2020

The Time is Now

March 4th, 2020|

Every four seconds somebody in India dies without knowing Christ. Somebody enters eternity without ever having the opportunity of knowing the Name that is above every other name.

In the time that we live it is an urgent call to all of us out there, wherever you are, that someone needs a word of hope, needs Christ. It is an urgent call to everybody. It is never too late and the time is now.

Over 150 000 people die without Jesus every day. For them it is too late. For those who are still alive, there is still time. The Gospel has the power to save. Harvesters is doing everything that they possibly can to take the Gospel to those who have not heard it. But we cannot do it alone…

One such testimony where the Gospel reached the unreached, is from Rahul* in India. He lives in a small village on the eastern coast of India. There is not a single Christian in Rahul’s village, let alone a church!

Rahul has lots of built up anger after the death of his 14-year-old son, a few years ago. Rahul was a Hindu and an idol worshipper. He had never heard the Good News of Jesus Christ who died for his sins.

One of our volunteers travelled to Rahul’s village and shared the Gospel to Rahul during an outreach. He showed Rahul that he needed to accept Jesus Christ to have peace in his life. After a few outreaches where our volunteer shared the Gospel with Rahul, he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. Rahul is the very first believer in his village!

His neighbours mocked him, his family resented him and the entire village became hostile towards him. Rahul’s response left me speechless, “Jesus showed me the condition of my heart and He restored my peace. I lost my son, God has sent His son to save me. What more do I need!”

Rahul started a church in his village. The congregation is growing by the grace of God. Two Hindu ladies from his village accepted Christ and is helping Rahul to share the Gospel with other non-believers.

*Names changed.


2402, 2020

Lesotho Rejoices over Bibles!

February 24th, 2020|

Vivid green hills, majestic mountains and remote villages – this is what I experienced as I travelled through the mountainous kingdom of Lesotho.

As I look at these mountains and travel to these remote villages I am reminded of one of my favourite Bible verses, Isaiah 52:7 “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

I am so humbled by this experience. This whole Bible placement has only been made possible by God’s amazing grace, He truly is a way maker. I am also eternally grateful to every donor who sponsored Bibles for this wonderful trip.

520 Bibles were carried up mountains to remote villages. Not just any Bibles – Sotho Bibles for our Sotho speaking brothers and sisters. Thanks to your donations there are 500 believers who now have access to God’s Word. These Bibles will be used to change communities.

You might wonder why it is so important to take Bibles to believers. The answer is simple: these believers do not have the means to purchase a Bible of their own, they are simply too poor and live too remotely.

One such believer who received her very first Bible is Ntsepeng Marinakhoe. She completed her Phase A training through Harvesters and had to borrow a Bible constantly before she received her own Bible.

Without your generous donations, believers like Ntsepeng will still have no access to God’s Word. You have changed this, Ntsepeng can now study the Bible on a daily basis and share the Gospel with members of her community.


602, 2020

Rwandan Pastors Receive the Word of God

February 6th, 2020|

Imagine receiving the perfect gift just in time for Christmas. For Rwanda pastors this was a reality. They did not receive riches and gold, they received something far more precious: The Word of God.

All of the pastors were in a very festive mood. To see all of them in their graduation gowns was an incredible and humbling experience. Seeing how they overcome their challenges and never complain about their circumstances is a true inspiration.

God has done uncountable miracles for the ministry. It is extremely humbling to see what God does through the ministry. Pray with us that God will continue to build His Kingdom through the pastors that complete their Harvesters training.

Thanks to loyal donors it was possible to hand out more than 250 Bibles to pastors who graduated from the Harvesters program. By God’s grace each of these pastors planted three brand new churches. Now there are churches where there once were none.

The Rwanda government forbids the planting of new churches and as a result thousands of churches were closed last year. These pastors are still persevering and are taking the risk of planting new churches.

Please pray for these pastors and their congregations as they face uncertainty. It is only through God that one can get true serenity. Pray that these pastors will always seek God and find their peace in Him.

I am reminded of Jesus’ words in John 16:33 that says “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Please pray with us that every Rwanda pastor will take heart as they face their challenges. For Jesus has already overcome every problem that they might face.

2801, 2020

A Church Planting Explosion in Guatemala

January 28th, 2020|

Thank God with us for the church planting explosion that is currently taking place in Guatemala – both in the urban and rural areas. Three active church streams are currently experiencing great growth – despite being between the volcanoes. Pray especially for good training and strong leaders in this region.

Most Guatemalan pastors will agree that after being introduced to the Harvesters model through evangelism and discipleship … everything changed!

Why is it so important to plant churches? The church is an agent for change in communities. The church is a shining light of hope in a community.

Revelation 22:12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.”

One of the leading church planters in Guatemala, Pastor Hugo, has led more than 743 souls to Christ in the last 18 months. Praise the Lord for his commitment! He sets an amazing example to so many others.

Pastor Hugo quit his job as a structural engineer and is truly obeying the Great Commission. He felt God’s calling from a young age already and when he got the opportunity he planted his first church.

A new church stream with 300 pastors is currently starting in Guatemala. This will not be possible without your help. Harvesters will visit Guatemala every six months for the next three years to train this group of pastors.

Pray that God will continue to use Harvesters Ministries to build His Kingdom in Guatemala.


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