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1706, 2020

Pastors Floated on Doors

June 17th, 2020|

These are truly uncertain and strange times we are living in. As if the COVID-19 pandemic is not bad enough – our brothers and sisters from Busia, Kenya, recently experienced a terrible tragedy. A flood caused havoc – homes were damaged, hundreds of people lost their lives, and more than 100 000 people were displaced and left without shelter and food.

Many of the Harvesters Ministries Hub-leaders, pastors and student pastors were also affected by these floods. Pastor Mathias Dickens, one of the Harvesters Ministries county leaders in Kenya, said, “The situation is getting bad. Our student pastors were forced to leave their homes. Their area has never ever experienced this.”

People are walking in rivers which once were streets. People are using doors as boats and trying to salvage whatever little they can from their homes. These people have lost everything – they need to rebuild their homes and their lives.

In Romans 12, verse 15 we read that we weep with those who weep and we mourn with those who mourn, but we as believers do not weep without hope; we do no not mourn without hope.

Despite all of this, they are still true to their faith. They are trusting the Lord in the midst of this terrible tragedy.

This reminds me of Colossians 4:2 that says, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

You have the opportunity to support our brothers and sisters in Kenya by praying for them today.





1206, 2020

Harvesters Needs your Help to Feed Families in Uganda

June 12th, 2020|

Uganda is one of the more than 60 countries where Harvesters Ministries is currently working. This country has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic – like many other countries across the globe. They experienced a nationwide shutdown since 19 March. Millions of people have been unable to earn an income during this time – this includes pastors.

Many people are not only fearing the infection of virus, they are facing starvation and extreme poverty due to this feared virus. Their livelihood has been completely cut off due to the nationwide shutdown.

What has made matters even worse in Uganda is the fact that they were hit by a terrible flood in the western part of the country. More than 5 000 people were displaced and left homeless.

Our Harvesters Country leader, Charles Mukwana, is currently reaching out to his congregation members and pastors who are part of the Harvesters Ministries network. Thus far he has been able to help 30 families since the economic shutdown.

Each family received a big bag of maize to help them through this difficult time. These families also shared their food with other families who are in need. It is amazing to see how these families are reaching out to one another even though they have so little themselves.

I am reminded of Proverbs 22 verse 9 today that says, “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”

There are still many needy families who urgently need help, but unfortunately pastor Charles does not have the means to reach these families on his own.

Please continue to pray for pastor Charles and his ministry in Uganda. He has not been able to train student pastors in evangelism, discipleship and church planting during this time, but he has been able to reach out to families in need.

Can you help pastor Charles to make an even bigger difference and reach more people in need? Make a donation today and provide one family in need with a 50kg (110-pound) bag of maize. This is enough to feed a family for one month.

These families are also in need of soap to sanitize themselves and other items in their homes. Prayerfully consider making a donation to help a family with this basic necessity – something that could really change and save their lives during this pandemic.

Pastor Charles is also creating jobs by employing and empowering congregation members to make face masks. However, they cannot do this on their own. They have a great need for material. If the Lord is laying it on your heart to assist with funds to purchase materials and provide face masks for the needy – please answer to this call to action with your gift.

Your contribution today will make a lifesaving impact in a family’s life.


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806, 2020

Help Save Families in Philippines!

June 8th, 2020|

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous effect on almost every country across the globe; unfortunately, Third World countries were hit the hardest. One such country is Philippines. The Filipino government implemented one of the world’s longest and strictest lockdowns.

More than 100 pastors are desperately trusting the Lord to provide food – not only for their own families, but also for those suffering in their congregations.

These pastors have gone more than 9 weeks without being able to have church services and receive offerings. Most of them live day to day, hand to mouth. They don’t have a reserve or a salary to rely on. They have nothing and they are panicking about the next few 3 months’ rent, mortgage, electricity and water bills.

They are fearing the day when the bank will come knocking. It is very likely that over the next month, the vast majority of small churches will close for good and possibly lose their buildings. This is a heart breaking reality!

The church is more than a building and there is value in house groups. The bigger issue here is however that many people might leave the ministry at the end of this lockdown. Many would have buried their church members and families as a result of starvation. This can be detrimental to one’s emotional stability, and many of these church buildings are also pastors’ homes, so to lose the building means they also lose their home. This is what many pastors are fearing!

No one knows whether things will completely return to normal once the lockdown regulations have been lifted by the government. Normal might be gone forever! Everyone is just waiting to see what the “new normal” will be like after the lockdown.

All hope is not lost! By God’s grace and the help of loyal donors it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to reach out to 38 pastors and their families during this COVID-19 pandemic. These pastors each received 25kg (55 pounds) of rice for their family and 25kg (55 pounds) of rice to distribute among their congregations. We praise the Lord for opening the hearts of donors who made this possible!

There are however still thousands of families who desperately need your help. Harvesters Ministries cannot feed these families on our own, we need your help urgently. Your gift today will provide one family with one month’s worth of food – not fancy food, but definitely the basic necessities. Please consider helping a family in need in Philippines with your gift today.

I am reminded of Proverbs 22: 9 today that says, “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” Prayerfully consider feeding a starving family today.


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406, 2020

Partner with Harvesters – Feed Starving Families in Mozambique

June 4th, 2020|

Mozambique is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped countries in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened many families’ already dire situations. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic Mozambique’s government implemented a state of emergency to curb the spread of the virus. The state of emergency states that no church meetings are allowed to take place. Pastors could not earn a living and this includes many Harvesters pastors.

Thousands of believers in Mozambique are facing a devastating crisis at the moment. Many families are starving and have no means to earn a living. Children are going to bed hungry. Parents are worried and do not know where their next meal will come from. These people are trusting the Lord to send good hearted Samaritans to help them out during this life-threatening crisis.

By the grace of God, it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to provide 45 pastors and their families with one month’s worth of food supply in quite a few regions in Mozambique which include: Maputo, Inhambane, Manica (Chimoio), Beira, Marromeu, Estaquinha (Sofala), Chinde, Luabo, Muelasse (Zambézia), Nampula and Cabo Delgado. These families also received soap to help curb the spread of the virus.

Many of these families simply cannot afford their daily necessities at the moment. Despite the fact that they themselves are lacking at the moment; they are still sharing the little that they do have with other families who are also suffering.

Harvesters Ministries’ country leader, Armindo Magule, is really doing an excellent job at leading the Hub-leaders, pastors and student pastors in Mozambique. He has done his best to reach those in need, but cannot do it on his own. Prayerfully consider partnering with Harvesters Ministries in Mozambique to save even more starving families.

Your gift today will provide a family in need with one month’s worth of food and some much needed soap. Your gift will help save a life.

I am reminded of 1 John 3:17 which says, “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”


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306, 2020

New Believers in India Experience Joy

June 3rd, 2020|

We are living in unprecedented times. You are currently experiencing lockdowns, regulations and activities that has never been experienced before.

India, one of the many countries where Harvesters Ministries is working, is suffering terribly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. India has experienced a time of lockdown – like many other countries across the globe. This has made it very difficult to travel between villages.

Madri* is a pastor with Harvesters Ministries who has been reaching out to the lost and making disciples for Christ. One such man that accepted Christ on one of her outreaches is Raul*. Even better news: Raul’s entire family accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Redeemer.

Unfortunately, Raul and his family are illiterate. Before the lockdown it was possible for Madri to travel to Raul’s village. She would visit them regularly to share from God’s Word and enjoy fellowship with them.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Indian government announced a lockdown. No gatherings are allowed; nobody is allowed to leave their houses. The police have a presence in every street of the villages. They are only given four hours per day to buy essential goods. They are not allowed to gather in houses. Outsiders are not allowed into different villages.

Madri said, “I wanted to visit Raul and equip him and his family as they are new believers. I went to their village early in the morning, while it was still dark. Raul and his family were awake. I could see the joy in their faces when I met with them. They were very eager to listen to the Word of God during these turbulent times.

Raul is going through a very difficult time as a result of the lockdown. He lost his daily wages. I preached the Word and encouraged them to stand firm in these times of suffering. I told them that the church is not a building and reminded them of Matthew 18:19 – 20 that says, Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

We don’t know how things are going to be in the future. It might get more difficult for us here in India to evangelise and disciple people here. The enemy might have closed the doors of the church but God has made every home a church.”

You can continue to support pastors like Madri during these challenging times with your donations and prayers. Harvesters really appreciates your generous gifts. This ministry will not be able to grow and multiply without your prayers and gifts.


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*Names changed to protect identities.

3105, 2020

Pride – Sermon by Steven Loots

May 31st, 2020|

1 John 2:16

“For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father, but from the world.”

James 4:6 

“But He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favour to the humble.”

Matt 5:3-9

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.”

2 Timothy 3:2

“People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,”


Jesus told us very clearly in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) what is expected of a citizen of heaven, living on earth as a Kingdom representative. He elevated a heart that is the opposite of proud.

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart and the peacemakers.
  • These are the warriors of the Kingdom – not the arrogant, the proud and the aggressive.
  • Timothy warned that as time goes by and the end comes nearer people would be the opposite of the Kingdom Ambassadors –
    • People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

John wrote that these things come not from the Father but from the world.

  • For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the prideof life—comes not from the Father but from the world.
  • James gives us this warning:
    • But He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proudbut shows favor to the humble.”

Let’s go to the Old Testament today and learn a lesson on the dangers of PRIDE.


2 Chronicles 26        Uzziah King of Judah

I am going to work through this chapter and tell you the story and make some comments as I go through it. You are welcome to follow in your Bibles.

26 Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah, who was sixteen years old, and made him king in place of his father AmaziahHe was the one who rebuilt Elath and restored it to Judah after Amaziah rested with his ancestors.

Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-two years. His mother’s name was Jekoliah; she was from Jerusalem. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father Amaziah had done. He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.

Successful in War

He went to war against the Philistines and broke down the walls of Gath, Jabneh and Ashdod. He then rebuilt towns near Ashdod and elsewhere among the Philistines. God helped him against the Philistines and against the Arabs who lived in Gur Baal and against the MeunitesThe Ammonites brought tribute to Uzziah, and his fame spread as far as the border of Egypt, because he had become very powerful.

Successful in Civics and Engineering

Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate and at the angle of the wall, and he fortified them

Economic Success – Agriculture

10 He also built towers in the wilderness and dug many cisterns, because he had much livestock in the foothills and in the plain. He had people working his fields and vineyards in the hills and in the fertile lands, for he loved the soil.

Military Success – Logistics

11 Uzziah had a well-trained army, ready to go out by divisions according to their numbers as mustered by Jeiel the secretary and Maaseiah the officer under the direction of Hananiah, one of the royal officials. 12 The total number of family leaders over the fighting men was 2,600. 13 Under their command was an army of 307,500 men trained for war, a powerful force to support the king against his enemies. 14 Uzziah provided shields, spears, helmets, coats of armor, bows and slingstones for the entire army. 

Scientific and Engineering Success

15 In Jerusalem he made devices invented for use on the towers and on the corner defenses so that soldiers could shoot arrows and hurl large stones from the walls.


His fame spread far and wide, for he was greatly helped until he became powerful. (Remember – he reigned for 52 years. No overnight success.)

SO What Could Go Wrong?

16 But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall

  • He was unfaithful to the Lord his God,
  • and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense. 
  • 17 Azariah the priest with eighty other courageous priests of the Lord followed him in. 
  • 18 They confronted King Uzziah and said, “It is not right for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the Lord. That is for the priests, the descendants of Aaron, who have been consecrated to burn incense. Leave the sanctuary, for you have been unfaithful; and you will not be honored by the Lord God.”
    • God sent others to warn him
    • He had fair warning that God would deal with him
    • But, what do proud people do?
      • They justify themselves
      • They blame others
      • They never admit they are wrong
      • They don’t repent easily
    • 19 Uzziah, who had a censer in his hand ready to burn incense, became angry.
    • While he was raging at the priests in their presence before the incense altar in the Lord’s temple, leprosy[c]broke out on his forehead
    • 20 When Azariah the chief priest and all the other priests looked at him, they saw that he had leprosy on his forehead, so they hurried him out. Indeed, he himself was eager to leave, because the Lord had afflicted him. (Probably the worst thing that could happen to a proud person at the time – sickness, shame, shunned, pushed out, despised, total opposite of success.)

Reached the point of no return

21 King Uzziah had leprosy until the day he died. He lived in a separate house[d]—leprous, and banned from the temple of the Lord. Jotham his son had charge of the palace and governed the people of the land.

22 The other events of Uzziah’s reign, from beginning to end, are recorded by the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz. 23 Uzziah rested with his ancestors and was buried near them in a cemetery that belonged to the kings, for people said, “He had leprosy.” And Jotham his son succeeded him as king.

What can we learn from Uzziah:

  • God wants us to live in relationship with Him.
  • All success comes from Him to the believer.
  • Pride will destroy you.
  • Heed the warnings in your life.
  • It is far less painful to ask God to show you how to deal with your pride than to have Him deal with you.
  • Pride comes before a fall.
  • All are susceptible to pride:
    • Sportsmen, businessmen, politicians, Pastors, leaders in any field,
    • Racism, arrogance against the poor, never taking responsibility, never saying you are sorry; comparing who you are and what you have and may have achieved against others… Seeing yourself as more important and demanding than others do too.
    • Any Christian can start to love the world.
    • 1 John 2:16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.
  • Will you be courageous and stand up to pride in the body? 17 Azariah the priest with eighty other courageous priests of the Lord followed him in. 18 They confronted King Uzziah…
  • Will you repent of the sin of pride?
  • He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father Amaziah had done. He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.
3005, 2020

Esperança na dor em meio ao COVID-19

May 30th, 2020|

Nossa Realidade Atual

  • Diariamente, a pandemia se espalha. Agora, cerca de dois milhões de pessoas infectadas, logo muitos milhões.
  • Para aqueles que assistiram e especularam, que teorizaram e expressaram dúvidas, para aqueles que falsamente profetizaram que tudo acabaria em breve; começou a se tornar realidade.
  • Diariamente, o total de mortes cresce. Nos EUA, mais de mil mortes por dia – e crescendo.
  • Nesta semana, alguém morreu que eu conhecia.
  • Ao lidarmos com a realidade e a gravidade do que estamos enfrentando, muitos se encontram em uma montanha-russa emocional. Nós realmente não sabemos como lidar com a morte. Especialmente quando ocorre tão amplamente quanto agora. Nas próximas semanas, ficaremos impressionados com os números e profundamente angustiados ao descobrir que estamos familiarizados com a chamada dos que partiram.
  • Em alguns casos, será profundamente pessoal. Dentro de nossas próprias igrejas e até em nossas casas.

Nosso conforto não é encontrado em negar a realidade; fechando nossos ouvidos como uma criança e afastando a verdade.

  • Não é encontrado em falsas promessas, falsas profecias ou histórias falsas.
  • Não se encontra culpando outras pessoas nem em teorias da conspiração.
  • Nossa esperança está na verdade. Conhecemos a verdade e sabemos que a Verdade nos liberta – também nos liberta do medo.

Em João 11, encontramos a história de Lázaro.

  • Lázaro, amigo de Jesus e irmão de Maria e Marta, adoeceu.
  • Por quê? Se Ele sabia que estava prestes a ressuscitar Lázaro. Porque Jesus viu o que a morte faz às pessoas – não apenas aos que morrem, mas também àqueles que são deixados para trás.
  • JESUS ​​CHOROU João 11:35 .
  • No entanto, ao ver o sofrimento da família e daqueles que vieram confortá-lo, Jesus ficou profundamente comovido.
  • Jesus sabia muito bem o que havia acontecido e o que estava prestes a fazer
  • Jesus deliberadamente demorou um pouco e, quando chegou lá, Lázaro já estava morto havia 4 dias.
  • As irmãs pediram que Jesus viesse curá-lo
    • Jesus viu a perda, o desespero, a angústia e a tristeza.
    • A morte havia chegado a um ente querido. É permanente – Lázaro se foi para sempre.
    • A morte causa separação. Deixa outros necessitados, quebrados e solitários.
    • Afasta toda esperança de reconciliação com as pessoas e com Deus.
  • As pessoas em todos os lugares reconhecem a desesperança da morte – é por isso que sofrem. É final, permanente.

Então Jesus faz o impossível!

  • Jesus ordena que um homem morto saia da sepultura – e ele faz!
  • Lázaro está vivo de novo!


Semana que vem é Páscoa. Uma Páscoa como nenhuma outra que já comemoramos. Uma época em que nos concentraremos em outra morte e ressurreição = a do próprio Cristo.

  • Jesus não apenas chorou e não fez nada
  • Jesus assumiu a causa da morte e depois venceu a própria morte.
  • Jesus tornou possível a todos – não apenas Lázaro ressuscitar!


Agora, encontramos essas palavras em 1 Tessalonicenses. 4: 13-14 ” 13 Irmãos e irmãs, não queremos que você seja desinformado sobre os que dormem na morte, para que não se lamentem como o resto da humanidade, que não tem esperança. 14 Porque cremos que Jesus morreu e ressuscitou, e por isso cremos que Deus trará com Jesus aqueles que dormem nele.


  • A Bíblia não diz que não sofreremos, mas que não sofreremos como o mundo (como o resto da humanidade)
  • Vemos a morte de um crente como se ele tivesse adormecido e logo acordará novamente. ILL Fuso horário …

Vamos enfrentar a morte de novas maneiras, talvez milhões em todo o mundo; mas temos esperança.

  • Não teremos medo da morte por nós mesmos
  • Não sofreremos com os crentes como se não houvesse esperança
  • A Ressurreição nos aguarda !!
  • No entanto, precisamos lamentar a perda de incrédulos, reconhecendo sua perdição sem Cristo. Eles não têm esperança.
  • Melhor ainda – apresente-os à esperança que vive em você agora.

Precisamos que outros vejam nossa esperança nos dias de hoje.

  • Our hope is our testimony to people who fear death.
  • Our hope is a bright light, drawing others into its comfort.
    • Ill: Believers in lockdown in India – living out their faith loudly!

Por favor, não expresse falsas esperanças neste momento.

  • Antes não diga nada, do que dizer coisas que a Bíblia não promete.
  • Não, a morte de Jesus não salvou toda a humanidade.
  • Ele morreu por todos, mas sem fé não pode haver salvação.

Ao lidar com o sofrimento dos outros, reconheça que não há palavras que possam aliviar a dor; mas a Bíblia nos ensina que o Espírito Santo é o consolador.

  • O próprio Deus ligará as feridas quando as pessoas se voltarem para ele.
  • Aponte para Deus de maneira amorosa e ore para que o Espírito Santo traga paz aos corações partidos.

Seja forte. Estude a Palavra. Fale a verdade. Expresse sua esperança. Olhos para cima. Sabemos de onde vem a nossa esperança.

3005, 2020

Compartilhando o Amor de Jesus no Brasil

May 30th, 2020|

O Brasil é o maior país da América do Sul. É a quinta maior do mundo – em tamanho e população, com mais de 210 milhões de pessoas. As cidades são enormes, com São Paulo liderando o ranking com mais de 17 milhões de pessoas.

Então, como os Harvesters plantam igrejas nessas cidades gigantescas? A urbanização é um fato assustador, visto que os jovens migram das áreas rurais para grandes cidades.

Atualmente, os Harvesters Brasil se encontram em seis grandes áreas do Brasil, as quais: São Paulo, Brasília, Goiânia, Manaus, Belo Horizonte e Amazônia.

Embora a estratégia permaneça a mesma – plantação de igrejas por meio de evangelismo e discipulado – o modelo é minuciosamente ajustado para proporcionar o crescimento máximo em algumas igrejas que estão morrendo. Uma dessas áreas críticas é Goiânia, onde passamos uma semana treinando, ajudando e expandindo.


Alcançando aqueles que estão em Necessidade

O treinamento atual nos direcionou para uma pequena e esquecida cidade, que fica a três horas de Goiânia, para um local chamado Jussara. O calor era insuportável e eu não conseguia evitar o pico constante do medidor de temperatura do nosso supereconômico Chevrolet. O termômetro travou a 44 °C. E de acordo com todos – estávamos no inverno! 60 pastores apareceram para o nosso treinamento. Suas igrejas estavam todas morrendo.

Como um pastor explicou: “Sonhei com esse dia toda a minha vida adulta e ministerial! Nossas igrejas ficaram estagnaram em 70 membros nas últimas duas décadas. Socorro!” Sua sinceridade e lágrimas partiram meu coração. Os Harvesters irão treinar pastores em Jussara e ajudá-los a crescer suas congregações através de Evangelismo e Discipulado.

De volta à Goiânia – uma Cidade com Grandes Necessidades…

Enquanto escrevo isso, acabei de sobreviver a uma viagem de Uber a 145 km/h até o aeroporto no Brasil, às 03h30min da manhã. Enquanto isso eu me perguntava sobre o significado da vida – como sempre, faço isso em alta velocidade. Estivemos em várias igrejas moribundas – é triste ver, mas através dos Harvesters foi ótimo ressuscitar essas igrejas moribundas através do discipulado.

No seminário em que fomos convidados a treinar pastores, eles nos observavam com lágrimas nos olhos enquanto sentavam e percebiam que foram treinados apenas para pregar para uma plateia.


Compartilhe o Sucesso

Houve um crescimento significativo e histórias de sucesso em muitas das áreas em que trabalhamos no Brasil. Atualmente, o Brasil envia mais missionários do que qualquer outro país do mundo. Para continuar fazendo isso, o Brasil precisa de mais igrejas cheias de discípulos. Por favor, orem pelo Brasil e pela Amazônia com suas 10.000 aldeias perdidas. Em breve plantaremos uma igreja em cada uma delas!

3005, 2020

Harvesters Completam 20 Anos em 2020!

May 30th, 2020|

Comemoramos 20 anos de plantação de igrejas em 2020. Conseguimos plantar nossas primeiras igrejas em 2000 na Zâmbia e no Malawi. Desde então, o ministério se expandiu para mais de 60 países. Deus é bom!

Obrigado por viajar pelo mundo conosco nestes últimos 20 anos. É incrível ver como Deus nos sustentou em tudo.

Um dos países que recentemente abriu suas portas para trabalharmos é o Brasil e, mais especificamente, a região Amazônica. Existem milhares de vilas próximas ao rio Amazonas sem acesso a uma Igreja e ao Evangelho.

Enquanto estávamos na Amazônia, pudemos experimentar os sons incríveis da selva, a umidade e a esmagadora densidade da flora. Percebemos que, de fato, um grande serviço foi prestado por aqueles que vieram antes de nós. Nós seguimos seus passos…

“É Deus para quem e com quem viajamos, e enquanto Ele é o fim de nossa jornada, Ele também está em todo lugar de parada”. – Elisabeth Elliot, Missionária e Autora.

Alguns dias na selva foram difíceis! Lutamos contra as percepções do evangelismo e como alcançar as pessoas. Existem muitas pessoas dispostas, mas seus métodos precisam melhorar.

Graças a doadores leais, foi possível para uma de nossas equipes treinarem esses pastores em evangelismo, discipulado e plantação de igrejas.

Por favor, ore conosco para que este ministério continue a crescer exponencialmente em 2020.


3005, 2020

A oração se tornou uma Visão

May 30th, 2020|

O terreno do Malawi se move abaixo de nós em manchas verdes e marrons, como se estivesse em câmera lenta. Mal percebo o zumbido familiar do motor do Cessna Cardinal 177 enquanto olho para a sombra que o avião lança na terra abaixo. De vez em quando a sombra cortava um pequeno assentamento rural e toda vez a mesma oração ecoa em meu coração: Senhor, nos dê esse assentamento…


A oração que nasceu no minúsculo avião sobre o Malawi deu origem a uma visão de tal magnitude que, a princípio, pensei que fosse um sonho impossível. Mas lentamente, enquanto eu orava repetidamente, pedindo ao Senhor por essas pequenas aldeias africanas, Ele confirmou o que eu deveria fazer pelas próximas décadas.

“Plante um milhão de igrejas, treine um milhão de pastores e evangelize e discipule cem milhões de pessoas”, tornou-se a visão do nosso ministério quando plantamos as primeiras igrejas no Malawi em 2000.

Vinte anos depois, os Harvesters Ministries cresceram de um pequeno ministério familiar para um movimento global que expande o Reino de Deus em 43 idiomas e em 63 países. Com escritórios e funcionários espalhados por 5 continentes, mais de 65.000 igrejas plantadas em todo o mundo, 35.000 estudantes pastores em treinamento e mais de cinco milhões de novos discípulos espalhados pela face da terra, não posso deixar de fazer uma pausa por um momento…

Um momento de ação de graças. Um momento de gratidão. Olho para cima, para o Doador da visão e sei que era tudo Ele. Dele flui a graça de ainda estarmos aqui em 2020.

Dele veio a pequena, mas dedicada equipe que trabalha diariamente em direção à visão e ama o ministério tanto quanto eu.

Dele vieram centenas de voluntários que servem como Treinadores Licenciados dos Harvesters em algumas das partes mais remotas do mundo.

Dele foram enviados os muitos doadores que tornaram possível dirigir, voar, imprimir, entregar, treinar, ajudar e expandir.

Dele vem a energia, a saúde, a perseverança, a fé e o amor que tornam possível o ministério nessa escala.

Neste nosso vigésimo ano, celebramos Àquele que dá em abundância, celebramos nós, que temos o privilégio de trabalhar neste ministério e celebramos vocês, que apoiam e dão com um coração alegre. Mas principalmente celebramos com os anjos de Deus por todo pecador que venha a conhecer o Salvador.

Agora, esperamos com fé, plantar outras 25.000 igrejas onde antes não havia. Novos pastores serão treinados, novos convertidos serão conquistados e novos discípulos serão feitos.

Somos humildemente gratos pela graça e favor dos últimos vinte anos. Nós comemoramos isso. Mas agora olhamos para o horizonte e convidamos você a continuar sua jornada conosco, orar por nós e nos apoiar, pois o trabalho não está concluído.


3005, 2020

Pastores Camaroneses estão Obedecendo à Grande Comissão

May 30th, 2020|

Louvado seja o Senhor pelo que está acontecendo nos Camarões! Nada disso seria possível sem suas orações contínuas.

Lembro-me de Jeremias 32:27 que diz: “Eu sou o Senhor, o Deus de toda a humanidade. Existe algo muito difícil para mim?”.

Você recentemente ajudou a concluir uma sessão de treinamento de dois dias em evangelismo e plantação de igrejas com 80 participantes em Douala, Camarões.

Juntos, treinamos os pastores em um novo método de evangelismo. 27 grupos saíram por duas horas após o treinamento para praticar o evangelismo com as pessoas da comunidade. Eles alcançaram 187 pessoas com o Evangelho e 54 se aceitaram o Senhor Jesus Cristo como seu Salvador.

Após o treinamento sobre Plantio de Igrejas, 61 pastores se comprometeram a compartilhar o Evangelho e a Plantar Igrejas. Eles agora têm uma direção, visão e objetivo claros para fazer discípulos e Plantar Igrejas através do Evangelismo. público de Douala a Kumba – uma viagem de quatro horas pelas estradas de terra dos Camarões. Aqui eles continuaram o treinamento de evangelismo e Plantação de Igrejas com cerca de 30 participantes em Kumba.

Esse grupo de pastores também aprendeu o método de evangelismo com os Harvesters. Nove grupos saíram para praticar e evangelizar as pessoas da vila. Eles alcançaram 58 pessoas com o Evangelho e 28 aceitaram Jesus Cristo como seu Senhor e Salvador.

19 pastores em Kumba se comprometeram a edificar o Reino de Deus.

Ambos os grupos de pastores irão treinar Pastores Estudantes e plantar Igrejas em suas comunidades e vilas remotas.

Estamos extremamente honrados e gratos ao Senhor por ter aberto o caminho para treinar pastores nos Camarões. Nós somos o instrumento de Deus e queremos honrá-Lo em tudo o que fazemos.

2905, 2020

Place Your Trust in Jesus

May 29th, 2020|

The world is currently facing a strange and uncertain time. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every single person across the globe – whether you are infected, know someone who has the virus, lost a loved one to the virus, had travel plans cancelled due to the virus or experienced a lockdown in your country.

The virus is causing havoc in the world economy. People are freaking out, living in fear and doing more harm than good by believing the lies that are spread by some.

You might even be experiencing or experienced a lockdown in your country. You had the opportunity to grow closer to your family members, join a virtual service and trust the Lord during this difficult time.

What if you did not know Jesus? In whom would you place your trust?

This uncertain time is not the time to keep the Gospel to yourself. During this trying time there is a great opportunity to share the Gospel and reach the lost. Many people will seek the Truth during this time.

One of our Kenyan pastors, Mathias Dickens, understands that we are the church, “The church is not closed; the building is closed. Stay home and continue to worship. The problem we have is the definition problem.”

Pastor Mathias is one of our committed pastors who trains student pastors in evangelism, discipleship and church planting in Kenya. Pastors like Mathias need your support during this difficult time to enable him to be God’s hands and feet during this challenging time.

During this uncertain time, I am reminded of Deuteronomy 31:6 that says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

It is important to continue to sow in the Kingdom of God during this pandemic. Your contribution has eternal value. Your gift will lead the lost to Christ and build God’s Kingdom in more than 60 countries worldwide.

You will empower pastors to continue with their three-year training, place a Bible in his hands and open the way for this pastor to share the Gospel with those who do not know Jesus.

Click on the link below to sign up for Harvesters Ministries monthly newsletters and e-communications:


Sign up


2705, 2020

Help Feed Starving Families in Lesotho

May 27th, 2020|

Help Feed Starving Families in Lesotho. Harvesters Ministries. May 2020 Featured ImageThe COVID-19 virus has infected millions of people all across the globe. Hundreds of countries implemented lockdowns to control and curb the spreading of the virus. Because of these lockdowns, people have been unable to go to work, earn a living and provide for their families. Millions are starving.

One such country that was negatively affected by a lockdown is the mountainous kingdom of Lesotho. Lesotho is a small enclaved country within the borders of South Africa. It has a population of just over 2 million people.

The Lesotho government decided to impose a national lockdown even though there was only 1 Coronavirus case within the entire country. By God’s provision, loyal donors like you have enabled Harvesters Ministries to establish church networks here, through which needy families can be reached during this time.

Harvesters Ministries is also fortunate enough to have an HLT (Harvesters Licensed Trainer) who lives and works in the country, Francois Snyman. Francois and his family farms in Lesotho, trains Harvesters pastors, plants churches and ministers in communities.

Food parcel R150. Harvesters Ministries

They have seen devastating poverty in Lesotho, worsened by this lockdown. It has been possible for Francois to help 60 families in need during this lockdown. There are however hundreds more who urgently need help. You can help to make an even greater impact.

Prayerfully consider helping a starving family in Lesotho today. With your help Harvesters Ministries aims to provide 130 families in need with one month’s worth of food supply.

Click on the link below to help a family in need today:


In God’s Word we read that we as Christians must lighten the load of one another, in Proverbs 28 verse 27 it says, “Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.”


1805, 2020

Harvesters can Reach the Lost in the Amazon

May 18th, 2020|

Missions and mission organisations desperately need the prayers of believers like you to reach the lost with the Gospel. Through your continued intercession you are making it possible for missionaries to reach out to people across the globe, share the Gospel with the lost and ensure that the Word of God reaches the ends of the earth. Your prayers are building God’s Kingdom.

You have recently helped to open the way for Harvesters Ministries to train pastors in some of the remote parts of the Amazon forest.

Praise God with us that one of the training teams could recently visit Tefé on the mighty Amazon. Tefé is one of the largest cities in the Amazon and is situated in the northern part of Brazil. Training occurred and churches leaders sat down with strategic river pastors and communities to discuss the way forward.

The pastors mapped out their areas in the Amazon in order to plant churches. Harvesters is currently working in areas where only 5 to 18 % are reached or have any access to any form of the Bible. This is quite a daunting statistic!

These people live in complete isolation.

In the Amazon there are clusters of floating houses off shore that look like little boats, but in fact they are river communities. It is very typical that there are dwellings and communities of River Peoples and indigenous people on many rivers and tributaries within Amazonia (the Amazon Basin). Tens of thousands of these communities are without a place of fellowship and have never heard the Gospel.

There are more than 10 000 villages along the banks of the Amazon river that still have no access to a church or the Gospel. Your prayers will help change this.

1705, 2020

Going the Extra Mile – Sermon by Steven Loots

May 17th, 2020|

Matthew 5:38-48                

Eye for Eye

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[h] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Love for Enemies

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour[i] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


The world Jesus came into was extremely polarized, fractioned and bitter.  On the one hand you had God’s people, the Israelites in bondage to Rome, a cruel and harsh master. On the other, a Jewish nation that hated the gentiles and hated those who did not interpret the law the way they did. Your brother was your enemy – the Pharisees and scribes divided people into good Israelites and bad Israelites- basically those who did not know the law.

Jesus comes with a radical new teaching: 43 You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,”

Jesus takes on the religious establishment not the Roman oppressors. He says, these teachers have used and abused the Old Testament. You have heard it said…

  • An eye for an eye.
  • Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.
    • This is not what the Father intended for you.
    • This is not how it works in the Kingdom I am establishing.
    • Here we will be returning to the Father’s intention:
    • This will be a Kingdom based on love not retaliation, retribution, hate and anger.
    • In this Kingdom we will not be in it for ourselves, our cliques, our likes our comfort and our power.
    • Our love will go wider than our family, friends and those who love us.
      • We will love the unloved,
      • The unlovable,
      • Even our enemies – those who oppose and persecute us.

Let us look at just one example of this radically different approach to life and changed attitudes that Jesus calls us to… 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.

Roman Rule:

Roman rule was oppressive, harsh and continued for a long time.

  • They were the enemies, foreign invaders – in essence you had a police state – martial law.
  • They instituted rules and laws the Jews hated.
  • They taxed the people beyond their ability to cope.
  • Nowhere did Jesus call for an uprising, a revolt or even a #campaign.
    • Tis greatly disappointed many potential followers who wanted a political leader to give them freedom from Rome.


The rule of Requisition

This rule allowed a Roman soldier to sequester any passerby to help him carry his load – usually about 90 pounds of armour and kit for a Roman Kilometer – about 1.45 Km.


  • You are on your way to a business deal, a social meeting, a date, school, a religious meeting.
  • As you walk down the hill a soldier says, “Hey you. Pick up my load and help me take it up that hill.” You have no choice, no excuse – you stop what you are doing and do what you are told.
  • It was stupid.
  • It was unjust.
  • It was unfair.
  • It was repressive.
  • It was undignified.
  • It was a clear abuse of power.
  • It had ramifications –
    • It wasted time.
    • It was hard work.
    • It kept people from being gainfully employed.
    • It was a social nuisance.
  • It was FORCED on you – this is not something you wanted to do and a benevolent choice you made to help someone or a charitable act.

Jesus says, Change your attitude! Go an extra mile. Do more than is required – with the right attitude. Out of love.

  • Hang on! That’s unfair!
  • We should rather rebel! We should have a #stopthemile campaign!
  • We should organize a protest, even a rebellion.
  • What about my rights?

Mmm… Jesus says, As an ambassador of my Kingdom you have to obey the rules of the land you are in, whether you agree with them or not, whether they make sense or not, whether you like them or not. You represent me. Do it for ME.

Do you want to start a #stoptheextramile campaign against the teaching of Jesus?

True Christianity is radically different!

How do you respond to being forced to do things?

  • Lockdown?
  • Wearing a facemask?
  • Shuttering your business?
  • Dealing with “stupid” regulations and rules?

Note that Jesus said nothing about the actual rule, about its cruelness or the injustice of it. Jesus addressed how we deal with things the “enemy” throws at us. Your spiritual health depends a lot on how you manage the next few months, as you are again and again faced with things that are forced on you, that you have no control over – either by the virus or the authorities.

Will you lash out, rebel and blame, or will you seek out opportunities to do all things as unto Christ? Will you love rather than hate, forgive rather than blame and serve rather than stand on your rights? Will you embody the world or walk as Jesus did?

44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

1005, 2020

Sofrimento por ser Cristão

May 10th, 2020|

1 Pedro 4:12-19                Sofrimento por ser cristão

12 Queridos amigos, não se surpreendam com a terrível provação que veio sobre vocês para testá-los, como se algo estranho estivesse acontecendo com vocês. 13 Mas regozijai-vos por participardes nas aflições de Cristo, a fim de que sejais exultantes quando a sua glória for revelada. 14 Se você é insultado por causa do nome de Cristo, você é bem-aventurado, porque o Espírito da glória e de Deus está sobre você. 15 Se você sofre, não deve ser como assassino ou ladrão ou qualquer outro tipo de criminoso, nem mesmo como intrometido. 16 Mas, se você sofre como cristão, não se envergonhe, mas louve a Deus por levar esse nome. 17 Pois é tempo de começar o julgamento pela casa de Deus; e se começa conosco, qual será o resultado para aqueles que não obedecem ao evangelho de Deus? 18 e,

“Se é difícil para os justos serem salvos,

o que será do ímpio e do pecador? ”[a]

19 Portanto, aqueles que sofrem de acordo com a vontade de Deus devem se comprometer com seu fiel Criador e continuar a fazer o bem.


O sofrimento faz parte da condição humana.

  • Sofremos de dor quando caímos
  • Sofremos à medida que envelhecemos e nossos corpos se deterioram
  • Sofremos emocionalmente quando perdemos um ente querido
  • Sofremos quando somos rejeitados por nossos amigos
  • Sofremos quando perdemos um emprego e enfrentamos tempos de incerteza

A Bíblia tem muito a dizer sobre esse sofrimento, entretanto, este texto não está falando sobre o sofrimento em um sentido geral. Pedro está escrevendo para crentes que estão sofrendo diretamente por causa de sua fé.

  • Eles estão sofrendo porque acreditam em Jesus Cristo
  • Eles estão sofrendo porque as pessoas odeiam Jesus
  • Eles estão sofrendo porque as pessoas odeiam aqueles que seguem Jesus Cristo
  • Este sofrimento foi real e severo.

Alguns provavelmente estavam se perguntando o que estava acontecendo. Por que eu? Por que nós? Amamos as pessoas, servimos as pessoas, evitamos o pecado, não trapaceamos nos negócios, pagamos nossos impostos, obedecemos a lei. Por que nós? Por que somos abusados, rejeitados, espancados e presos?

Para a maioria das pessoas que vivem no Ocidente cristianizado, a perseguição é desconhecida. Tanto é assim que pensamos que estamos sendo recompensados ​​por nossa suposta fidelidade. Frequentemente, vemos a perseguição como punição. Eles devem estar fazendo algo errado!

Com toda certeza:

  • Deus quer nos abençoar
  • Deus nos protege
  • Deus nos dá uma vida confortável, riqueza, segurança e longevidade.
  • Isso não está na Bíblia? Certamente, se tivermos fé suficiente então …

Não é bem assim!

Espere sofrimento

12 Queridos amigos, não se surpreendam com a terrível provação que veio sobre vocês para testá-los, como se algo estranho estivesse acontecendo com vocês.

Pedro escreve para pessoas que já sofrem e diz:

  • Não se surpreenda com esta provação ardente que se abateu sobre você
  • Sofrer por Cristo é natural
  • É parte integrante da fé
  • Por quê? Porque é um teste.

Bênção de Sofrimento

13 Mas regozijai-vos por participardes nas aflições de Cristo, a fim de que sejais exultantes quando a sua glória for revelada. 14 Se você é insultado por causa do nome de Cristo, você é bem-aventurado, porque o Espírito da glória e de Deus está sobre você. 15 Se você sofre, não deve ser como assassino ou ladrão ou qualquer outro tipo de criminoso, nem mesmo como intrometido. 16 Mas, se você sofre como cristão, não se envergonhe, mas louve a Deus por levar esse nome.

Como devemos reagir quando sofremos por nossa fé?

  • Alegrem-se! O que? Como posso me alegrar quando sofro dor, rejeição e perda?
  • Entenda o que isso traz no futuro!
  • Um exemplo: Remover um dente nunca é divertido, mas um pouco depois, quando a ferida cicatriza, você reconhece a necessidade de passar pela dor.
  • Pedro diz que quando sofremos por nossa fé, participamos do sofrimento de Cristo.
  • Isso por si só é um tópico enorme, mas por enquanto percebemos que em nosso sofrimento temos uma amostra do que Jesus fez para nos redimir. Como era seu sofrimento.
  • Somado a isso, ele garante um futuro glorioso. Aqueles que sofrem por Cristo são chamados de Vitoriosos ou Vencedores no Apocalipse.
  • Quando passamos neste teste, isso nos qualifica para a glória na presença de Cristo e do Pai e de todo o céu um dia.
  • para que você possa ficar muito feliz quando sua glória for revelada. (13)

De que tipo de sofrimento estamos falando?

14 Se você é insultado por causa do nome de Cristo, você é bem-aventurado, porque o Espírito da glória e de Deus está sobre você. 15 Se você sofre, não deve ser como assassino ou ladrão ou qualquer outro tipo de criminoso, nem mesmo como intrometido. 16 Mas, se você sofre como cristão, não se envergonhe, mas louve a Deus por levar esse nome.

  • Insultos
  • O sofrimento normalmente dado aos criminosos – espancamentos, tortura, prisão e morte
  • Os criminosos deveriam ter vergonha quando sofrem por seus crimes, 16No entanto, se você sofre como cristão, não se envergonhe, mas louve a Deus por ter esse nome.
  • Seja fiel até a morte

Julgamento na Casa de Deus

Por que devemos pensar que as coisas vão mudar e que sofreremos como a igreja perseguida está sofrendo?

Ouça os versículos 17-28:

17 Pois é tempo de começar o julgamento pela casa de Deus; e se começa conosco, qual será o resultado para aqueles que não obedecem ao evangelho de Deus? 18 e,

“Se é difícil para os justos serem salvos,

o que será do ímpio e do pecador? ”

O sofrimento é um teste do indivíduo para ver se você vai Superar, mas o sofrimento também é um teste para a igreja.

  • O sofrimento nos penetra
  • Uma grande peneiração começou na igreja ocidental secularizada.
  • Covid-19 redefinirá a maioria das igrejas
  • Já existem sinais de tempos difíceis pela frente para a igreja global
  • Fome, proibição de cultos, e outras restrições já estão começando a moldar a igreja de amanhã

O sofrimento pelo nome de Cristo está se tornando cada vez mais comum. Será que as pessoas atualmente membros, aquelas que apenas dois meses atrás ocuparam seus bancos, permanecerão por aqui se as coisas ficarem difíceis?

  • O sofrimento separa os justos dos religiosos
  • Pendentes, adeptos, “crentes” que coçam os ouvidos não vão ficar por aqui quando o sofrimento se tornar a regra e não a exceção.
  • Este Julgamento sobre a família de Deus é Ele separando os vencedores daqueles que apenas buscam os benefícios do Reino. Este julgamento levará ao Julgamento final, quando o trigo é separado do joio, quando os anjos separam os piedosos dos ímpios, os salvos dos não salvos.

Isso pode realmente acontecer?

III Quem está sendo mais perseguido na Índia agora? Os muçulmanos. Por quê? Porque as pessoas os culpam pela Covid.

  • Isso pode mudar em um momento.
  • Uma mensagem viral do Whatsup, uma notícia falsa na TV e sua ira podem se voltar para os cristãos.
  • 64AD Roma
  • Nero incendiou Roma
  • Queimou por vários dias
  • As pessoas começaram a se rebelar
  • Nero culpou os cristãos pelo incêndio – a igreja primitiva de Roma
  • O que se seguiu foi terrível
  • Isso pode acontecer hoje?
  • Acontece o tempo todo
  • Artigo recente no New York Times por Katherine Stewart culpou os evangélicos por Covid.
  • Os judeus foram culpados pelos males da Europa nos anos 30 e isso levou ao holocausto
  • Na África, hoje, os missionários são culpados pelo colonialismo
  • Já está aumentando murmúrios, insultos e agressão direta
  • Muitas vezes se transforma em violência
  • Muitos países estão presenciando uma perseguição direta
  • Por quê?
  • As pessoas odeiam a Cristo e tudo o que Ele representa
  • As pessoas odeiam o sal e a luz que trazemos ao mundo – elas odeiam a exposição de suas trevas

Por que Deus permite isso?

  • Teste
  • Julgamento / separação, purificação de Sua igreja

A vida continua

Nossa resposta?

19 Portanto, aqueles que sofrem de acordo com a vontade de Deus devem se comprometer com seu fiel Criador e continuar a fazer o bem.

  • A vida continua.
  • Vamos suportar os insultos e tudo o que o mundo jogar em nós
  • Vamos sofrer e nos alegrar
  • Aguardamos nosso Salvador
  • Continuamos a fazer o bem.




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