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1907, 2020

A Verdade – Parte 3: As Ovelhas

July 19th, 2020|

  • Gálatas 1: 6-9

6 Estou surpreso que vocês estejam abandonando tão rapidamente aquele que vos chamou para viver na graça de Cristo e estejam se voltando para um evangelho diferente7 que na verdade não é nenhum evangelho. Evidentemente, algumas pessoas estão deixando vocês confusos e tentando perverter o evangelho de Cristo. 8 Mas mesmo que nós ou um anjo do céu vos pregue um evangelho diferente daquele que pregamos a vocês, deixe-os estar sob a maldição de Deus! 9 Como já dissemos, agora digo novamente: se alguém está pregando para vocês um evangelho diferente do que vocês aceitaram, que esteja sob a maldição de Deus!


Todos nós conhecemos pessoas que no passado fizeram parte do nosso círculo de fé e que mudaram. Em certo momento, sua fé parecia estar no caminho certo, eles se apegaram às crenças fundamentais das Escrituras e tinham a nossa mesma paixão pela igreja e pela missão da igreja. Mas então eles mudaram. Alguns esfriaram, mas outros começaram a exibir perspectivas novas e muitas vezes estranhas sobre a fé, Deus e a salvação. Talvez eles tenham começado a fazer afirmações ultrajantes sobre Deus ou a negar aspectos da Bíblia ou mesmo a sua autoridade. Alguns saíram com interpretações estranhas das escrituras ou deixaram a igreja ou se tornaram mais religiosos ou mais conscientes da lei. O que aconteceu?

Muitos hoje não se apegam mais à verdade bíblica. Às vezes parece que cada um tem sua própria interpretação da Bíblia. Na última mensagem, examinamos o problema dos falsos mestres – os lobos que dizimam o rebanho. No entanto, não são apenas os lobos os culpados. Frequentemente, há problemas reais com as próprias ovelhas.

  1. ALGUMAS ovelhas são desencaminhadas por outras para um evangelho diferente que não é evangelho.

Olhe novamente para Gálatas 1: 6-9

  • Aqui temos os lobos selvagens e os lobos disfarçados trabalhando:
    • É aqui que os crentes são alvo de uma mensagem falsa;
    • Aqui vemos lobos que querem atrair discípulos para si;
    • É aqui que vemos lobos dizimando o rebanho para ganho monetário;

Mas, por que os gálatas não defenderam o verdadeiro evangelho?

  • Você realmente conhece e entende o verdadeiro Evangelho?
    • Em 1 Coríntios 15:1-5, Paulo diz o seguinte:
      • 1 Agora, irmãos e irmãs, quero lembrá-los do evangelho que preguei a vocês, o qual vocês receberam e sobre o qual tomaram sua posição. 2 Por este evangelho vocês são salvos, se vocês se apegaram firmemente à palavra que eu preguei a vocês. Do contrário, vocês creram em vão.3 Pelo que recebi, passei a vocês como de primeira importância [a]: que Cristo morreu por nossos pecados, segundo as Escrituras, 4 que foi sepultado, que ressuscitou ao terceiro dia de acordo com as Escrituras,
    • Paulo diz:
      • Este é o Evangelho que ele pregou.
      • Este é o Evangelho que eles receberam.
      • Este é o Evangelho no qual a igreja se posicionou.
      • Este é o Evangelho pelo qual eles foram salvos.
      • Qualquer outro evangelho significaria que sua fé não tem valor.
      • O que foi este VERDADEIRO Evangelho?
        • Jesus morreu por nossos pecados.
        • Jesus foi enterrado.
        • Jesus ressuscitou dos mortos.
        • Jesus apareceu a muitos.
      • Em Efésios, ele nos diz como recebemos este Evangelho:
        • 8 Pois é pela graça que fostes salvos, pela fé — e isto não vem de vocês, é o dom de Deus— 9 não pelas obras, para que ninguém se glorie.


  • NUNCA haverá uma NOVA revelação sobre a Salvação!
  • Qualquer evangelho diferente do Evangelho da GRAÇA é uma mentira! Seja trazendo as pessoas de volta para a Lei, ou Prosperidade, ou Identidade, ou Justiça Social ou Cristianismo Progressivo. Nada disso é verdade.
  • Não se deixe enganar por qualquer pregador que ensina qualquer coisa além do evangelho bíblico básico.
  • Não entender o Evangelho nos deixa vulneráveis para o falso ensino.


  1. Algumas ovelhas se desviam da verdade por muitos outros motivos.
    • Por que as pessoas se desviam da verdade?


  • Preguiça para estudar a Palavra de Deus
    • Hebreus 5:12
      • Na verdade, embora a esta altura vocês já devessem ser professores, vocês precisam de alguém para lhes ensinar as verdades elementares da palavra de Deus novamente. Vocês precisam de leite, não comida sólida!
      • Você não pode simplesmente culpar os outros por ser enganado e cair no erro!
      • Assuma a responsabilidade por seu próprio crescimento espiritual!
      • Precisa exercitar as disciplinas básicas de um discípulo.
    • A grama é mais verde …
  • Não está enraizado na fé.
  • Sempre experimentando, sempre seguindo as últimas tendências, sempre querendo a experiência mais nova, sempre se ajuntando ao popular…
  • Eles seguem a celebridade ao invés da estabilidade.
  • Distraem-se facilmente e são influenciados facilmente porque não construíram em uma base sólida.
  • Adoram se divertir:
    • Luzes mais brilhantes, música mais alta, mais fumaça, mais milagres – o melhor show da cidade.
    • Sem paz interior!
  • Eles acreditam que estão na vanguarda do cristianismo, sem perceber que correm o risco de serem eliminados.
    • Não tendo suas necessidades atendidas …
  • Não entendendo sobre o que é ser igreja.
  • Não entendendo o que Deus deseja.
  • Atender às próprias necessidades é o principal.
  • Procurando um Gênio e não um Pai:
    • Muitos têm vindo para a igreja por meio de propaganda de falsas promessas sobre o evangelho – apenas para ficarem desapontados e continuarem a buscar alguém para atender às suas necessidades percebidas (materiais e físicas) ao invés das verdadeiras necessidades (Espirituais).
  • Mais interessados nos benefícios do que no relacionamento.
  • Nunca reconheceu totalmente sua própria condição de PECADO!
  • Nós fazemos tudo sobre o EU, sobre nós mesmos.
    • A graça não é suficiente – eles precisam ganhar sua salvação.
  • Religião em vez de relacionamento.
  • Sempre sentindo que preciso contribuir para minha salvação.
  • Fé transacional.
  • Eu tenho que comprar absolvição / perdão e até bênção.
    • Influenciados pela cultura
    • Adoradores dos ídolos da sociedade
    • Pegam seus ensinamentos de fontes venenosas
      • O YouTube é um pobre substituto da Palavra de Deus, do ensino bíblico sólido e da sã doutrina.
  • Antes, acreditam em mitos do que na simplicidade do Evangelho.
  • 2 Timóteo 4: 1-4

Eles desviarão seus ouvidos da verdade e se voltarão para os mitos.

2 Timóteo 4

1Na presença de Deus e de Cristo Jesus, que há de julgar os vivos e os mortos, e em vista da sua vinda e do seu reino, dou-vos o seguinte encargo: 2 pregai a palavra; esteja preparado na estação e fora da estação; corrija, repreenda e encoraje – com grande paciência e instrução cuidadosa. 3 Porque chegará o tempo em que as pessoas não tolerarão a sã doutrina. Em vez disso, para satisfazer seus próprios desejos, eles reunirão ao seu redor um grande número de mestres para dizer o que seus ouvidos querem ouvir. 4 Eles desviarão os ouvidos da verdade e se voltarão para os mitos.


  • Talvez você esteja dizendo – não importa quais doutrinas as pessoas se apegam. Tudo que eles precisam é Jesus.
    • No entanto, existem consequências para aqueles que se afastam da verdade;


  • Romanos 2:7-9

7 Àqueles que, pela persistência em fazer o bem, buscam glória, honra e imortalidade, ele dará a vida eterna. 8 Mas para aqueles que buscam a si mesmos e que rejeitam a verdade e seguem o mal, haverá ira e cólera. 9 Haverá tribulação e angústia para todo ser humano que pratica o mal: primeiro para o judeu, depois para o gentio;


  • Tiago 5:19-20

19 Meus irmãos e irmãs, se um de vocês se desviar da verdade e alguém trouxer essa pessoa de volta, 20 lembrem-se disto: quem desviar um pecador do erro do seu caminho, o salvará da morte e encobrirá uma multidão de pecados.

Não apenas devemos nos apegar à verdade, mas também advertir aqueles que se afastam dela!

1907, 2020

The Truth (Part 3): The Sheep – Sermon by Steven Loots

July 19th, 2020|

  • Galatians 1:6-9
    1. I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!


We all know people that in the past have been part of our faith circle that changed. At one time their faith seemed to be on track, they held onto the core beliefs of scripture and they shared our passion for church and for the mission of the church. But then they changed. Some grew cold, but others started to exhibit new and often strange perspectives about faith, God and salvation. Perhaps they started making outrageous claims about God, or denying aspects of the Bible or even its authority. Some came out with strange interpretations of scripture or left the church or became more religious or more aware of the Law. What happened?

Many today no longer hold on to Biblical truth. Sometimes it seems as if everyone has his/her own interpretation of the Bible. In the last message we looked at the problem of false teachers – the wolves that decimate the flock. However, it is not only the wolves who are to blame. Often there are real problems with the sheep themselves.


  1. SOME Sheep are led astray by others to a different Gospel that is no gospel

Look again at Galatians 1:6-9

  • Here we have the savage wolves and the disguised wolves at work
    • This is where believers have been targeted with a false message
    • Here we see wolves who want to draw away disciples after themselves
    • This is where we see wolves decimating the flock for monetary gain
      But, why did the Galatians not stand up for the true gospel?

    • Do you actually know and understand the true Gospel?
      • In 1 Corinthians 15: 1-5 Paul says this:
        • 1Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 
      • Paul says:
        • This is the Gospel he preached.
        • This is the Gospel they received.
        • This is the Gospel on which the church took their stand.
        • This is the Gospel by which they were saved.
        • Any other gospel would mean that their faith is worthless.
        • What was this TRUE Gospel?
          • Jesus died for our sins.
          • Jesus was buried.
          • Jesus rose from the dead.
          • Jesus appeared to many.
        • In Ephesians he tells us how we receive this Gospel:
          • For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. 


  • There is NEVER going to be NEW revelation about Salvation!
  • Any gospel other than the Gospel of GRACE is a lie! Whether it be drawing people back to the Law, or Prosperity, or Identity, or Social Justice or Progressive Christianity. None of that is the truth.
  • Don’t be fooled by any teacher who teaches anything other than the basic biblical Gospel.
  • Not understanding the Gospel opens us up to false teaching.
  1. Some sheep wander from the truth for many other reasons.
  • Why do people wander from the truth?


  • Laziness to study God’s Word
    • Hebrews 5:12
      • In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food!
      • You cannot just blame others for being misled and drifting into error!
      • Take responsibility for your own spiritual growth!
      • Need to exercise the basic disciplines of a disciple.
    • The Grass is greener…
  • Not rooted in the faith.
  • Always experimenting, always following the latest trend, always wanting the newest experience, always joining the popular…
  • They follow celebrity rather than stability.
  • Easily distracted and easily influenced because they have not built a solid foundation.
  • Love to be entertained:
    • Brighter lights, louder music, more smoke, more miracles – the best show in town.
    • No inner peace!
  • They believe they are at the cutting edge of Christianity, not realizing that they are in danger of being cut off.
    • Not having their needs met…
  • Misunderstanding what the church is about.
  • Misunderstanding what God desires.
  • Meeting their own needs is the main thing.
  • Seeking a Genie and not a Father:
    • Many have come to the church through the advertising of false promises about the gospel – only to be disappointed and then to continue seeking someone to meet their perceived needs (material and physical) rather than the true needs (Spiritual).
  • More interested in the benefits than the relationship.
  • Never been fully convicted of SIN!
  • We make it all about ME.
    • Grace is not enough – they need to earn their salvation.
  • Religion rather than relationship.
  • Always feeling that I need to contribute to my salvation.
  • Transactional faith.
  • I have to buy absolution / forgiveness and even blessing.
    • Influenced by culture
    • Worship the idols of society
    • Take their teaching from poisonous fountains
      • YouTube is a poor substitute for the Word of God, for solid biblical teaching and for sound doctrine
  • Rather believe in myths than in the simplicity of the Gospel.
  • 2 Timothy 4:1-4

They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

2 Timothy 4 

1In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 


  • Perhaps you are saying – it doesn’t matter what doctrines people hold onto. All they need is Jesus.
    • However, there are Consequences for wandering from the truth
      • Romans 2:7-9

To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and angerThere will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile;

  • James 5:18-20

19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

Not only should we hold firm to the truth, we must also warn those who drift away from it!

1407, 2020

Laos Pastors are Getting Arrested for Carrying Bibles

July 14th, 2020|

Pastor Fatee* was walking down the street, peacefully, minding his own business and instead of reaching his destination safely he was bombarded by policemen. The policemen insisted on searching him and when they found a Bible on him he was arrested immediately! He did not even have an opportunity to defend himself.

Pastor Fatee lives in Laos, one of the few communist countries in the world. He is now seen as an “enemy of the state”. Fatee was interrogated, threatened and fined. According to the police he is falsely indoctrinating the people of Laos. Christianity is one of the government-approved religions, but pastors and believers experience persecution on a daily basis.

Even though believers in Laos experience terrible and unprecedented persecution they are steadfast in their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. Believers like Fatee continue to build God’s Kingdom in Laos. He continues to share the Gospel and motivate other believers.

Laos boats

Believers in Laos do not ask for much – they want other believers to pray for them and to uplift them with their prayers. Please continue to intercede for Pastor Fatee and believers in Laos.

Let us all pray as 1 Timothy 2:8 reminds us today, “Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.”

As Billy Graham said, “To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.” Let us get down on our knees to pray for hostile, desperate and broken nations across the world today.


507, 2020

A Verdade – Parte 2: Os Lobos

July 5th, 2020|

Atos 20: 29-31

29 Eu sei que depois que eu partir, lobos selvagens entrarão no meio de vocês e não pouparão o rebanho. 30 Mesmo dentre o seu próprio número, surgirão homens e distorcerão a verdade para atrair discípulos após eles. 31 Portanto, esteja alerta! Lembre-se de que, por três anos, nunca parei de advertir cada um de vocês noite e dia com lágrimas.

Descobrimos na semana passada que Jesus é a Verdade, O Espírito Santo revela a Verdade, a Bíblia é onde encontramos a Verdade e o Evangelho é a Verdade que levamos para o mundo.

Infelizmente, na Igreja, a verdade pode ser perdida ou distorcida. Pode acontecer com e dentre indivíduos e também dentro e para a igreja local ou mesmo uma denominação. Como isso acontece?

  1. Os Lobos – Falsos mestres dentro da Igreja.
  2. As Ovelhas – As pessoas seguirão seus próprios desejos e se afastarão da Verdade.
  3. O Mundo – A pressão da Cultura de fora da Igreja.


Falsos mestres dentro da Igreja

Os lobos

Os lobos estão entre nós …

  • Existem muitos falsos mestres. Existem basicamente quatro tipos:
  • Alguns “entrarão no meio de nós” e outros “surgirão do nosso próprio número”
    • Alguns terão como alvo a Igreja – Vigaristas, odiadores de Deus, oportunistas.
    • Outros cairão em pecado e se tornarão falsos mestres – seus próprios desejos os desviarão.
    • Outros atenderão às “necessidades” das pessoas – eles pregarão o que as pessoas querem que eles preguem.
    • Outros amarão o mundo e serão influenciados pela cultura.
  1. Lobos que visam a Igreja – Lobos Selvagens
  • Vigaristas, odiadores de Deus, oportunistas.
    • Pessoas que veem a igreja como uma indústria, uma oportunidade de dinheiro, fama e poder.
    • Pessoas que falam muito bem, mas não têm consciência.
    • Eles são como seu pai, o diabo – quando abrem a boca, mentem.
  • Eles podem ser muito convincentes.
  • Eles distorcem a verdade a fim de atrair discípulos após eles.
  • Por que as pessoas fariam isso?
    • Discípulos = dinheiro
  • Por que as pessoas enganariam os outros propositadamente – embora sua eternidade esteja em jogo?
    • Eles não temem a Deus?
    • 1 Timóteo 6:5
  • e constante atrito entre pessoas de mente corrupta, que foram roubadas da verdade e que pensam que a piedade é um meio de obter ganhos financeiros.
  • Frequentemente, os vigaristas são sociopatas:
  • Eles não têm uma consciência como você e eu.
  • Eles não têm verdadeira compaixão.
  • Eles não veem o que estão fazendo como errado e, mesmo que seja errado, eles não se importam.
  • É tudo sobre eles!
  • Eles fazem falsos milagres
  • Eles estão vendendo graça e cura.
  • Eles estão atacando os fracos, os pobres e os vulneráveis.
  • Eles estão interpretando mal a Bíblia para provar seu ponto de vista.
  • Eles têm um foco distorcido nas promessas de Deus, sobre riqueza e saúde.
  • Há uma ênfase exagerada na sua própria agenda de estimação.


  1. Lobos que caem em pecado e se tornam falsos mestres – seus próprios desejos os levarão ao erro – Lobos disfarçados

Atos 20:30:

30 Mesmo dentre o seu próprio número, surgirão homens e distorcerão a verdade para atrair discípulos após eles. 31 Portanto, esteja alerta!

  1. Dinheiro
  2. Poder
  3. Popularidade
  4. Vaidade
  5. Frequentemente, eles começam a se desviar na direção de seu pecado secreto – justificando-o, negando sua gravidade e até mesmo se tornando seus defensores – geralmente sexo e dinheiro.


2 Timóteo 3: 1-8

 1 Mas observe isto: Haverá tempos terríveis nos últimos dias. 2 As pessoas serão amantes de si mesmas, amantes do dinheiro, presunçosas, orgulhosas, abusivas, desobedientes aos pais, ingratas, profanas, 3 sem amor, implacáveis, caluniosas, sem autocontrole, brutais, não amantes do bem, 4 traiçoeiras , temerário, presunçoso, amantes dos prazeres em vez de amantes de Deus – 5 tendo aparência de piedade, mas negando seu poder. Não tenha nada a ver com essas pessoas.

6 Eles são do tipo que se insinuam para entrar em casa e ganham controle sobre mulheres crédulas, que estão carregadas de pecados e são dominadas por todos os tipos de desejos malignos, 7 sempre aprendendo, mas nunca podendo chegar ao conhecimento da verdade. 8 Assim como Janes e Jambres se opuseram a Moisés, também esses mestres se opõem à verdade. Eles são homens de mentes depravadas, que, no que diz respeito à fé, são rejeitados.

  1. O problema do desvio doutrinário!
  2. Pessoas não salvas no púlpito.
  3. Sem discipulando.
  4. Sem Caráter de Cristo.
  5. Sem transformação.
  6. Frequentemente estão no mundo acadêmico – pessoas que se envergonham de Cristo e procuram agradar ao mundo e a seus colegas.


  1. Lobos que respondem às “necessidades” das pessoas – eles pregam o que as pessoas querem que eles preguem – Lobos Permissivos.


2 Timóteo 4:1-4:

1 Na presença de Deus e de Cristo Jesus, que julgará os vivos e os mortos, e em vista da sua vinda e do seu reino, dou-vos o seguinte encargo: 2 pregai a palavra; esteja preparado na estação e fora da estação; corrija, repreenda e encoraje – com grande paciência e instruções cuidadosas. 3 Pois chegará a hora em que as pessoas não vão tolerar a sã doutrina. Em vez disso, para satisfazer seus próprios desejos, eles reunirão ao seu redor um grande número de mestres para dizer o que seus ouvidos querem ouvir. 4 Eles desviarão os ouvidos da verdade e se voltarão para os mitos.




Nota: o número …

  • Um grande número de mestres.
  • Manter as pessoas felizes.
  • Não mais conectados com a verdade.
  • Não guiados pelo Espírito Santo.
  • Não estão mais na Palavra.
  • Atendendo aos desejos das pessoas – ensinando, não a verdade, mas mitos.
  • Tornar o homem o centro da mensagem.
  • Desconectado do verdadeiro Evangelho.
  1. Lobos que amam o mundo – Lobos Patéticos
  • Eles não têm envergadura moral.
  • Eles se perderam.
  • Eles são influenciados pela política e pela cultura.
  • Balançados pelo medo da perseguição.
  • Desejam popularidade e aceitação.
  • Eles querem tornar o Cristianismo legal e aceitável. Trazendo igrejas e denominações inteiras para um caminho de destruição.
  • Mais sobre isso em uma mensagem posterior nesta série.

Os lobos estão entre nós. Você tem discernimento para distinguir entre um lobo e um pastor? Ou você é facilmente desviado? Agora, mais do que nunca, precisamos obedecer ao aviso de Paulo para ter cuidado! Precisamos nos apegar à verdade. Precisamos estar profundamente enraizados em Cristo e na Palavra. Precisamos ser guiados pelo Espírito, não pela carne. Quando alguém começa a apelar para a sua carne, você pode quase ter certeza de que há um lobo na casa.

507, 2020

The Truth (Part 2): The Wolves – Sermon by Steven Loots

July 5th, 2020|

Acts 20:29-31

29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of your night and day with tears.

We discovered last week that Jesus is the Truth, The Holy Spirit reveals the Truth, the Bible is where we find the Truth and the Gospel is the Truth that we carry out into the world.

Sadly, in the Church, Truth can be lost or distorted. It can happen to and within individuals and within and to the local church or even a denomination. How does this happen?

  1. The Wolves – False teachers inside the Church.
  2. The Sheep – People will follow their own desires and move away from the Truth.
  3. The World – The pressure of Culture from outside the Church.

False teachers inside the Church

The Wolves

The Wolves are among us…

  • There are many false teachers. There are basically four types:
  • Some will “come in among us” and others “will arise from our own number”
    • Some will target the Church – Con Artists, haters of God, opportunists.
    • Others will fall into sin and become false teachers – their own desires will lead them astray.
    • Others will respond to the “needs” of the people – they will preach what people want them to preach.
    • Others will love the world and be influenced by culture.
  1. Wolves who target the Church – Savage Wolves
  • Con Artists, haters of God, opportunists
    • People who see the church as an industry, as an opportunity for money, fame and power.
    • People who are skilled speakers, but who have no conscience.
    • They are like their father the devil – when they open their mouths, they lie.
      •  They can be very convincing.
      • They distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.
  • Why would people do this?
    • Disciples = money
  • Why would people purposefully mislead others – even though their eternity is at stake?
    • Do they not fear God?
    • 1 Timothy 6:5
      • and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
      • Often con-artists are sociopaths:
        • They don’t have a conscience like you and I do.
        • They have no real compassion.
        • They don’t see what they are doing as wrong, and even if it is wrong, they don’t care.
        • It’s all about them!
      • They do false miracles
      • They are selling grace and healing.
      • They are preying on the weak, the poor and the vulnerable.
      • They are misinterpreting the Bible to prove their point of view.
      • They have a distorted focus on God’s promises, on wealth and health.
      • There is an over-emphasis on their pet agenda.
  1. Wolves who fall into sin and become false teachers – their own desires will lead them astray – Disguised Wolves

Acts 20:30:

30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31 So be on your guard!

  1. Money
  2. Power
  3. Popularity
  4. Vanity
  5. Often they start to drift in the direction of their secret sin – justifying it, denying its severity and even becoming proponents of it – usually sex and money.

2 Timothy 3: 1 – 8

 1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.

    1. The problem of doctrinal drift!
    2. Unsaved people in the pulpit
    3. No discipleship
    4. No Character of Christ
    5. No transformation
    6. They are often in the academic world – people who become ashamed of Christ and try to please the world and their peers.
  1. Wolves who respond to the “needs” of the people – they will preach what people want them to preach – Enabling Wolves.


2 Timothy 4:1-4:  1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 

Note: the number…

    1. A Great Number of teachers
    2. Keeping the people happy
    3. No longer connected to the truth
    4. Not led by the Holy Spirit
    5. No longer in the Word
    6. Pandering to the desires of people – teaching, not the truth, but myths.
    7. Making man the center of the message.
    8. Disconnected from the true Gospel.
  1. Wolves who love the world – Pathetic Wolves
    1. They have no backbone.
    2. They have lost their way.
    3. They are influenced by politics and culture.
    4. Swayed by their fear of persecution.
    5. Desire popularity and acceptance.
    6. They want to make Christianity cool and acceptable. Drawing whole churches and denominations down a path of destruction.
    7. More about this in a later message in this series.

The Wolves are among us. Do you have the discernment to distinguish between a wolf and a shepherd? Or are you easily led astray? Now more than ever we need to heed Paul’s warning to beware! We need to hold on to the truth. We need to be deeply rooted in Christ and the Word. We need to be led by the Spirit, not the flesh. When someone starts appealing to your flesh, you can almost be certain there is a wolf in the house.


207, 2020

A Tribute to a True Disciple

July 2nd, 2020|

We as a Harvesters Ministries family recently received very sad news. Pastor Saeed from Egypt passed away at the age of 80. He was a true disciple! He truly glorified God with every aspect of his life.

He was a Christian warrior and his testimony led many to Christ. He was a champion of the Christian faith in Egypt and was widely respected for his church planting endeavours. God has graciously used this man of faith to plant 50 churches and to raise the finances to build facilities for each one of them.

One of the many stories that Pastor Saeed shared with us was the amazing testimony of the special prayer meetings that was held every single Friday.

On a visit to South Korea some decades ago, the Lord birthed in Pastor Saeed’s heart a vision to see a Christian Conference Centre established in Egypt, patterned on the “prayer mountain” retreat centres that he had observed in South Korea. This resulted in the acquisition of a 34-hectare piece of land on the Desert Road between Cairo and Alexander, where the air is fresh and the atmosphere is un-rushed, where groups of God’s people could gather for times of spiritual refreshing from the Lord.

“Prayer Mountain”, surrounded by a perimeter wall measuring 3 km, consists of a working farm as well as a well-equipped retreat centre that will accommodate 300 people upon completion.

Pastor Saeed hosted prayer meetings on Friday mornings. His congregation would start praying at 3:00 in the mornings to avoid the authorities and the meetings would last for up to three hours. Can you imagine being so dedicated to your relationship with Christ that you would attend a prayer meeting at 3:00 in the morning? This is truly inspirational! What is even more impressive is the fact that these meetings were attended by at least 100 people at a time.

When Harvesters Ministries first reached out to Pastor Saeed about planting churches and introducing the Harvesters Ministries Model in Egypt, he expressed his reservation to us about the workability of the Model as the Egyptian government requires a church to have a building in order to be recognised as a church.

We praise God that He worked powerfully in the heart of our brother, because when the opportunity was given to pastors to respond to the challenge to plant churches in partnership with Harvesters Ministries, Pastor Saeed was the first to leave his seat and expressed his commitment to God.

The last words that he spoke to me on that Saturday afternoon was, “God is giving me the opportunity to start again.”

If we as believers do nothing, more than 88 million Egyptians will be lost for eternity and will never have the opportunity meet their Redeemer. This is something that Pastor Saeed understood. He was on fire for Jesus and a true disciple in one of the most hostile countries in the world.

Today we salute and honour Pastor Saeed. May he rest in peace and may his ministry and legacy continue to grow in Egypt.

We are honoured that we knew such an inspirational man. Please continue to pray for Pastor Saeed’s loved ones during this difficult time.

2806, 2020

A verdade – Parte 1

June 28th, 2020|

Escritura: João 8:31-32

31 Para os judeus que acreditaram nele, Jesus disse:“ Se vocês continuarem com o meu ensino, vocês são realmente meus discípulos. 32 Então você conhecerá a verdade, e a verdade o libertará. ”


  • O problema das múltiplas religiões na época de Cristo
    • O mundo antigo tinha várias religiões e dentro delas havia várias seitas e facções – inclusive no judaísmo.
    • Cada um acreditava que tinha uma compreensão da verdade. O tipo de verdade que colocaria você em um relacionamento correto com Deus – principalmente por apaziguar um Deus que estava irado.
    • Cada um tentou chegar a Deus à sua maneira por meio de leis e rituais e sacrifícios e cultos.
    • Cada um tinha um conceito de Deus – uma teologia própria, pessoal.
    • É neste mundo perdido e confuso que Jesus veio e disse – você pode conhecer a Verdade e a Verdade o libertará, lhe trará paz, colocará você em um relacionamento correto com o Deus verdadeiro.
  • O problema de múltiplos evangelhos e religiões hoje:
    • As pessoas ainda procuram a verdade.
    • As pessoas ainda estão perdidas, ainda correndo atrás de todas as coisas que sejam novidades em busca de paz e liberdade.
  • O problema da verdade subjetiva versus objetiva:
    • Somado às vozes competitivas gritando, “esta é a verdade, não! Essa é a verdade!” Também temos todo o movimento que diz: “minha verdade é verdadeira para mim e a sua verdade é verdadeira para você. Vamos ser tolerantes com a verdade um do outro. Não há verdade objetiva – nenhum padrão para todos”.
    • “Todas as estradas nos levam ao topo da mesma montanha …”


O que é verdade?

A bíblia é a verdade

A Bíblia nos dá uma visão geral.

  • A Bíblia é Deus falando e dizendo: “Aqui está a verdade sobre a vida e a morte”.
  • A Bíblia revela que nunca foi planejado que houvesse o caos espiritual que vemos ao nosso redor.
  • Revela que o Deus Todo-Poderoso do universo – o único Deus verdadeiro, criou tudo o que vemos e não podemos ver; e que quando Ele criou o homem deu-lhe o Livre Arbítrio. Não houve confusão, nenhum mal-entendido. Tudo o que Deus fez foi bom.

A Bíblia também revela como o Diabo, o pai de todas as mentiras, levou o homem ao pecado, questionando os mandamentos de Deus; Transformar a verdade simples em dúvida e depois causar desobediência.

Aqui estão os fatos:

  • A humanidade está em inimizade com Deus por causa do pecado.
  • Deus criou um caminho e somente o Seu caminho nos levará de volta à verdade e somente o caminho de Deus nos libertará.
    • A reconciliação só pode ocorrer nos termos de Deus.
    • Não temos uma palavra a dizer. Nós não temos um voto. Não podemos exercer nossas preferências pessoais e não podemos negociar.
  • Jesus é o caminho, a verdade e a vida.
    • João 14:6
  • Jesus respondeu:“ Eu sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida. Ninguém vem ao Pai a não ser por mim. ”


  • Jesus é a verdade
    • Jesus é a personificação da verdade.
    • Jesus revela a verdade.
    • Jesus vive a verdade e é a verdade – não há trevas nele, nenhuma mentira, nenhuma dúvida, nenhuma incerteza, nenhuma ambiguidade, nenhum misticismo e nenhum segredo.
      • Ele revelou totalmente o que Deus deseja que saibamos.
      • Ele cumpriu tudo o que Deus requeria para trazer a reconciliação.
    • Espírito Santo é a verdade

João 14:16-18:16 E pedirei ao Pai, e ele vos dará outro consolador para vos ajudar e estar convosco para sempre— 17 o Espírito da verdade. O mundo não pode aceitá-lo, porque não o vê nem o conhece. Mas você o conhece, pois ele mora com você e estará em você. 18 Não vos deixarei órfãos; Eu virei para você.”

  • O Espírito Santo inspirou a Palavra.
  • O Espírito Santo nos lembra e sempre aponta para Jesus e para a Palavra.
  • O Espírito Santo nunca contradiz a Bíblia.


  • O Evangelho é a verdade
    • O Evangelho é a verdade em nossas mãos.
    • Temos o Espírito Santo em nós que nos fortalece.
    • Temos o Evangelho que levamos ao mundo revelando a verdade a eles para que também sejam libertados.
    • O Evangelho é o poder de Deus para a salvação …


Lembrete: O pai da mentira ainda tenta distorcer a verdade, ele odeia a humanidade e fará de tudo para roubar, matar e destruir. Ele luta contra a verdade com meias verdades, suspeitas, dúvidas e mentiras descaradas. Precisamos estar cientes de seus planos e precisamos conhecer a verdade para que possamos proclamá-la com precisão. Mais sobre isso nas próximas semanas…


2806, 2020

The Truth (Part 1) – Sermon by Steven Loots

June 28th, 2020|

Scripture: John 8:31-32

“31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”



  • The Problem of multiple Religions in the time of Christ
    • The Ancient world had multiple religions and within them there were multiple sects and factions – including in Judaism.
    • Each believed that they had a grasp on truth. The sort of truth that would put you in a right relationship with God – mostly by appeasing an angry God.
    • Each one tried to get to God in his own way through laws and rituals and sacrifice and service.
    • Each had a concept of God – a theology of their own.
    • It is into this lost and confused world that Jesus came and said – you can know the truth and the truth will free you, bring you peace, put you in a right relationship with the true God.
  • The Problem of multiple gospels and religions today:
    • People are still seeking truth.
    • People are still lost, still running after every new thing in search of peace and freedom.
  • The Problem of subjective vs objective truth:
    • Added to the competitive voices shouting, “this is the truth, No! This is the truth!” We also have the whole movement which says, “my truth is true for me and your truth is true for you. Let’s just be tolerant of each other’s truth. There is no objective truth – no one standard for all.”
    • “All roads take us to the top of the same mountain…”

What is Truth?

The Bible is the Truth

The Bible gives us the big picture.

  • The Bible is God speaking and saying, “Here is the truth about life and death.”
  • The Bible reveals that it was never intended for there to be the spiritual chaos that we see around us.
  • It reveals that the Almighty God of the universe – the only true God, created all that we see and cannot see; and that when He created man gave him Free Will. There was no confusion, no misunderstanding. Everything God made was good.

The Bible also reveals how, the Devil, the father of all lies, led man into sin, calling God’s commands into question; Turning simple truth into doubt and then causing disobedience.

Here are the facts:

  • Mankind is in Enmity with God because of sin.
  • God has made a way and only His way will get us back to the truth and only God’s way will set us free.
    • Reconciliation can only take place on His terms.
    • We don’t have a say. We don’t get a vote. We don’t get to exercise our personal preferences and we don’t get to negotiate.
  • Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
    • John 14:6
      • “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truthand the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
    • Jesus is the Truth
      • Jesus is the embodiment of truth.
      • Jesus reveals the truth.
      • Jesus lives the truth and is the truth – there is no darkness in him, no lies, no doubt, no uncertainty, no ambiguity, no mysticism and no secrets.
        • He fully revealed what God wants us to know.
        • He fulfilled all God required to bring about reconciliation.
      • Holy Spirit is the Truth

John 14:16-18: “16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[a] in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”

  • The Holy Spirit inspired the Word.
  • The Holy Spirit reminds us of and always points to Jesus and to the Word.
  • The Holy Spirit never contradicts the Bible.


  • The Gospel is the truth
    • The Gospel is the truth in our hands.
    • We have the Holy Spirit in us who empowers us.
    • We have the Gospel that we take to the world revealing the truth to them so that they can be set free too.
    • The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation…


Reminder: The father of lies still tries to distort the truth, he hates mankind and will do anything to steal, kill and destroy. He fights the truth with half-truths, suspicion, doubts and outright lies. We need to be aware of his plans and we need to know the truth so that we can proclaim it accurately. More about this in the next few weeks…


2606, 2020

The Ministry is Expanding in Mozambique

June 26th, 2020|

Unlike most countries, Mozambique did not experience an official lockdown. Social distancing and a state of emergency was announced in the country. The work of God did not stop in Mozambique.

By the grace of God, it was still possible for pastors to pray and gather in small groups at home cells and even in church buildings in Nampula. Over Easter, earlier this year, Mozambican pastors experienced a blessed time – 35 new believers were baptised. Praise the Lord for these souls who were won for His Kingdom.

Furthermore, various radio stations in Mozambique are being utilised to share the Gospel. One pastor, Jadreque, received a call from a man from Muecate, a small village about 40 kilometres from Nampula City. This man heard the message and asked pastor Jadreque to visit his community.

When pastor Jadreque arrived and shared the Gospel, he led 12 new believers to Christ. He planted a church right there and then. This is the second church that was planted in the Nampula district during the country’s state of emergency. Pastor Jadreque visits these new churches every two weeks to encourage this group of believers on their journey with God. Praise the Lord for what is happening in Mozambique!

The greatest challenge that pastor Jadreque faces, on these outreaches, is enough funds for food and fuel. He said, “But God is doing wonders by the grace.”

It is such an encouragement to hear that the ministry can still expand and continue to function in Mozambique. This is all thanks to loyal donors who are able to carry the ministry with their gifts.

Let us be reminded today of what Jesus said in Matthew 16 verse 18, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”


1706, 2020

Families in Kenya Experienced Three Catastrophes!

June 17th, 2020|

A locust plague, destructive floods and a life threatening virus which caused a pandemic – Kenya experienced all these catastrophes within the past few months. Many pastors have small pieces of land with crops to support their families – these crops were completely destroyed.

A month after the locust plague destroyed crops; a total national lockdown was implemented in Kenya. Pastors could not have church services and receive offerings. Hundreds of pastors and their families lost their livelihood and have no means to earn an income to take care of their loved ones.

Furthermore, a few weeks after the start of the national lockdown a terrible flood hit large parts of Kenya. Thousands of people, including many pastors and student pastors, were left without shelter and food. People tried desperately to salvage what they could; mostly collecting the little they could carry – some were even floating down the streets on their doors.

The world as they know it has completely changed. It will take a while before these pastors and their families will be able to stand on their own feet again. Pastors have no way to feed their hungry children.

Without intervention from other believers these Kenyan families will surely starve.

Pastors are experiencing severe hunger, displacement from their homes, their food was eaten by the locust plague – but they have not lost all hope. Their hope is in Jesus Christ.

Thanks to loyal donors and people like you with generous hearts, it has been possible for Harvesters Ministries to provide some families with food. The job is however not done, there are still many families who need food urgently.

You have the opportunity to help a family today. Make a donation and feed a family in Kenya for one month. Partner with Harvesters Ministries today and be a blessing to those in need. Feed a family and save a life!

In Psalm 41:1 we read, “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Prayerfully consider feeding a family today and giving them the gift of life.


Give today


1706, 2020

Pastors Floated on Doors

June 17th, 2020|

These are truly uncertain and strange times we are living in. As if the COVID-19 pandemic is not bad enough – our brothers and sisters from Busia, Kenya, recently experienced a terrible tragedy. A flood caused havoc – homes were damaged, hundreds of people lost their lives, and more than 100 000 people were displaced and left without shelter and food.

Many of the Harvesters Ministries Hub-leaders, pastors and student pastors were also affected by these floods. Pastor Mathias Dickens, one of the Harvesters Ministries county leaders in Kenya, said, “The situation is getting bad. Our student pastors were forced to leave their homes. Their area has never ever experienced this.”

People are walking in rivers which once were streets. People are using doors as boats and trying to salvage whatever little they can from their homes. These people have lost everything – they need to rebuild their homes and their lives.

In Romans 12, verse 15 we read that we weep with those who weep and we mourn with those who mourn, but we as believers do not weep without hope; we do no not mourn without hope.

Despite all of this, they are still true to their faith. They are trusting the Lord in the midst of this terrible tragedy.

This reminds me of Colossians 4:2 that says, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

You have the opportunity to support our brothers and sisters in Kenya by praying for them today.





1206, 2020

Harvesters Needs your Help to Feed Families in Uganda

June 12th, 2020|

Uganda is one of the more than 60 countries where Harvesters Ministries is currently working. This country has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic – like many other countries across the globe. They experienced a nationwide shutdown since 19 March. Millions of people have been unable to earn an income during this time – this includes pastors.

Many people are not only fearing the infection of virus, they are facing starvation and extreme poverty due to this feared virus. Their livelihood has been completely cut off due to the nationwide shutdown.

What has made matters even worse in Uganda is the fact that they were hit by a terrible flood in the western part of the country. More than 5 000 people were displaced and left homeless.

Our Harvesters Country leader, Charles Mukwana, is currently reaching out to his congregation members and pastors who are part of the Harvesters Ministries network. Thus far he has been able to help 30 families since the economic shutdown.

Each family received a big bag of maize to help them through this difficult time. These families also shared their food with other families who are in need. It is amazing to see how these families are reaching out to one another even though they have so little themselves.

I am reminded of Proverbs 22 verse 9 today that says, “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”

There are still many needy families who urgently need help, but unfortunately pastor Charles does not have the means to reach these families on his own.

Please continue to pray for pastor Charles and his ministry in Uganda. He has not been able to train student pastors in evangelism, discipleship and church planting during this time, but he has been able to reach out to families in need.

Can you help pastor Charles to make an even bigger difference and reach more people in need? Make a donation today and provide one family in need with a 50kg (110-pound) bag of maize. This is enough to feed a family for one month.

These families are also in need of soap to sanitize themselves and other items in their homes. Prayerfully consider making a donation to help a family with this basic necessity – something that could really change and save their lives during this pandemic.

Pastor Charles is also creating jobs by employing and empowering congregation members to make face masks. However, they cannot do this on their own. They have a great need for material. If the Lord is laying it on your heart to assist with funds to purchase materials and provide face masks for the needy – please answer to this call to action with your gift.

Your contribution today will make a lifesaving impact in a family’s life.


Give now


806, 2020

Help Save Families in Philippines!

June 8th, 2020|

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous effect on almost every country across the globe; unfortunately, Third World countries were hit the hardest. One such country is Philippines. The Filipino government implemented one of the world’s longest and strictest lockdowns.

More than 100 pastors are desperately trusting the Lord to provide food – not only for their own families, but also for those suffering in their congregations.

These pastors have gone more than 9 weeks without being able to have church services and receive offerings. Most of them live day to day, hand to mouth. They don’t have a reserve or a salary to rely on. They have nothing and they are panicking about the next few 3 months’ rent, mortgage, electricity and water bills.

They are fearing the day when the bank will come knocking. It is very likely that over the next month, the vast majority of small churches will close for good and possibly lose their buildings. This is a heart breaking reality!

The church is more than a building and there is value in house groups. The bigger issue here is however that many people might leave the ministry at the end of this lockdown. Many would have buried their church members and families as a result of starvation. This can be detrimental to one’s emotional stability, and many of these church buildings are also pastors’ homes, so to lose the building means they also lose their home. This is what many pastors are fearing!

No one knows whether things will completely return to normal once the lockdown regulations have been lifted by the government. Normal might be gone forever! Everyone is just waiting to see what the “new normal” will be like after the lockdown.

All hope is not lost! By God’s grace and the help of loyal donors it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to reach out to 38 pastors and their families during this COVID-19 pandemic. These pastors each received 25kg (55 pounds) of rice for their family and 25kg (55 pounds) of rice to distribute among their congregations. We praise the Lord for opening the hearts of donors who made this possible!

There are however still thousands of families who desperately need your help. Harvesters Ministries cannot feed these families on our own, we need your help urgently. Your gift today will provide one family with one month’s worth of food – not fancy food, but definitely the basic necessities. Please consider helping a family in need in Philippines with your gift today.

I am reminded of Proverbs 22: 9 today that says, “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” Prayerfully consider feeding a starving family today.


Give now


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