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2008, 2020

S.O.S. Missions on Life Support

August 20th, 2020|

Vietnam childrenThere are many victims of COVID-19. As the pandemic spreads millions have been infected, hundreds of thousands have died, economies have been destroyed and most churches are not meeting. Lockdown restrictions and social distancing have affected billions and daily it seems as if the virus is getting closer to home.

Missions organisations and missionaries have not escaped the impact of COVID-19. Ministering the Gospel has been impacted globally. Travel restrictions have grounded many organisations and the impact of the virus has brought many projects to a grinding halt.  Thousands of missionaries returned to their home provinces or countries leaving local believers to fend for themselves. Despite this we still hear many incredible stories from the field as indigenous leaders pick up the slack. Thankfully, many of them are coming of age, showing great faithfulness, skill and anointing. We praise God for this.

The pandemic is having a huge impact on the sustainability of missions organisations and will continue to impact the work for years to come. Some will not make it. Much of this has to do with the financial impact of COVID-19.

Millions of people – including believers, have lost their jobs. Churches are under financial pressure and people who have income are reprioritising their giving. Even those who have remained employed are having to support family members who are not. Business owners are themselves struggling to survive financially and there seems to be little spare money to go around. Local issues and needs seem to be dominating giving trends. Helping the poor and supporting local churches has become a priority for many. Unfortunately, at the cost of missions.

When things get tough, it is usually the missions’ budget that gets cut first. This means that churches generally have cut their support adding to the woes of missionaries and mission organisations.

This all leads to the questions: Where do our priorities really lie? How important is the great commission really? This is important because when the pandemic finally fades, we may discover that the work force will have disappeared too. Organisations that have been doing tremendous work to win the world may have closed. Missionaries may have had to return to secular employment and projects that took years to establish across the world may be permanently damaged. Generations of work could be affected.

God is faithful, but God does not sign cheques or deliver cash by parachute. God entrusts His resources to humans who are to be good stewards, making sure God’s business on earth is done. We make decisions daily about where we will use whatever is available and if we hastily decide to cut off missionary support we must realise it will have long lasting impact. You cannot give what you do not have; but you must be wise with what has been entrusted to you. Now as never before the world needs to hear about Jesus. Now as never before we have the attention of people who would normally never listen to the Gospel. Now is the time to use whatever means to fulfill the great commission. We need to empower missions, not defund it.

My call to you is to prayerfully consider your giving and not to just consider the seemingly urgent but to give strategically with God’s plan for all mankind in mind. The world has changed, but the need for Christ has not. The Gospel has not changed, and the great commission has not changed either. Every cent you give will make a difference – an eternal difference for someone.

1808, 2020

Families in Madagascar are in Dire Need of Help

August 18th, 2020|

Madagascar is one of the world’s poorest countries and the COVID-19 pandemic had a terrible effect on this nation. The unemployment rate is also extremely high here.

The lockdown period has been extended in Madagascar and this has a very negative effect on people’s livelihood. Pastors were not able to have church services or meet with their congregations – they were unable to earn an income. They are truly suffering.

Many of the villagers testified about different pastors preaching to them and doing mission work, but not really lending a helping hand.

These struggling pastors, their families and communities were left to their own devices.

By the grace of God generous donors made it possible for Harvesters Ministries to send aid to Madagascar. Pastor Alain, a Hub-leader in Madagascar, was able to reach many pastors and their families with some much needed food.

The receiving of some much needed aid is a turning point for many pastors. This has put hands and feet to the Gospel. Many of these pastors and their families are on their last meals. To receive bags of maize and much needed vegetables is incredibly encouraging to them.

The majority of these pastors do not keep the food to themselves – they go out and share the little that they received with others in their communities who are in need. This is yet another opportunity for these pastors to share the Gospel and change their communities.

Pastor Alain, Harvesters Ministries Hub-leader in Madagascar, testified that the funds that were received helped 40 pastors and their families. These pastors were able to buy much needed medication and food. There are however hundreds more who are in dire need of food and other supplies.

The enemy is trying to attack the ministry and believers. The lockdown in Madagascar did not stop the ministry. Pastor Alain testified that even though there is a lockdown in Madagascar the pastors and student pastors are still working for the Lord. They are sharing the Good News with those who are still unsaved.

This much needed aid has really opened the way for these struggling pastors to regain strength to go out and do what the Lord has called them for.  Your support made this possible.

You can help those who are still struggling. Many pastors do not know where their next meal will come from. Harvesters Ministries cannot reach these suffering families without you. We need the help of generous believers like you to reach those in need.


Donate today


1708, 2020

Lesotho Needs your Prayers

August 17th, 2020|

Continue to pray for sustainable provision for church leaders in Lesotho. The need is great due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 1 Chronicles 16:34 the Bible reminds us to always give thanks to the Lord, “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.”

This month a wonderful testimony from Lesotho was shared. Pray that many more wonderful testimonies will come from Lesotho – testimonies that will show God’s supernatural provision.

Church leaders and their families in Lesotho are rejoicing. Thanks to the hard work of Francois Snyman, full time missionary and HLT (Harvesters Licensed Trainer), and the generous donations of loyal donors it was possible to hand out food parcels to more than 130 families.

Each family received maize meal, beans, salt, soya mince, cooking oil and washing powder. These are some of the most basic necessities that Lesotho families need.

It was amazing to see how believers saved their fellow brothers and sisters from starvation – even though they are complete strangers. God is good and faithful – always!

On the last trip to deliver aid, Francois and his family travelled for more than 11 hours to deliver the much needed aid to church leaders and their families.

“Some of these churches are situated beyond rural, where only donkeys feel comfortable to tread and my years of off-road experience and my vehicle’s capabilities were pushed to its limit,” said Francois Snyman.

Church leaders were overwhelmed, very thankful and appreciative of the generous gifts. There are many church leaders and church members that really struggled due to the impact and after effect of the nationwide lockdown in Lesotho. Many church leaders have really been hit hard and they urgently need prayers and support to stay strong for their congregations.

“May our Lord truly bless those who will receive and those who gave so generously,” Francois Snyman said.

Continue to pray for Lesotho and the more than 60 countries where Harvesters Ministries is sharing the Gospel and making disciples. Believers and non-believers all across the globe need your prayers.

Church leaders in Lesotho had their prayers answered. In Romans 12:12 we are reminded to pray faithfully, Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”

1608, 2020

A Verdade – Parte 6: O Poder da Ressurreição

August 16th, 2020|

Texto: 1 Coríntios 15: 1-8 e 12-19

1Agora, irmãos e irmãs, quero lembrá-los do evangelho que preguei a vocês, que vocês receberam e no qual se posicionaram. 2 Por este evangelho vocês são salvos, se vocês se apegarem firmemente à palavra que eu preguei a vocês. Caso contrário, vocês acreditaram em vão.

3 Pois o que recebi, passei a vocês como de primeira importância [a]: que Cristo morreu pelos nossos pecados segundo as Escrituras, 4 que foi sepultado, que ressuscitou ao terceiro dia segundo as Escrituras, 5 e que ele apareceu para Cefas, [b] e depois para os Doze. 6 Depois disso, ele apareceu a mais de quinhentos irmãos e irmãs ao mesmo tempo, a maioria dos quais ainda está viva, embora alguns já tenham adormecido. 7 Depois apareceu a Tiago, depois a todos os apóstolos, 8 e por último também a mim, como a um nascido anormal.


12 Mas, se é pregado que Cristo foi ressuscitado dos mortos, como alguns de vocês podem dizer que não há ressurreição dos mortos? 13 Se não há ressurreição de mortos, nem mesmo Cristo ressuscitou. 14 E se Cristo não ressuscitou, nossa pregação é inútil, assim como sua fé. 15 Mais do que isso, somos então considerados falsas testemunhas de Deus, pois testemunhamos a respeito de Deus que ele ressuscitou Cristo dentre os mortos. Mas ele não o ressuscitou se de fato os mortos não ressuscitam. 16 Porque, se os mortos não ressuscitam, também Cristo não ressuscitou. 17 E se Cristo não ressuscitou, a vossa fé é fútil; vocês ainda estão em seus pecados. 18 Então também os que dormiram em Cristo estão perdidos. 19 Se esperamos em Cristo apenas para esta vida, somos os mais dignos de lástima.


Um dos maiores enganos do mundo e da igreja hoje diz que Jesus não venceu fisicamente a morte.

  • Jesus pode ter morrido, mas ele não ressuscitou.

Desta mentira muitos outros seguem. Se alguém não acredita na ressurreição física de Jesus, o resto de sua visão bíblica e de mundo são distorcidas. Como uma verdade fundamental das Escrituras, a ressurreição de Jesus dentre os mortos guia nosso pensamento sobre todo o restante da Bíblia.

  • Se errar, você acabará em um engano profundo, em um evangelho que não é evangelho de forma alguma.

De onde vem a mentira?

Os judeus após a ressurreição. Mateus 28: 11-15

11 Enquanto as mulheres estavam a caminho, alguns dos guardas foram à cidade e relataram aos principais sacerdotes tudo o que havia acontecido. 12 Quando os principais sacerdotes se encontraram com os anciãos e traçaram um plano, deram aos soldados uma grande quantia em dinheiro, 13 dizendo-lhes: “Vocês devem dizer: ‘Seus discípulos vieram durante a noite e o roubaram enquanto estávamos dormindo . 14 Se este relatório chegar ao governador, iremos satisfazê-lo e mantê-los longe de problemas ”. 15 Os soldados pegaram o dinheiro e fizeram conforme as instruções. E esta história tem circulado amplamente entre os judeus até hoje.

  • Falsos professores.
    • Nos tempos bíblicos e hoje.
  • Teólogos liberais.
    • Professor de ilustração: Ele na verdade ressuscitou em seu coração …
  • Cristãos progressistas.
    • Envergonhados com a morte e ressurreição.
    • Preferem acreditar no poder dos cristais e óleos essenciais do que no poder de Deus para superar a morte
  • Místicos
    • por exemplo Richard Rohr: Um dos professores mais perigosos da cristandade hoje. Tudo parece muito bom, mas em sua essência ele nega a verdade bíblica sobre Quem é Jesus e o que Ele fez. Sua visão da ressurreição é uma revisitação do gnosticismo antigo misturado com o universalismo e a estupidez da nova era. Tudo isso de um professor muito inteligente, muito articulado e muito popular. Ilustração: Câmera na tumba… Ele fala muito sobre a ressurreição, mas tudo se torna uma metáfora para sua crença no Cristo cósmico e uma rejeição de uma ressurreição física de Cristo.

Verdade bíblica

  • Estamos diante de um túmulo vazio
  • Estamos diante de Múltiplas testemunhas, tal como está em 1 Coríntios 15: 3-8

3 Pois o que recebi, passei a vocês como de primeira importância [a]: que Cristo morreu pelos nossos pecados segundo as Escrituras, 4 que foi sepultado, que ressuscitou ao terceiro dia segundo as Escrituras, 5 e que ele apareceu para Cefas, [b] e depois para os Doze. 6 Depois disso, ele apareceu a mais de quinhentos irmãos e irmãs ao mesmo tempo, a maioria dos quais ainda está viva, embora alguns já tenham adormecido. 7 Depois apareceu a Tiago, depois a todos os apóstolos, 8 e por último também a mim, como a um nascido anormal.

  • Estamos lidando com a Base da pregação dos Apóstolos – em Atos somos informados de que eles pregaram a ressurreição de Cristo várias vezes. O núcleo da mensagem de missões
  • Estas são as boas novas.

Por que isso Importa?

A ressurreição é algo com que geralmente lidamos apenas na Páscoa. É uma verdade importante?

Alicerce de nossa fé.

1 Coríntios 15: 13-19:

13 Se não há ressurreição dos mortos, então nem mesmo Cristo foi ressuscitado. 14 E se Cristo não ressuscitou, nossa pregação é inútil, assim como sua fé. 15 Mais do que isso, somos então considerados falsas testemunhas de Deus, pois testemunhamos a respeito de Deus que ele ressuscitou Cristo dentre os mortos. Mas ele não o ressuscitou se de fato os mortos não ressuscitam. 16 Porque, se os mortos não ressuscitam, também Cristo não ressuscitou. 17 E se Cristo não ressuscitou, a vossa fé é fútil; vocês ainda estão em seus pecados. 18 Então também os que dormiram em Cristo estão perdidos. 19 Se esperamos em Cristo apenas para esta vida, somos os mais dignos de lástima.


  • A ressurreição é nossa única esperança.
  • A ressurreição mostra o poder de Deus sobre a morte.
  • A Ressurreição é o meio pelo qual Deus lidou de uma vez por todas com as consequências do pecado.
  • A morte e ressurreição são o cumprimento de todas as promessas de Deus para reconciliar o homem com ele.

O Teste Litmus

O modo como alguém vê a ressurreição determina toda a sua teologia.

  • Pergunte: Você acredita na ressurreição física de Jesus dentre os mortos?
    • Faça esta pergunta ao seu pastor – muitos no púlpito hoje NÃO acreditam na ressurreição física de Jesus.
  • Faça pesquisas sobre qualquer professor e faça a mesma pergunta. Se não … corra para as colinas!
    • Se alguém não acredita na ressurreição, não tem lugar no púlpito, ou na igreja ou na sua estante ou em qualquer lugar perto dos seus ouvidos !!!
  • Alegre-se no poder de Deus que venceu a morte e salvou você por meio da ressurreição.
  • Aguarde a promessa de que nós também seremos ressuscitados.
1608, 2020

The Truth (Part 6): Resurrection Power – Sermon by Steven Loots

August 16th, 2020|

Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 and 12-19

Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas,[b] and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.


12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 15 More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.


One of the biggest deceptions in the world and in the church today says that Jesus did not physically overcome death.

  • Jesus may have died but he was not resurrected

From this lie many others follow. If someone does not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus the rest of his biblical and worldview are skewed. As a foundational truth of Scripture, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead guides our thinking about all of the rest of the Bible.

  • Get this wrong and you will end up in deep deception, in a gospel that is no gospel at all

Where does the lie come from?

The Jews after the Resurrection. Matthew 28:11-15

11 While the women were on their way, some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened. 12 When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, 13 telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ 14 If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” 15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has been widely circulated among the Jews to this very day.

  • False teachers
    • In biblical times and today.
  • Liberal Theologians
    • Illustration Professor: As long as he rose in your heart…
  • Progressive Christians
    • Embarrassed by the death and resurrection
    • Would rather believe in the power of crystals and essential oils than in the power of God to overcome death
  • Mystics
    • Richard Rohr: One of the most dangerous teachers in Christendom today. It all sounds so good, but at its core he denies biblical truth about Who Jesus is and what He has done. His resurrection view is a revisiting of early Gnosticism mixed with universalism and new age mumbo jumbo. All of this from a very intelligent, highly articulate and very popular teacher. Illustration: Camera at the tomb… He speaks a lot about resurrection, but it all becomes a metaphor for his belief in the cosmic Christ and a rejection of a physical resurrection of Christ.

Biblical Truth

  • We are faced with an Empty tomb
  • We are faced with Multiple witnesses as it stands in 1 Corinthians 15: 3 – 8

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas,[b] and then to the TwelveAfter that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostlesand last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.

  • We are dealing with the Basis of the preaching of the Apostles –in Acts are we told that they preached the resurrection of Christ several times. The core of the message of missions
  • This IS the Good News.

Why does it matter?

Resurrection is something we usually only deal with at Easter. Is it an important truth?

Foundation of our Faith.

1 Corinthians 15: 13-19:  13 If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 15 More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost. 19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.


  • The Resurrection is our only hope.
  • The Resurrection displays the power of God over death.
  • The Resurrection is the means by which God dealt once and for all with the consequences of sin.
  • The death and resurrection are the fulfillment of all the promises of God to reconcile man to Him.

The Litmus Test

How someone views the resurrection determines all of his theology.

  • Ask: Do you believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead?
    • Ask your pastor this question – many in the pulpit today do NOT believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus.
  • Do research on any teacher and ask the same question. If not… run for the hills!
    • If someone does not believe in the resurrection, they have no place in the pulpit, or the church or on your bookshelf or anywhere near your ears!!!
  • Rejoice in the power of God which overcame death and saved you through the resurrection.
  • Look forward to the promise that we too will be resurrected.


908, 2020

A Verdade – Parte 5: Fé à Prova de Fogo

August 9th, 2020|

Como podemos permanecer na verdade?

Gálatas 5: 7-10

7 Você estava fazendo uma boa corrida. Quem interrompeu você para impedi-lo de obedecer à verdade? 8 Esse tipo de persuasão não vem daquele que te chama. 9 “Um pouco de fermento leveda toda a massa.” 10 Estou confiante no Senhor de que você não terá outra opinião. Aquele que o está deixando confuso, seja ele quem for, terá de pagar a pena.

Assuma a responsabilidade por sua vida espiritual. Ninguém terá culpa se você se desviar da verdade, ninguém vai se colocar em seu lugar diante de Deus um dia. Aqui estão algumas maneiras de tornar sua fé à prova de fogo.

  1. Observe a que você se expõe:
  • Mentiras, mentiras e mais mentiras de fora;
  • Internet;
  • Youtube;
    • Ilustração: Butch;
  • Livros de pastores famosos;
  • Solução:
    • Pesquisa, escolhas, diga não!


  1. Avalie sua fonte primária de ensino
  • Mentiras, mentiras e mais mentiras de dentro:
    • Infelizmente, hoje muitas das mentiras são encontradas dentro da Igreja.
    • Você precisa avaliar o padrão de ensino em sua própria igreja.
    • NÃO ao estilo, valor de entretenimento, sensação de bem-estar ou popularidade:
      • Avalie de acordo com a verdade,
      • No conteúdo bíblico,
      • Sobre a exatidão bíblica.
    • Reconsiderando seu professor principal:
      • Lealdade à Denominação
      • Lealdade aos amigos
      • Lealdade à igreja local
      • Lealdade ao seu pastor
      • E a lealdade ao Senhor?
      • E quanto à lealdade à Palavra?
      • Onde está a lealdade da igreja quando ela se afasta da verdade bíblica, sua lealdade quando deveria estar alimentando os cordeiros, não os envenenando?
    • Procure um lugar de adoração e ensino onde a Bíblia seja ensinada.
      • Não alimente apenas suas emoções (adoração), alimente seu coração, mente e espírito. (Verdade)


  1. Estude a Palavra de Deus você mesmo
  • Estude a mentira ou saiba a verdade. Ilustração: Estudando os cultos e o ocultismo.
  • Saber a verdade traz liberdade! Você saberá a verdade e a verdade o libertará
  • Bereanos
  • Tarefa vitalícia
    • Sem atalhos
908, 2020

The Truth (Part 5): Fireproof your Faith – Sermon by Steven Loots

August 9th, 2020|

How do we stay in the truth?

Galatians 5: 7-10

You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” 10 I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty.

Take responsibility for your spiritual life. No one will be to blame if you wander from the truth, no one will stand in your place before God one day. Here are some ways to fireproof your faith.

  1. Watch what you expose yourself to
  • Lies, lies and more lies from the outside
  • Internet
  • YouTube
    • Illustration: Butch
  • Books by celebrity pastors
  • Solution
    • Research, Choices, say no!


  1. Evaluate your primary source of teaching
  • Lies, lies and more lies from the inside
    • Sadly, today many of the lies are found right inside the Church.
    • You need to evaluate the standard of teaching in your own church.
    • NOT on style, or entertainment value, or feel good or popularity:
      • Evaluate according to truth,
      • On Biblical content,
      • On Biblical accuracy.
    • Reconsidering your primary teacher:
      • Loyalty to Denomination
      • Loyalty to friends
      • Loyalty to the local church
      • Loyalty to your pastor
      • What about loyalty to the Lord?
      • What about loyalty to the Word?
      • Where is the church’s loyalty when it moves away from Biblical truth, its loyalty when it should be feeding the lambs, not poisoning them?
    • Seek out a place of worship and teaching where the Bible is taught.
      • Don’t just feed your emotions (worship), feed your heart mind and spirit. (Truth)
  1. Study the Word of God yourself
  • Study the lie or know the truth. Illustration: Studying the cults and the occult.
  • Knowing the truth brings freedom! You will know the truth and the truth will set you free
  • Bereans
  • Lifelong task
    • No shortcuts
208, 2020

A Verdade – Parte 4: A Cultura

August 2nd, 2020|

1 Pedro 2:9-17

9 Mas você é um povo escolhido, um sacerdócio real, uma nação santa, propriedade especial de Deus, chamados para declarar os louvores daquele que o chamou das trevas para a sua luz maravilhosa. 10 Antes vocês não eram um povo, mas agora vocês são o povo de Deus; uma vez você não haviam recebido misericórdia, mas agora você receberam misericórdia.

Vidas piedosas em uma sociedade pagã

11 Queridos amigos, exorto-os, como estrangeiros e exilados, a se absterem dos desejos pecaminosos, que guerreiam contra a sua alma. 12 Vivam uma vida tão boa entre os pagãos que, embora eles o acusem de fazer coisas erradas, eles possam ver as suas boas ações e glorificar a Deus no dia em que Ele nos visitar.

13 Submetam-se, pelo amor do Senhor, a todas as autoridades humanas: seja ao rei, como autoridade suprema, 14 ou aos governadores, que são enviados por ele para punir os que erram e elogiar os que fazem o bem. 15 Pois é a vontade de Deus que, fazendo o bem, você silencie a conversa ignorante das pessoas tolas. 16 Vivam como pessoas livres, mas não usem sua liberdade para encobrir o mal; vivam como servos de Deus. 17 Mostrem o devido respeito a todos, ame a família da fé, tema a Deus, honre ao rei.


Desde o início, a Igreja pretendeu ser uma sociedade alternativa:

  • Uma cultura dentro de uma cultura.
  • Uma comunidade que revelaria que existe uma forma diferente de viver a vida.
    • Uma comunidade com:
      • seu próprio código moral,
      • Seu próprio sistema de crenças,
      • Seus próprios rituais.
    • Uma comunidade baseada no amor, verdade e retidão:
      • Um santuário para estrangeiros e forasteiros –
        • pessoas não mais enraizadas no mundo e seus padrões, mas pessoas que se tornaram cidadãos do céu.
        • pessoas que não se encaixam mais na sociedade de onde vieram:
          • Esperando pelo Salvador do céu,
          • Mas vivendo intencionalmente para Seu Reino e Seu Nome no mundo presente.
        • Uma comunidade que convida outras pessoas a entrar.
        • Que grita “Venha como você está”
          • No entanto, NÃO diz: “Fique como está”
          • Nem diz “Vamos nos tornar como você”
        • O convite requer fé em Jesus e pede às pessoas que abandonem a cidadania do mundo e se juntem a esta sociedade alternativa. Pede-lhes que se alinhem com o código moral, o sistema de crenças, a cosmovisão e os rituais da Igreja.

Nesta passagem de 1 Pedro, encontramos Pedro nos dizendo como viver na Igreja e na sociedade.

  • Somos o Povo de Deus:

9 Mas você é um povo escolhido, um sacerdócio real, uma nação santa, propriedade especial de Deus, chamados para declarar os louvores daquele que vos chamou das trevas para a sua luz maravilhosa. 10 Antes vocês não eram um povo, mas agora vocês são o povo de Deus; uma vez vocês não haviam recebido misericórdia, mas agora você receberam misericórdia.

  • Temos um propósito que difere de todas as outras comunidades:
    • Declarar os louvores de Deus.
    • Viver vidas que são exemplos para os incrédulos:
      • Mesmo se eles nos desprezarem agora, mesmo se eles mentirem sobre nós agora, eles irão testemunhar diante de Deus um dia que nosso testemunho foi puro.
      • 11 Queridos amigos, exorto-vos, como estrangeiros e exilados, a se absterem dos desejos pecaminosos, que guerreiam contra a sua alma. 12 Viva tão bem entre os pagãos que, embora eles o acusem de fazer coisas erradas, eles possam ver suas boas ações e glorificar a Deus no dia em que Ele nos visitar.


  • Você não pode pensar que o mundo vai nos amar, nos aceitar, nos tartar com justiça, nos endossar ou mesmo dizer a verdade sobre nós.
    • Enormes problemas surgem quando desejamos isso.


  1. Vivemos em um mundo decaído:
    • O mundo não está melhorando.
    • A Igreja não é mais popular hoje do que quando começou.
    • O mundo nos odeia.
    • Eles nos veem como estrangeiros e forasteiros:
      • Pessoas querendo destruir seu modo de vida.
      • Um culto perigoso tentando roubar sua liberdade de pecar.
      • Pessoas estranhas e atrasadas.
    • Eles EXIGEM que mudemos para sermos mais como eles.
  2. O que o mundo quer da Igreja?
    • Quer que a religião não seja ameaçadora;
    • Que seja segura;
    • Que seja barata;
    • Que seja amigável;
    • Confortável;
    • Não é constranja – sem rituais ou crenças estranhas;
    • Atender às suas necessidades – ultraismo, caridade;
    • Que esteja Ligada nos movimentos do momento;
    • Endosse as tendências atuais;
    • Popular – com celebridades no commando;
    • Socialmente aceitável;
    • Não faz ondas;
    • Não exige nada;
    • Não venha alfinetar sua consciência;
    • É cinza – sem áreas pretas e brancas;
    • Não tem absolutos;
    • Encoraja a moralidade subjetiva;
    • Que seja divertida;
    • Não assuma nenhuma posição moral;
    • Seja progressive:
      • Incentiva agendas populares


  1. Duas vozes

Note o exemplo de Moisés e Aarão – Ouvindo a Voz de Deus ou cedendo à vontade do povo.


  1. O que acontece quando os cristãos desejam agradar a sociedade?
    • Perdemos nosso testemunho;
    • Em vez de a Igreja influenciar o mundo, o mundo começa a influenciar a Igreja;
    • Nosso sal e luz tornam-se opacos e insípidos.
    • Tornamo-nos como o mundo e não somos mais uma sociedade alternativa.
    • Nós nos afastamos da verdade.
  • Perspectivas erradas – existem muitas, mas aqui estão duas:
    • Igreja Atrativa
      • A ideia de que devemos atrair as pessoas para a igreja fazendo coisas que elas gostam ou pelas quais ficam impressionadas.
      • Isso é marketing, não evangelismo.
      • Isso nos leva ao desastre total.


  • Cristianismo Progressista
    • A ideia de que o pecado é sistêmico e não pessoal
      • A Igreja aborda os males da sociedade
        • Sistemas sociais
        • Sistemas econômicos
        • Injustiça social
          • Desastre
          • Sem pecado pessoal
          • Sem arrependimento
          • Cancelamento da cultura
          • Cultura de culpa
  1. A única verdade objetiva deve ser encontrada na Palavra de Deus:
    • Baseamos nossas vidas, nossa fé e nosso estilo de vida na revelação de Deus, não no mundo.
    • A Igreja deveria ser diferente.
    • NUNCA seremos populares e aceitáveis ​​para a cultura ao nosso redor.
    • Qualquer tentativa de sermos amados terminará na negação da verdade de Deus e na aceitação das mentiras do mundo.
    • Voltemos para a Palavra de Deus.
    • Falemos a verdade em amor!


208, 2020

The Truth (Part 4): Culture – Sermon by Steven Loots

August 2nd, 2020|

1 Peter 2:9-17  

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Living Godly Lives in a Pagan Society

11 Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.


From the beginning the Church was intended to be an alternative society:

  • A culture within a culture.
  • A community that would reveal that there is a different way to live life.
    • A community with:
      • its own moral code,
      • Its own belief system,
      • Its own rituals.
    • A community based on love, truth and righteousness:
      • A sanctuary for foreigners and aliens –
        • people no longer rooted in the world and its patterns, but people who had become citizens of heaven.
        • people who no longer really fitted in with the society from which they came:
          • Waiting for the Saviour from heaven,
          • But living intentionally for His Kingdom and His Name in the present world.
        • A community which invites others to come in.
        • Which cries out “Come as you are”
          • However, it does NOT say: “Stay as you are”
          • Nor does it say “We will become like you”
        • The invitation requires faith in Jesus and asks of people that they give up citizenship of the world and join this alternative society. It asks of them that they would align themselves with the moral code, the belief system, the worldview and the rituals of the Church.

In this passage in 1 Peter we find Peter telling us how to live within the Church and within society.

  • We are the People of God:

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

  • We have a purpose which differs from all other communities:
    • Declaring God’s praises.
    • Living lives that are examples to unbelievers:
      • Even if they despise us now, even if they lie about us now, they will testify before God one day that our witness was pure.
      • 11 Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us.
      • You cannot think that the world will love us, accept us, give us a fair deal, endorse us or even tell the truth about us.
        • Huge problems arise when we desire this.


  1. We live in a fallen world:
    • The world is not getting better.
    • The Church is no more popular today than when it first began.
    • The world hates us.
    • They see us as foreigners and aliens:
      • People out to destroy their way of life.
      • A dangerous cult trying to steal their freedom to sin.
      • Strange, backward people.
    • They DEMAND that we change to be more like them.
  2. What does the world want from the Church?
    • It requires that religion be non-threatening
    • Safe
    • Cheap
    • User friendly
    • Comfortable
    • Not embarrassing – no strange rituals or beliefs
    • Serve their needs – ultraism, charity
    • Woke
    • Endorses current trends
    • Popular – with celebrities in charge
    • Socially acceptable
    • Makes no waves
    • Demands nothing
    • Does not prick its conscience
    • Is grey – no black and white areas
    • Has no absolutes
    • Encourages subjective morality
    • Is entertaining
    • Takes no moral stand
    • Is progressive
      • Encourages popular agendas
  1. Two Voices
    *ILLUSTRATION Moses and Aaron – Hearing God’s Voice or caving to the will of the people.
  2. What happens when Christians want to please society?
    • We lose our testimony
    • Instead of the Church influencing the world the world starts influencing the Church
    • Our salt and light becomes dulled and tasteless.
    • We become like the world and we are no longer an alternative society.
    • We drift from the truth.
  • Wrong perspectives – there are many, but here are two:
    • Attractional Church
      • The idea that we must attract people to church by doing things they like or are impressed by.
      • This is marketing not evangelism.
      • This leads to disaster.


  • Progressive Christianity
    • The idea that sin is systemic and not personal
      • The Church addresses the ills of society
        • Social systems
        • Economic systems
        • Social injustice
          • Disaster
          • No personal sin
          • No repentance
          • Cancel culture
          • Blame culture
  1. The only objective truth is to be found in the Word of God:
    • We base our lives and our faith and our lifestyle on God’s revelation, not on the world.
    • The Church is supposed to be different.
    • We will NEVER be popular and acceptable to the culture around us.
    • Any attempt to be liked will end in a denial of God’s truth and the acceptance of the lies of the world.
    • Get back into God’s Word.
    • Speak the truth in love!
2407, 2020

The Gospel is Changing Rwandan Communities

July 24th, 2020|

The country of a thousand hills, stunning scenery, warm and friendly people, bursts of colour everywhere, gorilla paradise, jungles galore, winding rivers – these are all synonym with Rwanda. It is also very likely that your favourite coffee or tea originated from Rwanda – they are known for great coffee and tea; it is one of their prime exports.

“No country has ever influenced me as much spiritually and emotionally like Rwanda did. Rwanda is a very small country hidden in the heart of central Africa,” said Francois Rauch, Head of Regional Directors, Harvesters Ministries.

“On the 6th of April 1994 everything changed. As people woke up that morning and turned their radios they heard the words, ‘It’s time to cut down the tall trees.’ And with these words on the 6th of April 1994 a genocide of brutal ferocity and speed was afflicted upon the people of Rwanda,” Francois said.

Today Rwanda is a police state and is quite peaceful. Sadly, Rwanda has a dark history. In 1994 more than 1 million people were brutally murdered, in actual fact butchered, in 100 days with a deadly weapon – the machete.

“I’ve travelled all around Rwanda, but one cannot travel far without seeing a memorial that recalls those terrible days,” explains Francois.

Even though the world authorities were alerted before the start of the genocide – nothing was done to prevent these world horrors. Nothing! This excruciating genocide has a very real and lasting effect on the Church in Rwanda. Francois explains that the Church in Rwanda has not stopped weeping as several Catholic priests and members of the clergy were indicated in the slaughter. It is even insinuated that they directed the killing of people who were seeking refuge in their churches.

Francois further explains that the Church became a place of mistrust and suspicion after the genocide. It was a very general concept in Rwanda for people not to trust the Church.

Harvesters Ministries came into Rwanda more than 5 years ago – in spite of this terrifying and challenging background. It was Harvesters Ministries’ desire to introduce people to what Church is really supposed to be. Francois further explains, “Church is meant to be a place where we love God, we love people and we make disciples that makes other disciples.”

Harvesters Ministries used this opportunity to show the Rwandan Church how God sees His Church as the hope of the world. This was however a more challenging task than anticipated. Through evangelism and discipleship Harvesters Ministries teaches local pastors to plant and lead healthy churches. Harvesters Ministries also used this opportunity to teach pastors what the true Gospel was.

The true Gospel is explained in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 3 and 4, “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”

Harvesters Ministries uses a well-designed theological syllabus to train pastors. Harvesters Ministries presents a three-year program which forms the foundation for pastors who wants to meet the basic requirements to become a pastor of a church.

In November 2019 130 pastors graduated from the Harvesters Ministries program. They did not only complete the program, each of them planted three churches. “After the graduation pastors came to me and they wept as they said to me if we only made true disciples of this Christian nation everything would have been different,” Francois remembers fondly.

The pastors of Rwanda have one desire – believers must continue to pray for them. Harvesters Ministries is continuing to plant churches with amazing men and women who loves God, the Church and their nation.

2307, 2020

Families in Ethiopia Need Your Help

July 23rd, 2020|

Pastor Getahun Taddese from the Emanuel United Church in Ethiopia is one of Harvesters’ Hub Leaders who was hard at work with evangelism, discipleship, church planting and pastoral training. Unfortunately, the lockdown in Ethiopia halted all of these outreaches.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has widespread consequences. Third World countries are suffering immensely. Things are no better in Ethiopia. Many Ethiopian pastors and their families have no way of earning an income and providing for their families. Without intervention, these families will surely starve.

By the grace of God, it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to help pastors in Ethiopia. Pastor Getahun was overwhelmed by the support that Harvesters Ministries offered to pastors in Ethiopia. He said, “I want to also say thank you, Harvesters Ministries for really standing beside us in this gloomy season.”

He explained the situation further, “Leaders of the church are highly affected with this horrible pandemic.” Pastors were unable to have church services and earn an income. He said that his congregation is really trying their best to support and encourage pastors, missionaries and their families who live and work in rural areas of Ethiopia.

Thanks to loyal donors it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to offer some support to a group of pastors and their families. They received much needed food. Unfortunately, the cry for help is not over. There are still thousands more families who desperately need help. These families are suffering terribly. Without your gifts, these families will continue to struggle to stay alive.

Prayerfully consider making a donation today to help feed a family in Ethiopia for one month. Your donation can mean the difference between life or death for many families. You have the opportunity to feed a family and save a life.

Thinus Botha, Regional Director of East Africa for Harvesters Ministries, said, “We want to thank you for partnering with us, loving us and helping us to provide for pastors and their families who are in need. May God bless you.”

Your gifts truly make a difference in the lives of those who cannot provide for themselves during this terrible pandemic. We can make a difference, but we need your help. Partner with Harvesters and save the lives of believers in Ethiopia.

In Proverbs 19: 17 we are reminded of God’s promise, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.”


Give here


2007, 2020

Help to Feed Families in India

July 20th, 2020|

Millions of people all across the globe are suffering severely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are constantly praying and trusting the Lord for provision. These are truly unprecedented times!

In India, like in many other countries across the world, strict lockdown regulations were implemented. This resulted in churches and many economic services being closed down and forbidden.

We were able to communicate with our Harvesters’ coordinator in India on this matter who said, “During COVID-19, pastors could not meet with their congregation members and could not travel to the villages where they were ministering. In most cases there is no income for these pastors.”

Many pastors have additional jobs to support their families and were unable to work for long periods at a time. They were unable to put food on the table.

Harvesters received many urgent messages from other pastors – like Aahan*, begging for help.

Our coordinator testified, “During this time, Harvesters extended a hand of mercy towards these precious pastors. In many instances it meant the difference between having food on the table and having nothing. Thank you Harvesters, your love gift made a huge in this nation!”

“Pastors travel to the rural areas where it is very difficult to minister among the tribes,” he continued. “Often times they face persecution. During the outbreak of Coronavirus, [one of the pastors] was struggling to see and he feared that he might lose his eyesight due to a genetic condition.”

All hope was not lost. “During this time Harvesters Ministries came alongside this group and financially, supported them and stood with them. This precious pastor was so happy that he could get his eyesight back, thanks to Harvesters who paid for the treatment. He can now go to the villages and preach the Gospel. Thank you once again for partnering with us. The fields are indeed ripe unto harvest, what the enemy has planned to destroy my nation through COVID-19, the Lord Jesus has turned around to save my nation,” explained our coordinator, gratefully.

By God’s grace it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to help several pastors and their families in India during this crisis. Loyal donors heard the plight for help. Your generous gifts opened the way for Harvesters Ministries to make a difference in the lives of families in need.  The amazing thing about these families who received food parcels, is that they do not keep the food to themselves. They share every little bit that they receive.

Mahi*, a former school teacher, is serving fulltime in the ministry alongside her husband. They live in Maharashtra and she shared her story with us. “COVID-19 has challenged our lives. We were not able to meet as a church. Also, we are not supported by anyone, my husband and I live by faith and all our income has been stopped. We have a daughter to take care of,” explained Mahi.

“Since the COVID-19 lockdown, my family’s livelihood was taken away. So, it was very difficult for my family to survive. I was praying to God to provide food for us. In the morning, I got a message on my phone that there was money paid into my account. I called my Harvesters’ Stream Leader. He said that it is a love gift from Harvesters Ministries. I wept and I thanked God for answering our prayers. We bought groceries with that money. I thank God for Harvesters Ministries for considering me as part of their family and taking care of my need,” testified Mahi.

God still answers prayers! He is still in control and He is the only one who can save lives. There are however many more who still needs saving. Thousands of starving families who desperately need help.

In Galatians 2 verse 10 we are reminded to help the poor, “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.”

Harvesters Ministries cannot feed these families on our own, we need your help urgently. You can help believers like Aahan and Mahi. Your gift today will provide one family with one month’s worth of food – not fancy food, but definitely the basic necessities. Please consider partnering with Harvesters Ministries and helping a family in need in India with your gift today.

*Names were changed to protect the identity of individuals.


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