Newsletter [PDF]

1506, 2021

A Igreja está em Ação na Índia

June 15th, 2021|

A Índia foi duramente atingida por uma nova onda devastadora de casos de Covid-19. Relatórios afirmam que há cerca de 25 milhões de casos com o número de mortos agora em mais de um quarto de milhão. Mas os moradores locais acreditam que a realidade é muito pior. Como o número de casos parece diminuir, muitos explicam que a verdadeira razão é porque os testes estão se esgotando. É uma situação desesperadora – no entanto, em meio à escuridão, nossos 400 Harvesters pastores estão se esforçando para serem um farol de luz naquele lugar.


Trazendo esperança para a nação

O Diretor Regional dos Harvesters no Sul da Ásia está em contato diário com os líderes na Índia. “Eles estão no centro da tempestade vendo todas essas coisas horríveis acontecendo”, observou ele, “mas há um sentimento de esperança de que eles sejam a resposta. Se alguém vai dar uma resposta para esta situação, será a Igreja. Eles estão lá para despertar esperança, criar esperança e trazer esperança para a nação. ”

Os desafios são tangíveis. Um plantador de igrejas relatou a morte de quatro pastores Harvesters em sua região rural de Andhra Pradesh. Outro líder, que mora em um prédio de 13 andares, está cercado pelo perigo – 12 andares têm caixas Covid. Ele louva a Deus porque o andr livre de Covid é o seu.

Em meio ao medo, a esperança está brilhando. A Igreja está trabalhando na Índia.


Serviço Hospitalar

O líder dos Harvesters na região oeste de Maharashtra mobilizou mais de 70 pastores para serem voluntários nos hospitais locais. Sobrecarregados e com poucos recursos, os serviços de saúde clamam por ajuda na província mais atingida da Índia. Os líderes da igreja receberam um curso intensivo sobre como administrar vacinas e começar a trabalhar. Os pastores estavam dispostos a ajudar onde pudessem – desde fornecer água e remédios até ajudar pacientes fracos a irem ao banheiro. Além de estarem nas mãos de Jesus, os pastores aproveitaram todas as oportunidades para compartilharem o Evangelho. Eles relataram que ninguém os parou porque sua ajuda no hospital era desesperadamente necessária.


Telefonema para oração

Nem todo mundo tem a sorte de conseguir uma cama em hospitais superlotados. Um líder dos Harvesters, que recentemente contratou um encanador para fazer alguns serviços em sua casa, lembrou-se de um telefonema inesperado. O encanador ficou muito doente com a Covid-19 e tentou obter ajuda de seu hospital local – mas eles não tinham espaço ou recursos para ele. Ele então foi rejeitado no hospital mais próximo para o qual viajou. Fraco, assustado e desanimado, ele decidiu telefonar para o cristão que conhecera recentemente. O pastor deixou uma marca porque mostrou ao trabalhador uma bondade sem precedentes. Ele ofereceu lanche e chá para o encanador, que geralmente é ignorado e visto como sujo devido ao tipo de trabalho que realiza. Ao telefone, o pastor dos Harvesters orou em nome de Jesus e, felizmente, o homem passou a receber tratamento.


Nova Vida em Cristo

Um plantador de igrejas, Nizammaudin, costumava ser muçulmano e agora espalha o Evangelho de Jesus Cristo. Seu filho, Juber – que não é um seguidor de Jesus – viu muitos amigos da família morrerem de Covid-19 nas últimas semanas. “Ele lutou com algumas questões sobre a vida após a morte”, disse Nizammaudin, “o medo da morte o assombrava”. Enfrentar tantas tragédias fez com que Juber se abrisse para orar com seus pais uma noite. “Enquanto orávamos, meu filho começou a chorar e implorar a Deus que perdoasse seus pecados. Depois da oração, ele disse que aceitava Jesus Cristo como seu Salvador pessoal e queria servir ao Senhor ”, disse Nizammaudin com alegria. “A segunda onda de Covid-19 tirou a vida de muitas pessoas … mas meu filho Juber tem uma nova vida em Cristo.”

Estes são alguns dos testemunhos que surgiram das trevas na Índia. Embora a dor e a perda sejam excessivas, louvamos a Deus pelos crentes fiéis que trazem Esperança a um mundo destruído.


Ore pela Índia

  • Ore por aqueles que estão ouvindo o Evangelho nos hospitais em toda a região de Maharashtra, graças ao trabalho voluntário altruísta dos pastores Harvesters lá.
  • Ore pelo encanador que pediu ajuda – para que ele não possa ignorar o Deus vivo e verdadeiro que o ajudou.
  • Ore pelos líderes da igreja em toda a Índia que são apaixonados por trazer esperança a uma situação aparentemente desesperadora. Ore para que eles sejam encorajados e sustentados durante esta crise.
  • Ore pela intervenção misericordiosa do Senhor e para que o número de casos Covid-19 diminua.
  • Há uma grave falta de oxigênio na Índia. Alguns precisam esperar dias antes mesmo de receberem cuidados. Para muitos, isso é muito longo. Ore para que o Senhor abra portas para que oxigênio suficiente seja fornecido.
  • Agradeça a Deus pela salvação do Juber. Cubra-o em oração enquanto ele começa sua nova vida com Cristo. Ore pelo ministério de Nizammaudin, que compartilha o Evangelho com a comunidade muçulmana.

Exorto, então, em primeiro lugar, que as petições, orações, intercessões e ações de graças sejam feitas por todas as pessoas. 1 Tim 2: 1

106, 2021

Newsletter – June 2021

June 1st, 2021|

Click the link to download our June 2021 newsletter with information on how Harvesters has adapted our training due to the Covid crisis. Plus, read the wonderful story of our recent Bible distribution trip to Lesotho and about a remarkable church planter in Vietnam.

Download the USA Newsletter – Jun 21

Download the Afrikaans Newsletter – Jun 21

Download the South Africa and International Newsletter – Jun 21

Download the UK Newsletter – Jun 21

106, 2021

A Joyous Journey Delivering Bibles Around Lesotho

June 1st, 2021|

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news – Isaiah 52:7


In March 2021 a Harvesters team travelled for a week around the mountainous terrain of Lesotho and successfully delivered over 1,000 Bibles.

The enthusiastic group of eight – who began their journey in South Africa – loaded up 1,080 Sotho-language Bibles and headed to the border. Harvesters currently has 127 churches planted in Lesotho and 98 pastors in training.

“Team Lesotho crossed the border this morning,” came the joyous report the following day. “We divided into three teams and will each visit two congregations today to hand out Bibles.”

Life-Changing Bibles

On the first day, one of the groups met Joseph in the village of Mokhehle. He is passionate about sharing the Gospel and was delighted to receive a Bible in his native language from Harvesters Ministries. “I’m so grateful because I had no Bible to share with my friends,” said Joseph, who wants to become an evangelist. “I really thank God because I’m going to share with my friends and relatives who don’t know anything about Jesus. I’m going to preach the Word. This Bible is going to help me because I want to learn more about Jesus Christ.” Bibles provided by Harvesters are in the local language so people can more easily access and know the true Gospel.

Pastor Joshua and his wife Likhama of Ha Lesia Village were especially grateful to receive their native Sotho Bibles because they have had problems with false teachings misleading new converts in their area. Harvesters Ministries distributed 16 Bibles to the leaders and congregation members of their church who can now read the Word for themselves. We pray that the Truth will become known throughout their village.

Harvesters Ministries does not simply send out boxes of Bibles, we delivery them directly into the hands of our pastors, students and congregants. We share testimonies, pray together, discuss Jesus, and help people to read and study their new Bibles. Those precious moments – such as Team Lesotho member Steven teaching two local men how to use their new Bibles to lead others to Jesus – are important elements of every Bible placement trip.

The Impact of Harvesters in Lesotho

On day two Team Lesotho was ready for their busy day ahead visiting 12 more Harvesters churches. In a rural village named Leribe is a local church that was planted by Pastor Kerabo. He has already planted three churches and has just completed his Phase C Harvesters training which covers homiletics and sermon preparation. He discussed with Francois Snyman, Harvesters’ country leader in Lesotho, the impact that the Harvesters programme has had. “The work of God has been made easier for us as pastors. We used to see the work and the harvest to be so complicated,” explains Kerabo. “But through these trainings I have learned that it is possible to win souls without any other worry of expenses and money and sound systems. I’m excited! The work of God is so great.”

Towards the end of the trip the team met Pastor Matuso, a dedicated pastor in the Mafeteng district who walks three hours each Sunday to meet with her congregation at the top of one of Lesotho’s mountains. “I have a passion of telling people about the Word of God,” she told the team, “because I have realised that people are being tortured by the devil. The Word of God is helping them to be free from the bondages.” Her church congregants received their own life-changing Bibles from Harvesters Ministries. We pray that the Truth will set them free.

Matuso, who has just finished Phase E studying the New Testament, has found the Harvesters training so useful. “It has equipped me with the knowledge that I didn’t have before,” she explained. “I have improved in many areas because of the books they have given to us. We learn how to preach, how to prepare a sermon and how to talk to people about the Word of God.”

Another leader in a remote village about 30km from the nearby town of Maseru also thanked the team for the Harvesters training. “The materials actually gave me strength,” he said. “They gave me courage to go from house to house to tell the people [about Jesus].” Travelling from Maseru every Saturday, this pastor preached faithfully in the surrounding townships that have no electricity or running water. The Lord was working through him and one of his churches now has 30 adults and 25 young people.

A Successful Trip

Throughout their week, Team Lesotho travelled thousands of kilometres on bumpy dirt tracks and through some stormy weather to deliver 1,080 Bibles to 61 churches. “It was such a blessing to meet so many faithful children of God and equip them with God’s Word,” reflected André Jooste, Harvesters Bibles for Believers’ manager, upon the team’s return. “We pray that God’s Word will not return void.”

Thanks to your donations this Bible placement has changed the lives of over a thousand believers in Lesotho.


2505, 2021

De Assassino a Plantador de Igrejas

May 25th, 2021|

“Um clamor por novas igrejas e discipulado em um bairro problemático chegou até nós e decidimos ajudar”, explica François Rauch, Diretor dos Harvesters responsável pela América do Sul. Ele está se referindo a Tucumán, a menor (embora mais densamente povoada) província da Argentina.

A Argentina enfrenta problemas de direitos humanos de longa data, que incluem abuso policial, más condições carcerárias, violência endêmica contra as mulheres, dificuldade de acesso a serviços essenciais e obstáculos que impedem os povos indígenas de utilizar dos direitos que lhes são conferidos pelo direito argentino e internacional. Tucumán não é exceção. A cidade está sitiada pelo uso de drogas, violência e bruxaria.

“Enquanto caminhamos pela Rua de Trulala, Tucumán, Argentina, tenho uma sensação sinistra de que, se não fosse por Daniel nos guiando, talvez não deixaríamos a pequena vila com vida”, François refletiu sobre sua recente viagem ao país sul-americano . “Jovens agressivos nos encararam nas ruas cheias de sujeira enquanto estávamos a caminho de uma igreja recém-plantada na área.”

Seu guia local era Daniel, um pastor dos Harvesters com uma história fenomenal de transformação.


História de Daniel

Daniel foi condenado por vários assassinatos e sentenciado a muitos anos de prisão. No entanto, de dentro da prisão ele teve um encontro pessoal com Jesus Cristo e sua vida mudou completamente. Do que parecia ser o fim de sua liberdade, Daniel encontrou a verdadeira liberdade e a vida em plenitude! Ele testemunhou: “Hermano (irmão), tudo mudou!”

A mudança de caráter de Daniel o levou a apoiar e servir seus companheiros de prisão. Os guardas da prisão – e até o juiz – o elogiaram por seu excelente comportamento. Ele foi extraordinariamente solto antecipadamente. Ao voltar para casa, Daniel fez um balanço de sua amada cidade, e concluiu: “O governo tentou, sem sucesso, ajudar com nossos problemas de dependência das drogas em Tucumán. Percebi rapidamente que somente Deus – por meio da igreja – poderia nos ajudar. ”

A estratégia dos Harvesters é de se infiltrar em áreas difíceis por meio do evangelismo e do discipulado, após estas tarefas plantamos imediatamente uma igreja relevante na área. O pastor Daniel sabia que os Harvesters poderiam abrir o Caminho em Tucumán.

Daniel compartilhou as Boas Novas da liberdade vivificante de Jesus com outros viciados em drogas e muitos aceitaram a fé. Ele e Nancy, sua esposa – também uma presidiária – plantaram uma igreja em um prédio velho e dilapidado. Por meio da oração, jejum e discipulado, eles rapidamente cresceram para pouco mais de 200 viciados em drogas que procuravam por Jesus. Eles logo implementaram uma rotina de jejum na igreja para que pudessem alimentar os famintos da pequena cidade.

Daniel mal conseguia conter sua alegria enquanto passava pelo treinamento dos Harvesters em estratégias de evangelismo e discipulado. Após o treinamento de plantação de igrejas, eles decidiram plantar outra igreja em Trulala onde as mulheres vítimas de abuso pudessem ser ajudadas. “As igrejas que plantamos serão verdadeiramente a esperança em um mundo em dificuldades”, disse Daniel.


Harvesters está abrindo o caminho

Durante a viagem de François, os Harvesters continuaram o treinamento com Daniel e com outra igreja, onde 93 plantadores foram equipados. Quando o grupo foi enviado para a cidade, armado com o Evangelho, eles encontraram enormes grupos de jovens sentados. Em uma hora, mais de 400 jovens ouviram as Boas Novas e mais de 170 entregaram suas vidas a Cristo! Que notícia maravilhosa! “Foi ótimo colocá-los em algumas das igrejas recém-plantadas”, disse François.

Depois de um tremendo dia de evangelismo, Daniel, dominado pela emoção, abraçou François e com lágrimas caindo dos olhos, sussurrou: “Obrigado porque os Harvesters não se esqueceram de nós. Vocês não se esqueceram da importância do Evangelismo e do Discipulado. Nunca se esqueça de amar a Igreja. ”

“Vimos a Verdadeira Igreja, como Jesus planejou,  sendo revelada diante de nossos olhos”, refletiu François sobre seu tempo na Argentina. “Saí de Tucumán com o coração feliz e sabia que – por meio da igreja – a VONTADE de Deus será feita na Argentina.” Desde seu retorno para casa, mais duas igrejas foram plantadas. Louvado seja o Senhor porque Sua Igreja continua a crescer em Tucumán por meio do ministério de crentes transformados.

Você pode fazer parceria com Harvesters para fornecer o treinamento e desenvolvimento necessários para mais de 30.000 alunos pastores em todo o mundo. Em espírito de oração, considere doar R$ 840,00 hoje ou R$ 70,0 mensais.

2505, 2021

From Murderer to Church Planter

May 25th, 2021|

“A cry for new churches and discipleship in a troubled neighbourhood reached us and we decided to help,” explains Francois Rauch, Harvesters Director for South America. He is referring to Tucumán, the smallest (though most densely populated) province in Argentina.

Argentina faces long-standing human rights problems that include police abuse, poor prison conditions, endemic violence against women, difficulty accessing reproductive services, and obstacles keeping indigenous people from enjoying the rights afforded to them by Argentine and international law. Tucumán is no exception. The city is under siege by drug abuse, violence and witchcraft.

“As we walk the street of Trulala, Tucumán, Argentina I have an eery feeling that if it wasn’t for Daniel guiding us that we would perhaps not leave the tiny village alive,” Francois reflected on his recent trip to the South American nation.  “Aggressive young men stared us down on the dirty streets as we were on our way to a newly planted church in the area.”

His local guide was Daniel, a Harvesters pastor with a phenomenal story of transformation.


Daniel’s Story

Daniel was convicted of numerous murders and sentenced to many years in jail. However, inside he had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and his life completely turned around. From what seemed like the end of his liberty, Daniel found true freedom and life to the full! He testified, “Hermano (brother), everything has changed!”

Daniel’s character change led him to support and serve his fellow inmates. The jail wardens – and even the judge – commended him for his excellent behaviour. He was extraordinarily granted early release. As he returned home Daniel took stock of his beloved town, observing, “The government has unsuccessfully tried to help our drug addiction problems in Tucumán. I realized quickly that only God – through the church – could help us.”

Harvesters’ strategy is to infiltrate difficult areas through evangelism and discipleship, after which we immediately plant a relevant church in the area. Pastor Daniel knew Harvesters Ministries could open the way in Tucumán.

Daniel shared the Good News of the life-giving freedom of Jesus with other drug addicts and many came to faith. He and Nancy, his wife – also a convict – planted a church in an old, dilapidated building. Through prayer, fasting and discipleship they quickly grew to just-over 200 drug addicts seeking Jesus. They soon implemented a routine of fasting in the church so that they could feed hungry people in the village.

Daniel could hardly contain his joy as he went through the Harvesters training in evangelism and discipleship strategies. After church planting training they decided to plant another church in Trulala where abused women could be helped. “The churches we plant will truly be the hope in a struggling world,” said Daniel.


Harvesters is Opening the Way

During Francois’ trip, Harvesters continued training with Daniel and with another church where 93 planters were equipped. As the group was sent out into the city, armed with the Gospel, they came across huge groups of young people sitting around. Within the hour over 400 youths had heard the Good News and over 170 gave their lives to Christ! What wonderful news! “It was great placing them into some of the newly planted churches,” said Francois.

After a tremendous day of evangelism, Daniel, overwhelmed with emotion, hugged Francois and with tears flowing whispered, “Thank you that Harvesters has not forgotten us. You have not forgotten the importance of evangelism and discipleship. Never forget to love the church.”

“We saw the true church as Jesus meant it to be unfold in front of our eyes,” Francois reflected of his time in Argentina. “I left Tucumán with a glad heart and knew that – through the church –  God’s WILL will be done in Argentina.” Since his return home, two more churches have been planted. Praise the Lord that His Church continues to grow in Tucumán through the ministry of transformed believers.

Click here to give.



1705, 2021

Menino sofre explosão de bomba na Etiópia

May 17th, 2021|

A guerra continua

Em novembro de 2020, após anos de conflito, o governo federal da Etiópia lançou um ataque ofensivo à Frente de Libertação do Povo Tigray (TPLF). A tensão aumentou após um ataque da TPLF a uma base militar do governo na região norte da Etiópia, Tigray. A guerra civil continuou. Apesar de uma falsa sensação de que o fim havia chegado em janeiro, atualmente não há expectativa de término.

Uma imensa crise humanitária surgiu, com 4,5 milhões de pessoas – a maioria da população de Tigray – com necessidade urgente de assistência. A guerra já causou milhares de mortes, destruição generalizada, desabrigou mais de 2 milhões de pessoas e enviou dezenas de milhares de refugiados para as nações vizinhas. Histórias horríveis estão surgindo sobre abusos dos direitos humanos, agressões sexuais, massacres de civis e ataques a instalações médicas e campos de refugiados. A Etiópia precisa de nossas orações!

O vencedor desta guerrilha ainda pode ser desconhecido, mas está se tornando cada vez mais evidente que as vítimas indiscutíveis são os civis da região de Tigray.


Garoto sofre explosão de uma bomba

Uma história que representa muitas outras é a de Nico *, de nove anos, filho de um líder dos Harvesters em Tigray. Algumas semanas atrás, Nico e seus amigos estavam brincando do lado de fora com seu brinquedo recém-descoberto – passando, jogando, chutando. Até que, sem aviso, explodiu. Eles haviam tropeçado em uma bomba não detonada. Nico sofreu ferimentos na cabeça, rosto e braço.

Seu pai queria levá-lo às pressas para o hospital mais próximo, mas as estradas estavam bloqueadas e ele não tinha transporte. “Foi terrível para seu pai e para as igrejas de lá”, disse Samson, outro líder dos Harvesters na Etiópia. Depois de obter permissão da base militar local para o uso de uma motocicleta de três rodas, o pai de Nico dirigiu os 60 km até um Centro de Saúde na cidade vizinha. Infelizmente, em sua chegada, eles foram informados de que os ferimentos de Nico estavam além de sua capacidade. Ele precisava de tratamento hospitalar.

Por fim, chegando a um hospital, Nico foi internado e imediatamente enviado para cirurgia. Felizmente, o médico conseguiu remover os estilhaços de seu corpo. Louvamos a Deus por Nico ter conseguido acessar o hospital e receber tratamento, apesar dos atrasos extras causados ​​pela guerra. No entanto, o evento foi obviamente traumático para o jovem Nico. Ele ficou no hospital por duas semanas e agora está em casa se recuperando.

Tragicamente, essa história não é única. Eventos como esse ocorrem com frequência na região de Tigray, onde a guerra continua. “As crianças estão sofrendo com traumas de guerra”, diz Samson, “Algumas até perderam partes de seus corpos, perderam suas famílias, algumas delas tornaram-se órfãs. Algumas das famílias fogem da região e as crianças não sabem para onde ir. A crise está além da imaginação. ”

As crianças estão entre milhões de civis que se sentem desprotegidos e inseguros. “As explosões, os danos, o derramamento de sangue; não é fácil lidar com todas essas coisas ”, explica Samson.


A Esperança na Etiópia é a Igreja Local

A igreja local são as mãos e os pés de Jesus. Embora o acesso à região norte seja difícil e perigoso, nossos parceiros Harvesters de outras partes da Etiópia sabiam que precisavam ajudar seus irmãos e irmãs em Tigray. Samson explica: “Através da Igreja nós estamos fazendo grandes coisas, mobilizando alguns recursos locais de nossas igrejas na cidade e de nossos membros. Mobilizamos fundos e mandamos para nossos coordenadores [no Tigray]. Estamos tentando nos mobilizar mais porque a necessidade é muito grande, as pessoas estão literalmente morrendo de fome ”.


Ore pela Etiópia

  • Interceda pelo jovem Nico em suas orações. Ore para que seu corpo se cure e sua confiança e segurança retornem também. Que ele logo seja capaz de brincar feliz de novo com seus amigos sem medo.
  • Por favor, ore por todas as crianças que Nico representa. Crianças – e adultos – que estão apavorados e inseguros, inocentemente presos em uma região devastada pela guerra.
  • Ore por aqueles que ficaram desabrigados, forçados a deixar suas casas devido ao conflito e pelas famílias dilaceradas.
  • Ore para que a guerra cesse em breve e que a paz de Deus seja conhecida mesmo quando cercada pelo caos.
  • Agradeça ao Senhor pelos recursos que já foram mobilizados na Etiópia. A necessidade é muito maior! Ore para que mais fundos e itens práticos possam ser distribuídos aos necessitados.

“Obrigado”, diz Samson, “por orar por nós e obrigado por estar ao nosso lado nesta difícil situação em nosso país”.


E ore no Espírito em todas as ocasiões com todos os tipos de orações e súplicas. Com isso em mente, fique alerta e sempre ore por todo o povo do Senhor. Efésios 6:18


Visite nosso Mural de Oração para ver os pedidos de oração do campo missionário.


* Nomes alterados para proteção.


1405, 2021

Boy Caught in Bomb Explosion in Ethiopia

May 14th, 2021|

The War Rages On

In November 2020 after years of conflict, the federal government of Ethiopia launched an offensive attack on the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). Tension was ignited after a TPLF attack on a government military base in the northern region of Ethiopia, Tigray. Civil war ensued. Despite a false sense of conclusion in January, there is presently no end in sight.

An immense humanitarian crisis has arisen, with 4.5 million people – most of Tigray’s population – in urgent need of assistance. The war so far has caused thousands of deaths, widespread destruction, displaced over 2 million people and sent tens of thousands of refugees into neighbouring nations. Horrific stories are emerging of human rights abuses, sexual assaults, civilian massacres and attacks on medical facilities and refugee camps. Ethiopia needs our prayers!

The victor of this guerrilla war may yet be unknown, but it is becoming increasingly evident that the undisputed victims are the civilians of the Tigray region.


Young Boy Caught in Bomb Explosion

One story that represents many others is that of nine-year-old Nico*, the son of a Harvesters leader in Tigray. A few weeks ago, Nico and his friends were playing outside with their newfound toy – passing it, throwing it, kicking it. Until, without warning, it blew up. They had stumbled upon an unexploded bomb. Nico sustained injuries to his head, face and arm.

His father wanted to rush him to the nearest hospital, but the roads were blocked off and he had no transportation. “It was terrible for his father and for the churches there,” says Samson, another Harvesters leader in Ethiopia. After gaining permission from the local military base and acquiring the use of a three-wheeled motorbike, Nico’s father drove the 60km to a Health Centre in the next town. Unfortunately, on their arrival they were told Nico’s injuries were beyond them. He needed hospital treatment.

Eventually arriving at a hospital, Nico was admitted and immediately sent for surgery. Fortunately, the doctor was able to remove the shrapnel from his body. We praise God that Nico was able to access the hospital and receive treatment despite extra delays caused by the war. However, the event was of course traumatic for young Nico. He stayed in hospital for two weeks and is now at home recovering.

Tragically, this story is not unique. Events like this occur often in the Tigray region where the war rumbles on. “Children are suffering with war trauma,” says Samson, “Some have even lost their body parts, lost their families, some of them have become orphans. Some of the families, they flee from the region and the children don’t know where to go. The crisis is beyond imagination.”

Children are among millions of civilians who feel unprotected and unsafe. “The explosions, the damage, the bloodshed; it’s not easy to handle all these things,” explains Samson.


The Hope in Ethiopia is the Local Church

The local church is the hands and feet of Jesus. Although access to the northern region is difficult and dangerous, our Harvesters partners from other parts of Ethiopia knew they needed to help their brothers and sisters in Tigray. Samson explains, “The church, we are doing great things, mobilising some local resources from our churches in the city and from our members. We mobilised funds and we sent them to our coordinators [in Tigray]. We are trying to mobilise more because the need is very huge, people are literally starving.”


Pray for Ethiopia

  • Keep young Nico in your prayers. Pray that his body heals and his confidence and security return too. That he is soon able to play happily again with his friends without fear.
  • Please pray for all the children that Nico represents. Children – and adults – who are terrified and uncertain, innocently trapped in a war-torn region.
  • Pray for those who have been displaced, forced from their homes due to the conflict and for families torn apart.
  • Pray for the war to soon cease and that God’s peace will be known even when surrounded by chaos.
  • Thank the Lord for the resources that have already been mobilised in Ethiopia. The need is far greater! Pray that further funds and practical items can be distributed to those in need.

“Thank you,” says Samson, “for praying for us and thank you for standing alongside with us in this difficult situation in our country.”

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

Visit our Prayer Wall for prayer points from the field.


*Names changed for protection.

405, 2021

Uma Pilha de Livros Chega à RDC

May 4th, 2021|

Em algumas partes do mundo, um dia de treinamento pode significar uma pequena adaptação à programação diária ou apenas um breve desvio das atividades locais. Os materiais de treinamento podem ser baixados ou impressos com facilidade. No entanto, em outras partes do mundo, requisitos aparentemente sem impactos para os eventos de treinamento, na verdade, exigem uma quantidade significativa de esforço! Esforço que envolve o custo pessoal de nossos dedicados líderes dos Harvesters. Um exemplo é a coleta e distribuição dos livros de treinamento.

O treinamento na República Democrática do Congo foi interrompido devido aos efeitos do Covid-19. Mas, algumas semanas atrás, o coordenador regional de Harvesters, Pastor Decco, ficou animado ao receber a notícia de que os tão esperados livros de treinamento estavam finalmente a caminho.

Vinte caixas grandes, cada uma com 20 livros, estavam sendo enviadas para a Zâmbia, uma nação vizinha ao sul da RDC. Isso pode ter parecido longe demais para alguns, mas o pastor Decco estava desesperado para colocar as mãos nos materiais. Assim, percorreu mais de 200km até Mufulira, na Zâmbia, onde as caixas o aguardavam. Dentro havia 200 livros de treinamento dos Harvesters da Fase A e 200 da Fase B em francês, o idioma nacional da RDC. O pastor Decco percebeu que cada livro representava 200 alunos que logo seriam capazes de crescer e se desenvolver ainda mais.

Alimentado por sua paixão pelo discipulado, o Pastor Decco empilhou criativamente as 20 caixas em duas bicicletas (130 kg por bicicleta) e viajou lentamente o trecho de 25 km até a fronteira com a RDC. Lá, ele os carregou no transporte público para a jornada de 200 km de volta a Lubumbashi.

Finalmente de volta à sua região natal, o trabalho ainda não havia acabado. Nos dias seguintes, ele começou o processo de distribuição dos livros para os 179 líderes de núcleo em torno de Lubumbashi. Esses líderes de núcleo ficaram maravilhados; eles esperaram um ano pelos materiais enquanto estavam presos e sob as restrições da Covid.

Herbie Venter, Diretor Regional dos Harvesters para a África Ocidental e Central, disse: “Louvamos ao Senhor pelo feedback dos líderes do núcleo que receberam os livros que, enquanto estavam presos e em situação de Covid seguiram em frente e plantaram igrejas”. O feedback de 12 dos Líderes de Núcleo em Lubumbashi é que 60 novas igrejas foram plantadas!

Agora, louvado seja o Senhor, os pastores em treinamento terão acesso aos livros dos Harvesters; e eles podem iniciar – e continuar – seu treinamento. Graças às suas generosas doações, os alunos dos Harvesters em todo o mundo recebem livros como esses como parte de seu programa de três anos de treinamento. Agradecemos a Deus por vocês, nossos doadores, e por líderes dedicados como o Pastor Decco que estão ajudando a fazer crescer o Reino de Deus aqui na terra.



Não faça nada por ambição egoísta ou vaidade. Em vez disso, valorize os outros com humildade acima de si mesmo, não olhando para os seus próprios interesses, mas cada um de vocês para os interesses dos outros. Filipenses 2: 3-4

405, 2021

Dois eventos de lançamento bem-sucedidos aconteceram na África do Sul

May 4th, 2021|

Os Harvesters tem trabalhado na África do Sul nos últimos três anos. Nesse tempo, 13 centros de plantação de igrejas começaram em cinco das nove províncias da África do Sul. Os centros estabelecidos foram capazes de continuar a plantar novas igrejas, mesmo durante os confinamentos no ano passado. Nomeadamente nas províncias de Gauteng e KwaZula-Natal, onde 11 novas igrejas foram plantadas no total! No entanto, alguns dos Núcleos são muito novos e a Covid-19 trouxe um impacto negativo. “Portanto, precisamos nos reanimar e treinar em muitas dessas áreas”, explica Beyers Brink, Diretor Regional da Harvesters na a África Austral.


Conferência de lançamento

A mais nova das cinco regiões a ganhar presença dos Harvesters é Mpumalanga, onde duas conferências iniciais ocorreram no início de 2021. Localizada na fronteira nordeste da África do Sul, Mpumalanga significa literalmente “lugar onde o sol nasce”.

As conferências iniciais acontecem após os contatos iniciais serem feitos em qualquer nova região. Elas cobrem a necessidade do Evangelho, detalham a Grande Comissão e apresentam o programa de treinamento dos Harvesters, entre outras coisas. A conferência dura dois dias e inclui um evento de evangelismo onde os participantes vão para suas comunidades para compartilhar o Evangelho. Os locais para evangelismo são planejados com antecedência e formam os primeiros alicerces de novas plantações de igrejas.




O primeiro Evento de Lançamento foi em KaNyamazane. Dirigindo para o município, a equipe pôde ver as evidências das fortes chuvas de um mês. No entanto, ao chegarem, eles foram para aquele local com o Mapa do Coração do Homem. Esta é uma ferramenta muito visual que mostra os vários estados do coração humano – de um coração sem Deus a um coração arrependido submetido ao Senhor. É uma ferramenta de evangelismo eficaz. Em KaNyamazane naquele dia, 15 pessoas foram salvas! Louvamos a Deus por cada um deles.

A conferência de dois dias foi organizada por uma igreja liderada pelo reverendo Kabelo Mohotsi. Ele refletiu sobre o tempo que passaram juntos. “Deus abriu nossos olhos de uma maneira muito maravilhosa e esperamos que o que nos foi ensinado, as lições que foram transmitidas a nós, com certeza as usaremos, sairemos e cumpriremos a Grande Comissão e faremos discípulos, porque isso é o que nosso Senhor disse. ”



Viajando para o oeste algumas semanas depois, os Harvesters apresentaram um segundo Evento de Lançamento em Bronkhorstspruit. Os presentes desfrutaram de um treinamento relevante e útil. “Todos participaram com entusiasmo enquanto examinávamos os blocos de construção de plantação de igrejas”, explica Beyers. Durante a parte de divulgação do evento de lançamento lá, 31 pessoas entregaram seus corações a Deus! Todos os novos convertidos logo serão acompanhados por líderes locais, “porque queremos fazer discípulos, não convertidos”, diz Beyers, enfatizando a visão dos Harvesters.


O que acontece depois

Após os Eventos de Lançamento, os Harvesters retornam para fazer um evento para Relembrar e depois outro para ensinar a Fase A, tudo dentro de 6 meses para manter o entusiasmo. Nesse caso, “tanto KaNyamazane quanto Bronkhorstspruit começarão a treinar na Fase A nos próximos 3 meses”, explica Beyers. “Primeiro, fazer discípulos, depois o evangelismo e a plantação de igrejas se seguirão.” Há uma equipe dedicada de HLTs (Treinadores Licenciados dos Harvesters) que treinam os novos líderes de núcleo regularmente – semanal ou quinzenalmente.

Louvamos a Deus pelas sementes plantadas e frutos colhidos durante essas conferências de lançamento. O foco na África do Sul é o projeto 1: 1: 1. “Queremos ver que cada plantador de igrejas (pastor) plante 1 igreja em 1 ano”, explica Beyers.

Oramos para que o rosto do Filho brilhe intensamente sobre esta nova região – Mpumalanga, o lugar onde o sol nasce.


Suas doações podem abrir caminho para ainda mais treinamentos

Os Eventos de Lançamento são o início de anos de investimento, treinamento e apoio dos Harvesters. As preciosas pessoas salvas em KaNyamazane e Bronkhorstspruit serão convidadas a participarem das novas igrejas lideradas por pastores em treinamento dos Harvesters.

Treinar um pastor custa £ 150 ($ 200 / R$1.150,00). Isso cobre todos os três anos de treinamento, que inclui seis módulos e uma Bíblia em sua língua nativa. Durante o treinamento, cada aluno plantará três igrejas. Sua doação de £ 150, ou £ 12,50 ($ 15 / R$ 95,00) mensalmente, fornecerá este programa para um aluno.


Para doar, clique aqui.


405, 2021

A Bikeload of Books Arrives in the DRC

May 4th, 2021|

In some parts of the world, a training day may mean a minor adaptation to the daily schedule and a brief detour to the venue. Training materials can be downloaded or printed with ease. However, in other parts of the world, seemingly inconsequential requirements for training events actually require significant amounts of effort! Effort that comes at the personal cost of our dedicated Harvesters leaders. One such example is the collection and distribution of the training books.


Books On Their Way

Training in the Democratic Republic of Congo had been halted due to the effects of Covid-19. But a few weeks ago, regional Harvesters coordinator, Pastor Decco, was excited to receive news that the long-awaited training books were on their way at last.

20 Large boxes, each filled with 20 books, were being sent to Zambia, a neighbouring nation to the south of the DRC. This may have seemed too far for some, but Pastor Decco was desperate to get his hands on the materials. So, he travelled over 200km to Mufulira, in Zambia, where the boxes were waiting for him. Inside were 200 Phase A and 200 Phase B Harvesters training books in French, the national language of the DRC. Pastor Decco realised that each book represented 200 students who would soon be able to grow and develop further.


Transporting the Books

Fuelled by his passion for discipleship, Pastor Decco creatively stacked the 20 boxes onto two bicycles (130kg per bicycle) and slowly travelled the 25km stretch to the border of the DRC. There he loaded them onto public transport for the 200km journey back to Lubumbashi.

Finally back in his home region, the job was not done. Over the following days he began the process of distributing the books to the 179 hub leaders in and around Lubumbashi. These hub leaders were delighted; they had been waiting a year for the materials whilst in lockdown and under Covid restrictions.

Herbie Venter, Harvesters Regional Director for West and Central Africa, said, “We praise the Lord for feedback from the hub leaders receiving the books that whilst in lockdown and Covid they still carried on and planted churches.” Feedback from 12 of the Hub-Leaders in Lubumbashi is that 60 new churches have been planted!


Training Can Continue

Now, praise the Lord, the student pastors will have access to Harvesters books; and they can start – and continue – their training. Thanks to your generous donations, Harvesters students around the world receive books like these as part of their three-year programme. We thank God for you, our donors, and for dedicated leaders like Pastor Decco who are helping to grow the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4

2704, 2021

Two Successful Kick Off Events Take Place in South Africa

April 27th, 2021|

Harvesters Ministries has been working in South Africa for the last three years. In that time, 13 church planting hubs have started in five of South Africa’s nine provinces. The more established hubs were able to continue planting new churches even during the lockdowns over the last year. Namely in the provinces of Gauteng and KwaZula-Natal, where 11 new churches have been planted in total! However, some of the hubs are very new and Covid-19 has had a negative impact on momentum. “Therefore, we need to refresh and retrain in many of these areas,” explains Beyers Brink, Harvesters’ Regional Director for Southern Africa.


Kick Off Conference

The newest of the five regions to gain a Harvesters presence is Mpumalanga, where two Kick Off conferences occurred in early 2021. Located on the north-eastern border of South Africa, Mpumalanga literally means “place where the sun rises”.

Kick Off Conferences happen after initial contacts are made in any new region. They cover the need for the Gospel, detail the Great Commission and introduce the Harvesters training programme, amongst other things. The conference lasts two days and includes an evangelism event where participants go out into their communities to share the Gospel. The locations for evangelism are planned beforehand and form the early foundations of new church plants.



The first Kick Off event was in KaNyamazane. Driving to the township, the team could see the evidence of a month’s heavy rains. Nevertheless, upon arrival they went out in the local area with the Heart of Man chart. This is a very visual tool that shows various states of the human heart – from a heart without God to a repentant heart submitted to the Lord. It is an effective evangelism tool. In KaNyamazane that day, 15 people were saved! We praise God for each one of them.

The two-day conference was hosted by a church led by Reverend Kabelo Mohotsi. He reflected on their time together. “God has opened our eyes in a very wonderful way and we hope what we have [been] taught, the lessons that have been imparted in us, we will surely take them out and go out and fulfil the Great Commission and make disciples because that is what our Lord has said.”



Travelling west a couple of weeks later, Harvesters presented a second Kick Off in Bronkhorstspruit. Those present enjoyed the relevant and useful training. “Everyone eagerly participated as we went through the church planting building blocks,” explains Beyers. During the outreach part of the Kick Off event there, 31 people gave their heart to God! All the new converts will be soon followed up by local hub leaders, “because we want to make disciples not converts,” says Beyers, emphasising the underpinning vision of Harvesters Ministries.


What Happens Next

Following Kick Off events, Harvesters Ministries returns to do a Refresher event and then to teach Phase A, all within 6 months to maintain momentum. In this case, “both KaNyamazane and Bronkhorstspruit will start training on Phase A within the next 3 months,” explains Beyers. “Disciple-making first then evangelism and church planting will follow.” There is a dedicated team of HLT’s (Harvesters Licenced Trainers) who will train the new hub leaders on a regular basis – weekly or bi-weekly.

We praise God for the seeds planted and fruit harvested during these Kick Off conferences. The focus in South Africa is the 1:1:1 project. “We want to see that every church planter (pastor) plants 1 church in 1 year,” explains Beyers.

We pray that the face of the Son shines brightly upon this new region – Mpumalanga, the place where the sun rises.


Your Gifts Can Open the Way for Even More Training

Kick Off events are the very start of years’ worth of investment, training and support from Harvesters Ministries. The precious people saved in KaNyamazane and Bronkhorstspruit will be invited into new church plants led by Harvesters student pastors.

Harvesters provides three years of training for a pastor which includes six modules and a Bible in their native language. During the training each student will plant at least three churches. Your gift today can help provide this for more pastors.

To give, click here.

1504, 2021

Pray for Asia: Home of the Persecuted Church

April 15th, 2021|

Growing Persecution

“Throughout the world, men and women are spreading the Gospel, mobilising and multiplying disciples, and planting new churches to carry the fullness of Jesus into every part of the world,” says Harvesters Regional Director for Asia, “And they are doing this in the face of increasing and intensifying persecution.”

The number of countries within Asia where Christians experience oppression is growing. It has become a “hotspot for persecution,” says the Regional Director, “taking over the honours from the Middle East.”

Open Doors, a Christian charity involved in supporting the Persecuted Church, recently released a 2021 ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most severe persecution. Of that 50, nearly 30 were Asian countries. 20 Of them are Central and Eastern Asian nations.

The situation for Christians has become frightening – and often life-threatening – in countries such as China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and Indonesia. India is in the top 10 most persecuted nations in the world for Christians. Open Doors released a figure of 4,761 Christians who were killed for faith-related reasons last year. Our brothers and sisters in these regions of the world need our prayers.


Examples of Persecution in Some Southeast Asian Countries

Southeast Asia is also home to the majority of the world’s Muslim believers. More Muslims live in South Asia than in the Middle East and North Africa combined. This territory has recently seen an alarming rise in Islamic extremism. “Pockets of Islamic state affiliated groups in places like Mindanao in the Philippines and Aceh in Indonesia are gaining ground and expanding their territory,” explains Harvesters Regional Director.

In the Philippines, there are concerns that Islamist militant groups in Mindanao could get a boost from former members of sympathizers who may have been among the more than 10,000 prisoners released by the government in response to the spread of the coronavirus through the country’s prison system.

In Indonesia, the province of Aceh is governed by Shariah law which prohibits the building of any new church. Of course, as Christians, we know that the Church is the Body of Christ and not a building. But this is still a significant worry to any Christians who wish to group together to worship God and study the Bible.

Additionally, for the last five years Malaysia has banned the printing and distribution of the Bible in the local language, Malay. As Christians we believe that the Bible is sufficient to provide us with the knowledge we need for salvation and right living. We hold fast to the teaching that it should be read daily and studied regularly. It is essential to us. To not be able to access it in our local language would be devastating. This is the current reality for many Malaysians.

Also happening in Malaysia is the criminalisation of “attempting to leave the religion of Islam” or “claiming to be a non-Muslim”. A huge threat for any Christian in that nation; as well as a hindrance to sharing the Gospel.


The Church is Alive

Logically, upon hearing stories of anti-Christian laws, persecution, opposition, attacks and oppression, it could be assumed that, ultimately, the Christian religion would fade out. However, the Church of Christ carries Holy Spirit presence and power! From a little more than 62 million Christians in East and Southeast Asia in 1970, by 2020 the number of faithful believers had grown to more than 200 million.

Our Harvesters connections are active even though there’s huge personal risk. They are just so passionate about sharing the Gospel with their neighbours and relatives! We praise God for this victory while recognising the very real pain for many of our brothers and sisters in Asia. We join with them in prayer.


We Must Pray

 Some prayer points:

  • Pray for Christians in Asia who risk rejection from their families and social circles as well as from their homes by declaring that Jesus Christ is Lord. Many risk their very lives.
  • Pray for strength, persistence, resilience and peace.
  • Pray that believers will gain access to the Word of God.
  • Pray that Christians are able to support and encourage one another in these countries.
  • Pray for the hearts of people of the Muslim faith.
  • Pray for protection against Islamic extremists in the Philippines and Indonesia.
  • Thank God for the growth of the Church in Asia over the last 50 years. Pray that it continues.


Please visit our Harvesters Prayer Wall for updated requests from the field.

3003, 2021

Go the Extra Mile – Join the Virtual Event

March 30th, 2021|


Are you a runner? Do you enjoy a jog or a walk? Harvesters Ministries is hosting a virtual “Go the Extra Mile” event on Saturday 24th April for all our partners and friends around the world. You can participate from wherever you are. Upload your time and distance when you’ve finished and receive your event results and a certificate.


How it works

Firstly, sign up for the event here. You can choose to enter a 5k, 10k or 21k distance. The cost for a 5k and 10k race is R40; the cost for the 21k distance is R50. Additional donations are welcome. Funds raised will go towards Harvesters Crisis Response work.

Then on Saturday 24th April you run/walk your chosen distance. You may complete this as a leisurely walk, a fun jog or a competitive run – any method that is suitable and comfortable for you. All participants will be completing the race in their neighbourhoods or on their treadmills around the world. Harvesters partners everywhere will be participating alongside you – virtually. During your race, record your time and distance because you can upload those when you are finished. All COVID-19 health and safety protocols must be followed at all times.

To upload your time and download your certificate, go to Select the Go the Extra Mile event and distance entered (5/10k or 21km). Click on your name and follow the prompts.

Join in the virtual event with your Harvesters partners and Go the Extra Mile to help poverty-stricken communities in crisis. This is open worldwide. Sign up today!

If you would like the option of walking or running your own distance, if you do not require a certificate or you do not wish to sign up officially, then you are free to donate directly to Harvesters Ministries here.


Harvesters Crisis Response 

Harvesters Ministries is primarily a church planting ministry and has planted over 65,000 churches worldwide in over 53 countries. Harvesters provides pastoral training to indigenous leaders in these churches, free of charge, and currently has more than 32,000 students enrolled globally. We also provide Bibles to believers who do not have access to the Word of God either due to poverty or remote locations.

However, recent events presented a pressing need that Harvesters cannot ignore. Natural disasters and other crises have brought devastation to communities around the world where Harvesters is engaged. Following these events, people are left without basic necessities such as food, shelter and clean water. Harvesters has a heart for crisis response.

Thinus Botha, Regional Director who is involved in the Crisis Response work, describes the heart behind this as, “being the hands and feet of Jesus, aiding vulnerable people in their time of crisis by being a voice to the voiceless, face to the faceless and name to the nameless.”

You can help us to intervene and save communities in dire need. To learn more about the Crisis Response and to read some stories about this work of Harvesters Ministries, visit our Crisis Response page.


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matt 25:35-36.




2503, 2021

New Students Realise the Importance of Discipleship

March 25th, 2021|

Kenya, like many countries, was hit hard with the Covid-19 virus. As infection rates rose and lockdowns ensued, the ability to meet and train in Kenya was temporarily halted. After weeks of postponement, training was able to pick up again at the start of this year. Including in a new location.

High up in the hills of the mountainous sub-county of Nyamarambe, 22 new student pastors gathered together, excited to begin a new journey. Dylan, Harvesters Country Director for Kenya, travelled to the host church to provide the three-days’ training. “These people they are fired up. They are fired up to continue and to go on with the Gospel,” said Dylan.

The training they completed was Phase A. This phase teaches about transformational discipleship and the disciplines we should adopt to live a healthy and holy Christian life.


Important Realisations

During the first day of training, one of the students realised the importance of discipleship. The student, Justin, began a discussion regarding the churches around the region that had died because the leader was not able to disciple well. Dylan explains that church leaders need training on discipleship “because the pastors have not been well equipped on discipleship processes and discipling their church members and church leaders.” The students are so grateful to Harvesters for bringing this training to the region.

The pastor of the host church and one of the students, Bishop Paul Oyagi, expressed, “Wow, if at least we had something like this there before! If we had such a training from the beginning of our ministries in this [community] we could have reached very many people. So, we are so happy! Not only me, but the entire community, have seen that now there is a great impact that is going to happen in our community. Because now, through the 22 students who are undergoing [the training], they are, with me, [able] to reach more people, making disciples.”

The excitement and hope among the students are evident. The Harvesters training is providing necessary knowledge and practical tools that they can take back to their communities to spread the Gospel.

As Dylan speaks on top of a mountain, looking down over Nyamarambe, an image of influence comes to mind. Let’s pray that these students will become a beacon of light throughout this region, raising the bar for church leaders and transforming communities with the Truth and Good News of Jesus Christ.


You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matt 5:14)


You Can Help

The realisation of these students in Nyamarambe is a dim reality in many more regions throughout Africa and the world. A lack of basic scriptural understanding from church leaders can impact the Spiritual health of their communities. The training that Harvesters has provided to these 22 students will bring change to dozens, even hundreds, of people. They have begun a three-year programme that will provide information to live a mature Christian life, evangelise to the lost, plant churches and help disciple other believers.

To give, click here.


1503, 2021

Mozambican Cyclone Brought Widespread Destruction

March 15th, 2021|

At the end of January, Cyclone Eloise hit Mozambique and caused major destructions. Flooding and strong winds resulted in people losing their roads, crops and homes. It has now been declared a national disaster.


Harvesters Ministries Acted Quickly

As soon as the events occurred, Harvesters Ministries sprung to action. Harvesters did an urgent appeal, and we would like to thank you for your donations and prayers. We partnered with our contacts and other charitable organisations to get tonnes of food and relief parcels flown into the affected areas within days.

A previous natural disaster, Cyclone Idai, caused catastrophic damage in 2019. Followed by a large tropical storm at the end of that year. The people of Mozambique dreaded this happening again so soon. The same areas have been affected and people were barely recovered.

However, one advantage of those events is the experience and Disaster Management Training that the network of Harvesters Ministries churches now have. Which means they were able to mobilise quickly and efficiently to receive, organise and distribute the relief parcels as they arrived.

Thanks to you and thanks to our local Harvesters students and pastors, large amounts of food parcels have been distributed to affected families. Jose, one of the local pastors from Manica Province, sends his thanks, saying, “We are really happy to receive this food. God bless you all.”

They still need your prayers. More storms are forecast and thousands of disheartened people are considering where to begin rebuilding what has been lost. Personally and communally.


Pray for Donna Joana

Living right near the coast, Donna Joana is one Mozambican resident who was hugely affected when Cyclone Eloise swept through on January 23rd. She is a 66-year-old widow who has three children and seven grandchildren. She works as a saleswoman, selling seasonal products to her neighbours, including tangerines, mangos, bananas and bread.

When the Cyclone hit, it destroyed her 3m2 home. One wall has completely fallen down and the zinc roofing has blown away. A tragic loss which has undoubtedly caused distress, worry and insecurity.

Now homeless, Joana has had to find shelter in the homes of family and friends. Originally, she alternated sleeping at the houses of two of her sons. But, with their own wives and families, ultimately there was not enough space. Presently she spends the daytime with them when she isn’t working and travels a few kilometres each evening to sleep at a friend’s house.

Praise God, Donna Joana was one of the people who received a relief package from Harvesters Ministries.

Please keep Donna Joana in your prayers. Pray that she feels a sense of peace and security during this unsettled time. Pray that she is able to rebuild the wall and roof soon and be able to move back into her own home. Pray that her business selling produce is successful.

Remember to visit our Prayer Wall where you can see prayer requests as they come in from the field.

203, 2021

Cambodia Receives Food Parcels After Devastating Typhoons

March 2nd, 2021|

Towards the end of last year, a series of typhoons hit Southeast Asia, with “many describing the flooding as the worst in living memory,” explained Sidney Moss, Harvesters’ Regional Director for South East Asia.

The 225kph (140mph) winds and torrential rains left behind widespread damage. Thousands of people were displaced, roads were submerged, roofs were ripped off, and hundreds tragically died. Over 2.5 million people were affected throughout the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.

To hear more about the devastating events and effects of these typhoons, watch the video below of Harvesters’ reporting at the time.

Harvesters Got to Work

One country affected was Cambodia where flash floods, strong winds, landslides and high tides compounded the existing Covid-19 crisis. Located south of Thailand and east of Vietnam, this nation saw 26,000 people evacuated, 60,000 homes lost, and 20 people lose their lives.

Thanks to your help and generous gifts, Harvesters was able to provide emergency necessities tothose in need through our network of churches. Parcels were packaged and loaded onto the backs of motorbikes, a common mode of transport In Southeast Asia.

One Stream Leader went from house to house, visiting each Hub Leader to encourage them, deliver food and to say that Harvesters Ministries has not forgotten them.

“As if the Covid pandemic has not been difficult enough to cope with, now we had to overcome flooding too, damaging many crops, which is particularly difficult given the economic challenges we Cambodians are already facing. Thank you, Harvesters Ministries, for your help,” said one Hub Leader. The relief and gratitude were evident.

In addition to food, each parcel also contained vegetable seeds for replanting as soon as they are able to. A great treasure at a time when many are unsure how they will cope.


The Heart of Jesus

In the midst of their own tragedy and loss, local pastors are still utilising this opportunity to show the love of Christ to their neighbours. In an overwhelmingly Buddhist country, Harvesters-trained Christians are being salt and light in their communities.

One leader shared, “I have received freely today and so I will also share freely to my neighbour who is a non-believer, a devout Buddhist.”


‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40


Watch the Video

Harvesters Ministries

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