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209, 2021

Reaching Out in Angola

September 2nd, 2021|

Peter Kambulo is a church pastor from Chavuma, Zambia. He serves the Luvale people, who reside in the northwest of Zambia and the southeast of Angola. The Luvale traditionally recognise a sky god of creation, Kalunga, that has power over every other deity, as well as the mahamba, which are nature and ancestral spirits.

Although Peter presently lives in Zambia, he is soon moving to pastor the new church he has planted in Kasupa, Angola.

A few weeks ago, Peter visited Kasupa and held an outreach event in the community to share the Gospel with even more locals. That day, 16 people came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour! We praise God for the harvest. Those new believers will join Peter’s church plant and grow in their faith.

Harvesters Ministries is passionate about sharing the Gospel and we plant churches through evangelism. New Christians are discipled in those churches by pastors who go through the three-year Bible School programme that Harvesters provides thanks to generous givers like you.

Peter is already equipping others. He is currently developing three young leaders in the ministry. They have started their Harvesters Bible School training too and will soon begin planting their own churches through evangelism.

During the outreach arranged by Peter, one of the women who gave her life to Christ is the wife of the local police chief. We pray that the Lord’s blessing and protection will be upon that family.

The event took place in a remote part of Angola. Harvesters Ministries has other church plants in southern Angola “as well as in the area of Luanda but not in this area, because it is very remote,” explains Beyers, Regional Director for Southern Africa.

In order to reach Kasupa village, Peter had to wade through the flooded plains, carrying his luggage over his shoulder! We praise the Lord for the willingness of Peter to go and reach the unreached.

Harvesters Ministries

209, 2021

Alcançando a Angola

September 2nd, 2021|

Peter Kambulo é pastor de uma igreja de Chavuma, Zâmbia. Ele serve o povo Luvale, que reside no noroeste da Zâmbia e no sudeste de Angola. Os Luvale tradicionalmente reconhecem um deus da criação do céu, Kalunga, que tem poder sobre todas as outras divindades, bem como sobre os mahamba, que são a natureza e os espíritos ancestrais.

Embora Peter atualmente viva na Zâmbia, ele logo se mudará para pastorear a nova igreja que plantou em Kasupa, Angola.

Algumas semanas atrás, Peter visitou Kasupa e realizou um evento de evangelismo na comunidade para compartilhar o Evangelho com ainda mais moradores. Naquele dia, 16 pessoas receberam Jesus Cristo como seu Senhor e Salvador! Louvamos a Deus pela colheita. Esses novos crentes se juntarão à igreja de Pedro e crescerão em sua fé.

Os Harvesters são apaixonados por compartilhar o Evangelho e Plantar Igrejas por meio do evangelismo. Os novos cristãos são discipulados nessas igrejas por pastores que passam pelo programa de Escola Bíblica de três anos que os Harvesters oferecem graças a doadores generosos como você.

Peter já está equipando outros. Ele está atualmente desenvolvendo três jovens líderes no ministério. Eles começaram o treinamento da Escola Bíblica Harvesters também e em breve começarão a plantar suas próprias igrejas por meio do evangelismo.

Durante o evangelismo organizado por Peter, uma das mulheres que entregou sua vida a Cristo é a esposa do chefe de polícia local. Oramos para que a bênção e proteção do Senhor estejam sobre essa família.

O evento orreu numa zona remota de Angola. Os Harvesters Ministries têm outras igrejas plantadas no sul de Angola “bem como na área de Luanda, mas não nesta área, porque é muito remota”, explica Beyers, Diretor Regional para a África Austral.

Para chegar ao vilarejo Kasupa, Peter teve que percorrer as planícies alagadas, carregando sua bagagem sobre o ombro! Louvamos ao Senhor pela disposição de Pedro em ir e alcançar os não alcançados.

2608, 2021

Pastors are hungry to grow in central Africa

August 26th, 2021|

We recently reported about the dedicated work of Pastor Decco in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) when he transported 20 heavy boxes of training materials using his bicycle.

The grateful pastors eagerly awaited their Phase A and Phase B books so they could study Discipleship and Preparing for Ministry. Since then, Herbie Venter, Regional Director for Central Africa, reports that another consignment of 60 boxes of books was sent. The sheer number of training materials being sent to Africa’s second largest nation represents the huge desire of these pastors to grow deeper in their faith and develop in their ministries.

Pastor Decco again made the trip to neighbouring nation Zambia, where it is logistically best for the books to get sent. He was fortunate to have access to a truck to bring them back to the DRC this time around. “At the border there was the normal payment and customs procedure to import the books,” explains Herbie.

These leaders, hungry to develop, would not be getting trained if it weren’t for your generosity. The price for the complete three-year programme – including a Bible in their own language – costs R1,800/£100/US$120 per pastor. Harvesters presently is training 32,000 students worldwide. Your gift today, or R150/£8/$10 monthly, can provide a community with an equipped pastor. Harvesters wants to see a church in every community – where previously there was no church.


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Pastor Decco arranged for the 199 pastors in the DRC to attend a 2-day training session in April this year. They were “disappointed and sad” to have it postponed due to Covid-19 complications explained Herbie. Some of the leaders had already arrived from distant locations.

Fortunately, the government restrictions changed, and the Phase B training took place. However, those from further away could not attend – it was too costly and far to make the trip again. The remaining 138 leaders were thrilled to undergo the “Preparing for Ministry” session.

Pastor Robinson Muzeya, who delivered the training, reported that the group shared the wonderful news of 159 new church plants and 530 souls saved!

These new believers and church plants need a shepherd. Harvesters Ministries believes in discipling people and placing them into a church family so they can grow. Prayerfully consider your donation to train a pastor today.

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Harvesters Ministries

2608, 2021

Os pastores estão famintos por crescimento na África Central

August 26th, 2021|

Recentemente, relatamos sobre o trabalho dedicado do Pastor Decco na República Democrática do Congo (RDC), quando ele transportou 20 caixas pesadas de materiais de treinamento usando sua bicicleta.

Os agradecidos pastores aguardaram ansiosamente seus livros da Fase A e da Fase B para que pudessem estudar Discipulado e Preparação para o Ministério. Desde então, Herbie Venter, Diretor Regional dos Harvesters na África Central, informa que outra remessa de 60 caixas de livros foi enviada. O grande número de materiais de treinamento enviados para a segunda maior nação da África representa o enorme desejo desses pastores de crescer mais profundamente em sua fé e desenvolver-se em seus ministérios.

O pastor Decco fez novamente a viagem para a nação vizinha, Zâmbia, onde é logisticamente melhor que os livros sejam enviados. Ele teve a sorte de ter acesso a um caminhão para trazê-los de volta à RDC desta vez. “Na fronteira havia o pagamento normal e o procedimento alfandegário para importar os livros”, explica Herbie.

Esses líderes, famintos por se desenvolver, não estariam sendo treinados se não fosse por sua generosidade. O preço do programa completo de três anos – incluindo uma Bíblia em seu próprio idioma – custa R$ 840,00 por ano, por pastor. Os Harvesters atualmente estão treinando 32.000 alunos em todo o mundo. A sua doação hoje, ou RS 70,00 mensais, pode fornecer a uma comunidade um pastor preparado. Os Harvesters querem ver uma igreja em cada comunidade – onde antes não havia igreja.


Você pode fazer a sua doação aqui


O pastor Decco providenciou para que 199 pastores na RDC participassem de uma sessão de treinamento de 2 dias em abril deste ano. Eles ficaram “desapontados e tristes” por terem adiado devido a complicações da Covid-19, explicou Herbie. Alguns dos líderes já haviam chegado de locais distantes.

Felizmente, as restrições do governo mudaram e o treinamento da Fase B ocorreu. No entanto, quem vinha de mais longe não pôde comparecer – era muito caro e longe para fazer a viagem novamente. Os 138 líderes restantes ficaram entusiasmados com a sessão de “Preparação para o Ministério”.

O pastor Robinson Muzeya, que ministrou o treinamento, relatou que o grupo compartilhou as maravilhosas notícias de 159 novas plantações de igrejas e 530 almas salvas!

Esses novos crentes e igrejas precisam de um pastor. Os Harvesters acreditam em discipular pessoas e colocá-las em uma família da igreja para que possam crescer. Em espírito de oração, considere sua doação para treinar um pastor hoje.


Você pode fazer a sua doação aqui


1708, 2021

Prayers for Myanmar in the midst of a Double Crisis

August 17th, 2021|

Myanmar Under Immense Strain

The Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar (formerly Burma) has been under oppressive military rule since February 2021. According to the Burmese advocacy group Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, over 6,000 peaceful opposers, politicians, medics and journalists have been detained since the coup and over 900 have been killed. Including dozens of children.

Myanmar Google Maps
Myanmar is a nation in Southeast Asia. Photo credit: Google Maps

Then, in the middle of the junta, came a new outbreak of Covid – the country’s most severe yet. The military coup has caused Myanmar’s hospitals to collapse and thrown vaccination and testing campaigns into chaos. News outlets are reporting desperate stories of people trying to source oxygen – many unsuccessfully.

Pop up isolation centres have been set up for those infected. People are struggling to decide whether to remain at home and risk infecting their families, or to go into a military-operated care facility in the midst of widespread human rights abuses. Borders have closed to prevent spreading – and to stop people trying to escape the military rule.


Effects on the Church

Our Regional Director for Southeast Asia explains, “The Church fears that the rule of a military government, who in the past has always been protective of their Buddhist culture and tradition, will have serious implications to the Church. They are expecting further restrictions upon the church to happen once again, though they are unsure of the extent and the form it will take as of yet.”


Opening the Way

In the Shan state, which borders Thailand to the south, pastors were waiting for their next phase of training. “I managed to get the training material printed in Thailand a few months ago,” explains the Harvesters Director, “but with all borders closed, there has just been no way to get the material in the hands of the students in Myanmar.”

“Over the course of the last few months we have been praying and trusting God to open the way. And He sure did!”

Brother Chaw*, one of the prominent church planters in the Shan state, has a sister, Khin* who is a frontline worker in Myanmar and crosses the Myanmar-Thai border once every two weeks to transport necessary medical supplies provided by the Thailand government.

When she enters Thailand, her vehicle is searched to make sure that no illegal migrants are brought into the country, and when she leaves, the vehicle is searched again to make sure no “illegal” goods, except medical supplies, are in the vehicle.

When Khin heard about the need to get training material into Myanmar, she did not even hesitate to suggest that she would “smuggle” the printed training manuals from Thailand to Myanmar. If she gets caught with the “illegal” goods in her vehicle, then the material would be confiscated, she would be given a huge fine or risk being arrested by either Thai or Burmese border officials.

As Khin was about to cross the border back into Myanmar and waiting in a long queue, as per usual, the officials asked her to open the trunk to do a routine check. The two boxes with Harvesters training material were right in front of their eyes and when they asked what were in the boxes, she boldly said, “These are educational books, teaching people about obedience.” Looking at the long queue of vehicles still to search, the border official, without asking further questions, closed the trunk and let her through.

Her brother Chaw was waiting for her on the Burmese side and when she gave a big smile, he knew that she had managed to get the books across. He immediately called our Regional Director and together they prayed, thanking God for opening the way to provide the student pastors with the necessary training material.


Prayer Points for Myanmar

  • Pray for the violence to end. Pray for peace to prevail in a country torn by conflict.
  • Pray for restoration of democracy. Pray that the military will cede control and hand power back to the elected government. Pray for God’s peace, justice, and righteousness to be established in Myanmar.
  • Pray for Harvesters’ Burmese pastors. That they are able to share the Gospel without repercussions. Pray that the Church does not suffer any further restrictions in Myanmar.
  • Thank the Lord for the willingness and sacrifice of Sister Khin* who risked her own personal security to grow the Kingdom.


*Names changed for protection.

Harvesters Ministries

1708, 2021

Orações por Mianmar em meio a uma dupla crise

August 17th, 2021|

Mianmar sob imensa tensão

Mianmar (antiga Birmânia), nação do sudeste asiático, está sob um regime militar opressor desde fevereiro. De acordo com o grupo de defesa birmanês Associação de Assistência para Prisioneiros Políticos, mais de 6.000 opositores pacíficos, políticos, médicos e jornalistas foram detidos desde o golpe e mais de 900 foram mortos. Incluindo dezenas de crianças.

Google Maps

Então, em meio ao regime militar, veio um novo surto de Covid – o mais grave do país até agora. O golpe militar fez com que os hospitais de Mianmar entrassem em colapso e jogou as campanhas de vacinação e testes no caos. Os meios de comunicação estão relatando histórias de pessoas desesperadas que tentam obter oxigênio – muitas sem sucesso.

Centros de isolamento temporários foram criados para as pessoas infectadas. As pessoas estão lutando para decidir se permanecem em casa e correm o risco de infectar suas famílias, ou se devem ir para um centro de saúde operado por militares em meio a abusos generalizados dos direitos humanos. As fronteiras foram fechadas para evitar a propagação – e para impedir que as pessoas tentem escapar do regime militar.


Efeitos na Igreja

Nosso Diretor Regional para o Sudeste Asiático explica: “A Igreja teme que a forma de governar de um governo militar, que no passado sempre protegeu a cultura e a tradição budista, traga sérias implicações para a Igreja. Eles estão esperando que mais restrições sobre a igreja aconteçam mais uma vez, embora não tenham certeza, por enquanto, da extensão e da forma que ela assumirá. ”


Abrindo o Caminho

No estado de Shan, que faz fronteira com a Tailândia ao sul, os pastores estavam esperando pela próxima fase de treinamento. “Consegui imprimir o material de treinamento na Tailândia há alguns meses”, explica o Diretor dos Harvesters, “mas com todas as fronteiras fechadas, simplesmente não havia como colocar o material nas mãos dos alunos em Mianmar”.

“Ao longo dos últimos meses, temos orado e confiado em Deus para abrir o caminho. E com certeza ele fez! ”

O irmão Chaw *, um dos plantadores de igrejas proeminentes no estado de Shan, tem uma irmã, Khin * que trabalha na linha de frente em Mianmar e cruza a fronteira entre Mianmar e Tailândia uma vez a cada duas semanas para transportar suprimentos médicos fornecidos pelo governo da Tailândia.

Quando ela entra na Tailândia, seu veículo é revistado para se certificar de que nenhum imigrante ilegal seja trazido para o país e, quando ela sai, o veículo é revistado novamente para se certificar de que não há mercadorias “ilegais”, exceto suprimentos médicos, dentro do veículo.

Quando Khin ouviu sobre a necessidade de levar material de treinamento para Mianmar, ela nem hesitou em sugerir que “contrabandearia” os manuais de treinamento impressos da Tailândia para Mianmar. Se ela for pega com mercadorias “ilegais” em seu veículo, o material será confiscado, ela receberá uma multa enorme ou corre o risco de ser presa por funcionários da fronteira tailandesa ou birmanesa.

Quando Khin* estava prestes a cruzar a fronteira de volta a Mianmar e esperando em uma longa fila, como de costume, os oficiais pediram que ela abrisse o porta-malas para fazer uma verificação de rotina. As duas caixas com o material de treinamento dos Harvesters estavam bem na frente de seus olhos e quando eles perguntaram o que havia nas caixas, ela corajosamente disse: “Estes são livros educacionais, ensinando as pessoas sobre obediência.” Olhando para a longa fila de veículos ainda para revistar, o oficial de fronteira, sem fazer mais perguntas, fechou o porta-malas e deixou-a passar.

Seu irmão Chaw estava esperando por ela no lado birmanês e quando ela deu um grande sorriso, ele soube que ela havia conseguido passar os livros. Ele imediatamente chamou o nosso Diretor Regional e juntos oraram, agradecendo a Deus por ter aberto o caminho para fornecer aos pastores estudantes o material de treinamento necessário.


Pontos de oração por Mianmar

  • Ore para que a violência acabe. Ore para que a paz prevaleça em um país dilacerado pelo conflito.
  • Ore pela restauração da democracia. Ore para que os militares cedam o controle e devolvam o poder ao governo eleito. Ore para que a paz, a justiça e a retidão de Deus sejam estabelecidas em Mianmar.
  • Ore pelos pastores birmaneses dos Harvesters. Que possam compartilhar o Evangelho sem repercussões. Ore para que a Igreja não sofra mais restrições em Mianmar.
  • Agradeça ao Senhor pela disposição e sacrifício da irmã Khin * que arriscou sua própria segurança pessoal para fazer o Reino crescer.


* Nomes alterados para proteção.

208, 2021

You Have Fed 80 Families in South Africa

August 2nd, 2021|

Harvesters Hands of Hope

Harvesters Hands of Hope

Thanks to your gifts, Harvesters’ Hands of Hope project, established in the aftermath of the looting in South Africa, was able to respond swiftly. Within a matter of days, food was on its way to the Mboza region of KwaZulu-Natal Province.

Immediately the reports came in of very grateful individuals who had received provisions. So far, 80 families have been fed in the worst hit area, Jozini. Danie and Erika, who train Harvesters student pastors there, explained, “In our terms, a family is at the most 5 people. In their terms a family is anything between 10 to 15 people,” meaning even more needy people have been helped.

None of this would have been possible without your generous support. The cost of a food parcel for a family of 5 (although often shared with more), costs £15/R280/US$20. That small price provides enough food for around ten days.


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Harvesters Ministries Food Provision South Africa
Smiling faces of those who have received food parcels from Harvesters Hands of Hope SA Project


There’s Nothing Left

This is not a simple matter of a few shops being robbed. ATMs and other fixtures have been hauled out of walls. Entire shopping malls resemble construction sites. Buildings have been set alight and residential areas have been attacked. The whole region is lacking resources that have been destroyed or stolen.

Roads have been shut, cutting off supply chains. Proof of residence is now required for purchases and “if you don’t live in the area where there is a shop, the check points don’t allow you through,” explain Danie and Erika. People feel isolated, vulnerable and helpless.

“Nothing is left!” they report. “Massmart, a major shopping centre, and Affrox, a gas store, are up in flames. People are queueing for food, and friends of ours that own a little Kwikspar had to turn appropriately 400 people away. They ordered food and they’ve had to organise security to protect the truck coming in.”

Shops that have supplies are implementing a ‘take only what you can carry’ system. No cars allowed. People are queueing for hours and yet when it’s their turn, there’s nothing left.

South African businesses up in flames
South African business are up in flames


Not Over Yet

The aftershock of the frenzy will reverberate for a long time to come. Expectedly, product prices have shot through the roof, making basic food items “totally unaffordable” for the second poorest area in South Africa.

“Something that is heavily on my heart is that a lot of business owners are not going to rebuild,” reflects Erika. “Please pray for them as well. The estimated job losses so far for KwaZulu-Natal are approximately 20,000.”


A Widow’s Pain

All of this comes on top of South Africa’s present third wave of Covid-19. One poor widow lost her grandson to Covid in the middle of the looting. Days later, her first born also passed away from the virus!

“Yesterday she received food parcels,” reports Danie. “Her gratitude was intensely touching as she had family that came to support her and could now feed them. A little bit of kindness and care brought some comfort and hope for this widow as she saw the manifestation of Jesus in action.”

receiving food parcels from Harvesters Ministries


The Light is Stronger than the Darkness

A small percentage caused the chaos felt by everyone. Yet, the South African community spirit is growing higher and louder. “It is absolutely incredible how communities are coming together, exchanging goods and as far as possible protecting one another,” observe Danie and Erika. “In many areas clean up teams have started to clear the rubbish. Trading has become active with ‘I swap you 6 eggs for two toilet rolls.’ Communities are closer than ever.”

Thanks to you, Harvesters Hands of Hope is also providing some relief. Your gift today will make a difference. Prayerfully consider giving:

£15/R280/US$20 to feed a family of 5 for 10 days.

£30/R560/US$40 to feed two families

£45/R840/US$60 to feed three families.


I want to give

Update 3rd August 2021

A further seven tons of food (including maize, rice, oil, soya mince, soup, sugar, tins of fish, soap and potato chips for the children) was delivered to the Jonzini Mboza area in the last few days. All thanks to the generous giving of our Harvesters friends around the world who helped project Hands of Hope SA to respond to this crisis. Together with the first delivery described above, around 2000 people have been fed!

The shock is starting to sink in for people. “We encountered a different atmosphere than ever before,” described Erika and Danie. “Some great excitement, some just completely speechless and then those that burst out in tears. Life here on the border of Mozambique and Swaziland is hard, and you seldom find an African woman crying. They are exposed to so much in life that they have become quite resilient.”

“We focused very much on the elderly, orphans and disabled. We want to thank everyone for their contribution in giving,” they said. “The churches are incredibly grateful and they know exactly who needed the food the most in the communities.”

“With the second food run I have realised looking at the response time, that the first round was really a miracle,” reflected Beyers, the Regional Director for Southern Africa. “With the second round we faced many obstacles. We are very grateful for all the donations that Harvesters received to make this possible.”

1507, 2021

Urgent – South Africa Needs Your Help

July 15th, 2021|

There is a crisis unfolding in South Africa, the likes of which has never been seen. In the midst of a severe third wave of Covid, the nation has watched in disbelief as looters have plundered and destroyed towns and cities. The carnage resembles the worst images invoked by a dystopian movie. In some places in the provinces of KwaZulu Natal and Gauteng the High Street businesses and shops are all gone. Schools and factories, warehouses and critical infrastructures lie in ruins – stripped and destroyed, and in some cases burnt. Latest estimates say over 200 shopping malls were looted, plus thousands of shops, clinics, pharmacies, storage places and hundreds of trucks. Supply chains have collapsed, and the coming hunger is going to make things worse. So far over one hundred looters have lost their lives, either in stampedes or have been shot as the mobs tried to invade local communities where locals are now trying to protect their property.


The impact is going to be felt for a long time. Some of the smaller towns have no remaining shops and there is no supply chain to provide even basic necessities. All the ATMs were ransacked and destroyed. There is nowhere to buy bread, get medication or even see a doctor.

Cool heads are called for. Believers need to maintain a healthy perspective. Please note, probably less than 1% of the population actively took part in this looting. 100% will be affected. Even in the provinces where there was no violence fuel is already in short supply and people are scared. This is the time for the church to step up and make a difference. Harvesters Ministries too.


The churches we have planted, our hub leaders and even some of our licensed trainers are going to be severely impacted. Depending on where they live there is simply no food available. No medical service, little security. As their own members start to feel the impact there will be no income. With no fuel they will not be able to travel. The pandemic has already shut their churches. Now is the time to help.

Harvesters has launched project Harvesters Hands of Hope – South Africa. Your gift will save the lives of pastors and fellow believers. We cannot take on the enormous task of helping everyone but we can make a difference for those who preach the Gospel. People desperately need the Lord and we desperately need to help those who must bring light into this deep darkness. The problem will persist for some time and Harvesters is going to need your support in prayer and gifts. Help us help our brothers and sisters. Pray for us as we seek ways to get the aid to those who need it.

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1507, 2021

Prayers for the Displaced People of Cabo Delgado

July 15th, 2021|

The people from the northernmost province of Mozambique need your prayers. In Cabo Delgado violent attacks have come from non-state armed groups that have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. “The growing Islamic insurgency by the ISIS group al-Shabab is at its worst since its inception in 2017,” explains Thinus Botha, the Harvesters Director for East Africa.

The pace and scale of the attacks have increased notably in the past two years, with the late-March 2021 assault on Palma, and associated killings of foreigners, receiving worldwide attention. Attacks include setting fire to people’s homes, seizing towns, massacres, and beheadings. Originally instilling terror to rural communities from the shadows, the terrorist group has now moved into the open.


A Child’s Crisis

Overall, the insurgency has caused around 3,000 deaths, of which 1,500 were civilians, and has displacednearly 800,000 people. As International Children’s Day came and went on June 1st, at least 2,000 minors were without their families. “What is happening in Cabo Delgado is a children’s crisis,” said James Elder of UNICEF. “There are multiple, unverified reports of boys forcibly recruited into the fighting, and girls abducted to serve as so-called “wives” to militants.”


Harvesters Ministries Responds

“At Harvesters Ministries we believe wholeheartedly that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world, and He chooses to bring that hope through His local church. We have more than 80 churches standing ready to assist and mediate in this dire situation,” says Thinus, who also heads up Harvesters Crisis Response projects. Our Crisis Response grew out of a need to support Harvesters pastors and their congregants in times of urgent and severe circumstances. You can learn more about Crisis Response here.

“To make matters even worse hundreds of people have now contracted cholera due to the lack of clean water and the destruction of medical clinics,” shares Thinus. “Food sources have become increasingly scarce and many are on the brink of starvation.”

“We, with the help of our partners – Crisis Response Network, Mercy Air and Rise Against Hunger – are aiming to help a thousand displaced families with food for a month,” Thinus explains. “This will make a tremendous difference to these families and we’re hoping to help even more people. With your generous donations we were able to help thousands of families during the devastation of Cyclone Eloise and we trust that we will be able to help even more vulnerable people in the wake of this war-torn area of Cabo Delgado.”

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The Church Must Pray!

Here are some points to help focus your prayers for your brothers and sisters in northern Mozambique:

  • Pray for God’s peace that surpasses all understanding to rest on the people of Cabo Delgado (Philippians 4:7).
  • For God’s divine intervention to bring an end to the insurgency. And to bring good out of what has been meant for evil (Genesis 50:20).
  • Please pray for the children suffering in this region from a lack of necessities as well as being exposed to fighting, and, in some cases, being forced to join in. Plus, for the young girls who are being taken advantage of by militants.
  • For our Harvesters pastors and church members. We have around 80 churches in this area who want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Pray for resilience, strength, and opportunities to share the Gospel in the majority Islamic province.
  • Pray that basic needs will be met, and people will avoid the wide spreading diseases including cholera and Covid or will heal quickly.
  • Pray for Harvesters Crisis Response project which aims to feed one thousand displaced families for a month.

“Pray for one another that you may be healed” – James 5:16

Visit Harvesters Prayer Wall


1507, 2021

Orações pelos deslocados em Cabo Delgado

July 15th, 2021|

O povo da província mais ao norte de Moçambique precisa de suas orações. Em Cabo Delgado, ataques violentos vieram de grupos armados não estatais que juraram fidelidade ao Estado Islâmico. “A crescente insurgência islâmica do grupo ISIS al-Shabab está no seu pior nível desde o seu início em 2017”, explica Thinus Botha, o Diretor dos Harvesters na África Oriental.

O ritmo e a escala dos ataques aumentaram notavelmente nos últimos dois anos, com o ataque no final de março de 2021 a Palma, e os assassinatos associados de estrangeiros, recebendo atenção mundial. Os ataques incluem atear fogo às casas das pessoas, tomada de cidades, massacres e decapitações. Originalmente instilando o terror das sombras nas comunidades rurais, o grupo terrorista agora se apresenta abertamente.


Uma Crise Infantil

No geral, a insurgência causou cerca de 3.000 mortes, das quais 1.500 eram civis, e desabrigou quase 800.000 pessoas. Com a chegada e o fim do Dia Internacional da Criança em 1º de junho, pelo menos 2.000 menores estavam sem suas famílias. “O que está acontecendo em Cabo Delgado é uma crise infantil”, disse James Elder do UNICEF. “Existem vários relatos não verificados de meninos recrutados à força para a luta e meninas sequestradas para servir como chamadas de “esposas” de militantes.”


Harvesters Ministries Responde

“No Ministério Harvesters, acreditamos de todo o coração que Jesus Cristo é a esperança do mundo, e Ele escolhe trazer essa esperança por meio de Sua Igreja local. Temos mais de 80 igrejas prontas para ajudar e mediar nesta situação terrível ”, disse Thinus, que também lidera os projetos de Resposta à Crise dos Harvesters. Nossa resposta à crise surgiu da necessidade de apoiar os pastores dos Harvesters e seus congregantes em tempos de circunstâncias urgentes e severas. Você pode aprender mais sobre a Resposta à Crise aqui.

“Para piorar as coisas, centenas de pessoas contraíram cólera devido à falta de água potável e à destruição de clínicas médicas”, compartilha Thinus. “As fontes de alimentos tornaram-se cada vez mais escassas e muitos estão à beira da fome.”

“Nós, com a ajuda de nossos parceiros – Crisis Response Network, Mercy Air e Rise Against Hunger – pretendemos ajudar mil famílias desabrigadas com alimentos por um mês”, explica Thinus. “Isso fará uma enorme diferença para essas famílias e esperamos ajudar ainda mais pessoas. Com as vossas generosas doações, pudemos ajudar milhares de famílias durante a devastação do Ciclone Eloise  e confiamos que seremos capazes de ajudar ainda mais pessoas vulneráveis ​​na sequência desta área devastada pela guerra de Cabo Delgado. ”


A Igreja deve orar!

Aqui estão alguns pontos para ajudar a concentrar suas orações por seus irmãos e irmãs no norte de Moçambique:

  • Ore pela paz de Deus que excede todo o entendimento para que possa repousar sobre o povo de Cabo Delgado (Filipenses 4: 7).
  • Ore Pela intervenção divina, para que Deus possa pôr fim à insurgência. E para que se possa tirar o bem do que foi feito para o mal (Gênesis 50:20).
  • Por favor, orem pelas crianças que sofrem nesta região por falta do básico, além de serem expostas a lutas e, em alguns casos, serem obrigadas a se juntarem. Além disso, pelas meninas que estão sendo exploradas pelos militantes.
  • Para nossos pastores Harvesters e membros das igrejas. Temos cerca de 80 igrejas nesta área que querem ser as mãos e os pés de Jesus. Ore por resiliência, força e oportunidades para compartilhar o Evangelho na província de maioria islâmica.
  • Ore para que as necessidades básicas sejam atendidas e as pessoas não se contaminem com as doenças que se propagam, incluindo cólera e Covid, ou se curem rapidamente.
  • Ore pelo Projeto de Resposta à Crise dos Harvesters, que visa alimentar mil famílias desabrigadas durante um mês.

“Orem uns pelos outros para que sejam curados” – Tiago 5:16


607, 2021

Os frutos estão crescendo na África do Sul

July 6th, 2021|

Nós estamos muito orgulhosos com o excelente trabalho e comprometimento de nossos Instrutores Licenciados dos Harvesters (HLTs) que oferecem nosso Programa de Treinamento Pastoral nos 52 países em que trabalhamos. Recentemente, os HLTs Danie e Erika, que trabalham em comunidades rurais no leste da África do Sul, viajaram por seis semanas, ministrando treinamento para 14 núcleos. Um Núcleo é um grupo de alunos pastores que se desenvolvem sob um líder estabelecido naquele Núcleo. Eles recebem treinamento a cada seis meses durante seu programa de Escola Bíblica de três anos.

Desde a realização de eventos Kick Off em locais recentemente explorados até o ensino da Fase D em Núcleos estabelecidos, Danie, Erika e seus voluntários ensinaram incansavelmente por mais de um mês. “Normalmente, quando nos preparamos para um evangelismo, vários pensamentos passam por nossas mentes. Um para mim é sempre a medição – é eficaz e qual é o fruto ”, explicou Danie enquanto se preparava para semanas de visitas ao Núcleo.


Os HLTs chegaram ao Núcleo de Makhonyeni Juzini com a boa notícia de que oito novas igrejas foram plantadas lá e mais de 120 pessoas passaram a conhecer o Senhor.

“Começamos com este grupo no final de 2018 e colocamos nele os conceitos de direcionamento, evangelização, plantação de uma igreja, seleção de um líder, treinamento do novo líder e envio do novo líder para plantar uma igreja”, disse Danie. “Bem, deixe-me dizer a você que eles nos tiraram da água.” O grupo então completou seu treinamento da Fase D, estudando o Antigo Testamento.


No novo Núcleo de Kosi Bay, ocorreu um evento inicial, que explica o programa Harvesters e inclui uma tarde de divulgação. “Sempre rimos quando os pastores descobrem que depois do ensino eles precisam praticamente sair e evangelizar”, disse Danie. “Apesar de estarem fora de sua zona de conforto, eles saíram e sete pessoas aceitaram Jesus como seu salvador.”


No caminho para se encontrar com os alunos do Núcleo Welcome  e do Núcleo Madonela, eles se depararam com duas crianças preenchendo buracos na estrada – criando outro grande buraco para coletar a areia! Isso trouxe a diversão necessária quando Danie e Erika – junto com seus voluntários Monique, Danie e Chris – começaram sua terceira semana agitada de treinamento. “Os 31 pastores estudantes estavam tão ansiosos para serem treinados que sempre eram pontuais”, disse Danie. “Esses dois grupos plantaram sete novas igrejas com 107 novas conversões. Estamos muito orgulhosos de sua dedicação e trabalho árduo, o que é louvável. ” Os dois Núcleos completaram o treinamento da Fase C, que ensina sobre a preparação do sermão.


A viagem ao redor da província de KwaZulu-Natal incluiu alguns contratempos infelizes. “É muito difícil chegar a este grupo porque as estradas são horríveis e tivemos mais um pneu novo furado”, chegou a informação enquanto ensinávamos no Núcleo de Kwashukela. Em outro dia, a equipe teve que voltar, porque os moradores estavam protestando por causa das péssimas condições das estradas, quebrando vidros nas estradas. Em seguida, as acomodações da equipe em Sodwana cairam, de modo que eles tiveram que fazer a viagem de ida e volta de três horas todos os dias da semana. Mesmo assim, os HLTs seguiram em frente. “Estamos maravilhados com a bondade de Deus”, disseram eles.


Uma pastora local foi questionada sobre o impacto que o treinamento dos Harvesters estava tendo. “Este programa dos Harvesters me ajudou muito porque nos ensina como plantar uma nova igreja e como ensinar os discípulos”, disse ela. “Na primeira igreja [que eu plantei] tenho 20 membros e eles gostam de estudar a Bíblia e na nova igreja tenho 24 membros.”

Mais e mais testemunhos vieram à medida que o treinamento continuava. Nos centros de Mboza e Mseleni Sodwana, nove novas igrejas foram plantadas e mais de 130 pessoas passaram a conhecer Jesus. Em um Evento Inicial em Mbazwana Danie se alegrou: “Ficamos maravilhados com o número de plantadores de igrejas em potencial e ainda tivemos que ir comprar comida extra para o almoço. Subestimamos totalmente o número de pessoas que estariam interessadas. ”

Refletindo sobre a viagem cansativa, mas frutífera, Danie disse: “Deus continua me lembrando de ser fiel com os pequenos. Lembrando-me que comecei com três viúvas e oito filhos, treze anos atrás, debaixo de uma árvore. ” A plantação de igrejas e treinamento pastoral dos Harvesters resultou em muitos frutos em KwaZulu-Natal – graças aos nossos dedicados HLTs que têm sido fiéis e consistentes.

Harvesters Ministries

607, 2021

The Fruit is Growing in South Africa

July 6th, 2021|

We are very proud of the outstanding work and commitment of our Harvesters Licenced Trainers (HLTs) who deliver our Pastoral Training Programme across the 52 countries we work in. Recently, HLTs Danie and Erika, who work in rural communities in eastern South Africa, journeyed for six weeks delivering training to 14 Hubs. A Hub is a group of student pastors developing under an established Hub-leader. Hubs receive training every six months during their three-year Bible School programme.

From delivering Kick Off events in newly scouted locations to teaching Phase D in established Hubs, Danie, Erika and their volunteers taught tirelessly for over a month. “Normally when we prepare for an outreach a number of thoughts race through our minds. One for me is always the measuring – is it effective and what is the fruit,” Danie explained as he prepared for weeks of Hub visits.


The Trainers arrived at the Makhonyeni Juzini Hub to the welcome news that eight new churches have been planted there and over 120 people have come to know the Lord.

“We started with this group at the end of 2018 and ploughed into them the concepts of targeting, evangelising, planting a church, selecting a leader, training the new leader and sending the new leader to plant a church,” Danie said. “Well, let me tell you they blew us out of the water.” The group then completed their Phase D training, studying the Old Testament.


At the new Kosi Bay Hub a Kick Off Event took place, which explains the Harvesters programme and includes an outreach afternoon. “We always chuckle when the Pastors find out that after the teaching they need to practically go out and evangelise,” said Danie. “Regardless of being out of their comfort-zone they went out and seven people accepted Jesus as their saviour.”


En route to meet with students from Welcome Hub and Madonela Hub, they came across two children filling in the potholes in the road – by creating another large hole to collect the sand! It brought some much-needed amusement as Danie and Erika – along with their volunteers Monique, Danie and Chris – began their third busy week of training. “The 31 Student Pastors were so eager to be trained that they were always on time,” said Danie. “These two groups have planted seven new churches with 107 new conversions. We are so proud of their dedication and hard work, which is praiseworthy.” The two Hubs completed their Phase C training which teaches sermon preparation.


The trip around the KwaZulu-Natal province included some unfortunate setbacks. “It is very difficult to get to this group as the roads are horrific and we had yet another puncture on a new tyre,” came the report while teaching at the Kwashukela Hub. Another day the team had to turn back because locals were striking over bad road conditions and breaking glass on the roads. Then their accommodation in Sodwana fell through so the team had to travel the three-hour round trip each day that week. Still, the HLTs pressed on. “We are so amazed at God’s goodness,” they said.


One local pastor was asked what impact the Harvesters training has had. “This Harvesters programme has helped me a lot because it teaches us how to plant a new church and how to teach disciples,” she said. “In the first church [I planted] I have 20 members and they like to study the Bible and in the new church I have 24 members.”

More and more testimonies came as the training continued. In the Mboza and Mseleni Sodwana Hubs nine new churches have been planted and over 130 people have come to know Jesus. At a Kick Off event in Mbazwana Danie rejoiced, “We were blown away by the number of potential Church Planters, and we even had to go and buy extra food for lunch. We totally underestimated the number of people that would be interested.”

Reflecting on the tiring but fruitful trip, Danie said, “God keeps on reminding me of being faithful with the little. Reminding me that I started with three widows and eight children, thirteen years ago under a tree.” The Harvesters church planting and pastoral training has resulted in much fruit in KwaZulu-Natal – thanks to our dedicated HLTs who have been faithful and consistent.

2906, 2021

Your Gifts Are Training Pastors in Brazil

June 29th, 2021|

It’s the largest country in South America – the fifth largest in the world – with a population exceeding 211 million people. It is the leading exporter of numerous commonly consumed products, including beef, sugar and coffee. It is home to both the world’s largest rainforest as well as its fifth most populated city. We are talking about Brazil – a nation of vastness and contrast.

Thanks to your gifts, Harvesters Ministries is training pastors and planting churches from within the depths of the Amazon to the centre of the urban cities. One such region is Minas Gerais.

The Work in Minas Gerais

The southeastern state of Minas Gerais sits along the urban coastline of Brazil, where most of its population is concentrated. Harvesters began work in Minas, Brazil’s principal coffee-producing region, in 2018. At that time 11 pastors started their Harvesters training and, before the pandemic began, they had finished Phase B, ‘Preparing for Ministry’, and had planted their first churches.



The first church, led by Pastor Lourisvaldo, was planted in Betim, a city near Belo Horizonte. It opened in 2019 with 19 members and has since grown healthily in the knowledge of Christ and in the number of new converts.

In 2020, four people were converted in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. This year, the small church has already reached seven new believers. Each member of the church has learned through discipleship what it really means to be a church, to bear witness and to evangelize. They have practiced this, and the result is that people in their families who previously did not believe in Jesus are now giving themselves over to Him.

Santa Helena de Minas

In 2020, the Betim church planted its own church through evangelism in Santa Helena de Minas, Pastor Lourisvaldo’s hometown. Santa Helena is a city located in a rural region totally lacking in hearing the true Gospel of Christ Jesus.

Pastor Lourisvaldo has been making regular trips to disciple a group of people in this city and develop the faith of new converts.

Although the pandemic has hampered face-to-face meetings, much of the discipleship in these two churches, Betim and Santa Helena, has been done through virtual meetings.

2906, 2021

Suas ofertas estão possibilitando treinar pastores no Brasil

June 29th, 2021|

É o maior país da América do Sul – o quinto maior do mundo – com uma população superior a 214 milhões de pessoas. É o principal exportador de vários produtos comumente consumidos, incluindo carne bovina, açúcar e café. É o lar da maior floresta tropical do mundo e também de sua quinta cidade mais populosa. Estamos falando do Brasil – uma nação de vastidão e contraste.

Graças ás suas doações, os Harvesters estão treinando pastores e plantando igrejas desde as profundezas da Amazônia até o centro das cidades urbanas. Uma dessas regiões é Minas Gerais.


O Trabalho em Minas Gerais

O estado de Minas Gerais, no sudeste, fica ao longo do litoral urbano do Brasil, onde se concentra a maior parte de sua população. Os Harvesters começaram a trabalhar em Minas, a principal região produtora de café do Brasil, em 2018. Naquela época, 11 pastores começaram seu treinamento juntos com os Harvesters e, antes que a pandemia começasse, eles haviam concluído a Fase B, ‘Preparando-se para o Ministério’, e plantado suas primeiras igrejas .



A primeira igreja, liderada pelo pastor Lourisvaldo, foi plantada em Betim, cidade próxima a Belo Horizonte. Foi inaugurado em 2019 com 19 membros e desde então tem crescido de forma saudável no conhecimento de Cristo e no número de novos convertidos.

Em 2020, quatro pessoas foram convertidas em meio à crise do Coronavírus. Este ano, a pequena igreja já alcançou sete novos crentes. Cada membro da igreja aprendeu por meio do discipulado o que realmente significa ser uma igreja, dar testemunho e evangelizar. Eles têm praticado isso, e o resultado é que as pessoas em suas famílias que antes não acreditavam em Jesus agora estão se entregando a ele.


Santa Helena de Minas

Em 2020, a igreja Betim plantou sua própria igreja por meio do evangelismo em Santa Helena de Minas, cidade natal do pastor Lourisvaldo. Santa Helena é uma cidade localizada em uma região rural totalmente carente de ouvir o verdadeiro Evangelho de Cristo Jesus.

O pastor Lourisvaldo tem feito viagens regulares para discipular um grupo de pessoas nesta cidade e desenvolver a fé dos novos convertidos.

Embora a pandemia tenha dificultado as reuniões presenciais, muito do discipulado nessas duas igrejas, Betim e Santa Helena, tem sido feito por meio de reuniões virtuais.


As suas doações estão abrindo caminhos no Brasil

Custa R$ 840,00 por ano para treinar totalmente um pastor. Isso inclui um programa abrangente de três anos durante o qual pelo menos três novas igrejas são plantadas. Sua doação ou oferta mensal de R$ 70,00 continuará a construir uma rede vital de líderes no Brasil para plantar igrejas e discipular novos crentes.

Harvesters Ministries

1506, 2021

The Church is at Work in India

June 15th, 2021|

India has been hit hard with a devastating new wave of Covid-19 cases. Reports claim there are around 25 million cases with the death toll now over a quarter of a million. But locals believe the reality is far worse. As the case numbers appear to drop, many explain that the true reason is because the tests are running out. It is a desperate situation – yet in the midst of the darkness, our 400 Harvesters pastors are striving to be a beacon of light.


Bringing Hope to the Nation

The Harvesters Regional Director for South Asia has been in daily contact with the stream leaders in India. “They’re in the eye of the storm seeing all these horrific things happening,” he observed, “but there’s a sense of hope that they are the answer. If anybody is going to provide an answer for this situation it’s going to be the Church. They’re there to stir hope, create hope and bring hope to the nation.”

The challenges are tangible. One church planter has reported the deaths of four Harvesters pastors in his rural region of Andhra Pradesh. Another leader, who lives in a 13-story building, is surrounded by danger – 12 floors have Covid cases. He praises God that the Covid-free floor is his one.

Amid the fear, hope is shining through. The Church is at work in India.


Hospital Service

The stream leader for the western region of Maharashtra mobilised the 70-plus pastors to volunteer at the local hospitals. Overwhelmed and under-resourced, the health services are crying out for help in India’s worst-hit province. The church leaders were given a crash course in administering vaccinations and put to work. The pastors were willing to help wherever they could – from providing water and medication, to helping weak patients to the toilet. In addition to being the hands of Jesus, the pastors took every opportunity to share the Gospel. They reported that no one stopped them because their help at the hospital was so desperately needed.


Phone Call for Prayer

Not everyone is fortunate to get a bed in the overcrowded hospitals. One Harvesters leader, who had recently had a plumber do some work in his home, recalled an unexpected phone call. The plumber had become very unwell with Covid-19 and tried to get help from his local hospital – but they had no space or resources for him. He had then been rejected from the next hospital he travelled to. Weak, scared and disheartened he decided to phone the Christian he had met recently. The pastor had made a mark because he showed the worker unprecedented kindness. He had offered snacks and tea to the plumber, who is usually ignored and seen as dirty due to the type of work he does. On the phone, the Harvesters pastor prayed in the name of Jesus and thankfully, the man went on to receive treatment.


New Life in Christ

One church planter, Nizammaudin, used to be a Muslim and now spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His son, Juber – who is not a Jesus follower – has seen many family friends die of Covid-19 in recent weeks. “He battled with a few questions about life after death,” said Nizammaudin, “the fear of death haunted him.” Being faced with so much tragedy caused Juber to open up to praying with his parents one evening. “As we were praying, my son started weeping and crying out to God to forgive his sins. After the prayer, he said that he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and wanted to serve the Lord,” Nizammaudin rejoiced. “The Covid-19 second wave has taken away lives of many people… but my son Juber has new life in Christ.”

These are a few of the testimonies coming out of the darkness in India. Although pain and loss are rampant, we praise God for the faithful believers bringing Hope to a broken world.


Pray for India

  • Pray for those who are hearing the Gospel in the hospitals throughout the region of Maharashtra thanks to the selfless volunteer work of the Harvesters pastors there.
  • Pray for the plumber who reached out for help – that he cannot ignore the true and living God who helped him.
  • Pray for the church leaders all over India who are passionate about bringing hope into a seemingly hopeless situation. Pray that they will be encouraged and uplifted during this crisis.
  • Pray for the Lord’s merciful intervention and for the numbers of Covid-19 cases to decrease.
  • There is a severe oxygen shortage in India Some must wait days before they are even cared for. For many, that is too long. Pray that they Lord will open doors for sufficient oxygen to be provided.
  • Thank God for the salvation of Juber. Cover him in prayer as he begins his new life with Christ. Pray for the ministry of Nizammaudin, who shares the Gospel to the Muslim community.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. 1 Tim 2:1

Visit our prayer wall for recent updates from the field.

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