Pray for the Seeds Planted in Brazil
In August 2024, Harvesters held our Global Church Planting Weekend, rallying faithful believers across the world to share the love of Christ and expand God’s Kingdom. The pastors in Brazil took this special opportunity to share the Gospel with people in homes and public places. Let’s pray for all the seeds sown over those powerful three days.
Taking the Gospel to People’s Homes
Various evangelism house visits took place over the weekend. In Belo Horizonte, Pastor Maicon was invited to the home of brother Carlos, a new believer in his church. Carlos’ family are unsaved, but they had the wonderful opportunity of hearing the Gospel shared with them that day. Let’s pray for the words to germinate and the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to Jesus.
In Senador Firmino, a breakthrough occurred when a Catholic family, in need of liberation from the bonds of tradition, welcomed believers into their house. “The simple fact that we were allowed to enter this home shows that the Lord is doing something,” shared Pastor Tiago Oliveira, Harvesters Country Leader in Brazil. The group sang songs of worship and shared the Good News. One of the four adult sons, who suffered a terrible accident at work, has surrendered his life to Christ and experienced healing! Let’s pray for the salvation of his wife and the rest of the family.
In Jequitinhonha Valley, home evangelism visits led to the salvation of a young man, who prayed, “I accept you as the only and sufficient Saviour of my life.” Praise the Lord for the fruit of these home visits.
Hitting the Streets
In addition to home visits, churches held services outside, providing opportunities for community engagement. On the Friday in Belo Horizonte, an event was held at an ice cream shop in a poor and violent neighbourhood. Songs of worship were sung, testimonies were shared, and the Gospel of salvation was preached, while passers-by listened, and people watched from their windows.
On Saturday, a similar event in Senador Firmino’s public square utilised the Heart of Man Chart, a visual evangelism tool, leading to meaningful conversations. As Pastor Tiago noted, “Many approached furtively to understand what was happening,” demonstrating a curiosity about faith amidst their Catholic background. An elderly lady and two children were saved as a result of this event!
In Divinópolis, Pastor Sidney and a congregation member evangelised in the city centre. “We are talking to people about a renewed heart, raising people’s awareness about the importance of caring for our spiritual hearts,” he said. Let’s pray for the seeds sown that day.
“May the Lord continue to rescue people and may we have the opportunity to disciple new believers as the Lord adds them to His Church,” said Tiago.
Special Services and Praise Events
The weekend also featured special services aimed at discipleship and spiritual growth. On Friday, the church in Betim held discipleship meetings in the house churches that were planted this year. The topic of the moment was to discuss the disciplines found in Steven Loots’ book Transformational Discipleship. This was followed on Sunday by a house church leaders gathering to discuss the church-planting cycle of Harvesters: evangelise, plant a church, disciple, identify and train a leader, do it all over again.
In Tavares, Pastor José Arnaldo, who is planting churches among young people, held an evangelism and praise event titled ‘Worship and War’. “God has raised up young people, teenagers and children to take part in this church-planting work,” he shared. This event not only celebrated the Lord’s goodness but also encouraged attendees to engage in discipleship and community outreach.
Prayer Points for the Seeds Planted in Brazil
- Pray for the new believers who accepted Christ during the weekend, that they may grow in their faith and find community in local churches.
- Pray for the families who welcomed evangelism teams into their homes, that their hearts may continue to open to the Gospel.
- Pray for the ongoing work of Harvesters in Brazil, that more churches may be planted and established in unreached areas.
- Pray for the youth engaged in church planting efforts, that they may be empowered and equipped to share their faith boldly.
- Pray for the spiritual climate in Brazil, asking the Lord to break down barriers and lead many to salvation.
India: The All-Powerful Gospel At Work
Indian Christians increasingly find themselves under threat in their own country. Persecution at the hand of extremist Hindus is on the rise. Anti-conversion laws mean that any Christian sharing their faith can be accused of a crime. Violent attacks on Christians are becoming more commonplace. And, yet, we see the all-powerful Gospel leading to salvation in even the most unlikely places!
A Divine Encounter
One pastor and his wife experienced first-hand how powerful the Gospel can be when conveyed in its most simple form and in the most simple circumstances: by sharing a meal with fellow countrymen.
Pastor Dev* and Ami travelled in the scorching sun to a nearby village to share the Gospel. “We asked for water at a random house,” shares Pastor Dev. A woman opened the door to them and kindly welcomed the strangers into her home. Although she didn’t have any food to offer her visitors, the woman managed to get some basic ingredients from a neighbour to prepare a meal for them.
Over this meal Pastor Dev and Ami shared the powerful message of the Gospel with the woman. She was open and curious, and the Spirit worked through this woman to transform her community.
“We began visiting her home weekly, where she would gather her family and neighbours,” shares Dev. “Over time, a house church formed in her home.” The woman’s daughter has now been baptised, despite the risks that this entails.
As pastors enter villages to evangelise or disciple, groups of Hindu nationalists will often appear to drive them out – sometimes violently. But faithful believers like Dev and Ami refuse to let this deter them preaching the Gospel. Harvesters is thankful to be able to work with them.
God had pre-ordained this meeting between Pastor Dev, Ami and the woman from the village, and He used them to expand His Kingdom. Dev sums it up: “This lady welcomed God into her life and God did wonders in her family. All glory to God, Amen!”
God has sent faithful workers
Despite the vast challenges, God has prepared many more faithful servants like Dev and Ami, who are willing to open the way for the Gospel in India.
Harvesters’ teaching shifts the focus from buildings and public evangelisation campaigns to personal evangelism, personal prayer and gatherings in houses. Many pastors are already implementing these new methods from their training.
One Harvesters Stream, or church planting movement, has seen a hundred baptisms and 40 churches planted! In another Stream, 99 people have been baptised over the past 12 months! This is amazing if one considers the price these individuals have to pay to be baptised – officially declaring yourself a Christian in India means losing certain government benefits and being marginalised in society.
Throughout history the Gospel has triumphed under persecution. Thanks to your continued prayers, your faithful partnership and the bold workers in the harvest fields of India, we believe the same will be true of this beautiful country. Join us in thanking God for the giants of faith who have committed themselves to evangelise, make disciples and plant churches in India.
*Names changed for security reasons.
Angola’s Army of God Marches to Plant Churches
Angola, on the west coast of Africa, neighbours Namibia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Congo Brazzaville. It is a country of striking contrasts – fertile valleys give way to towering mountain ranges, which, in turn, transition into endless deserts. Similarly, the painful remnants of war here gradually yield to the healing power of the Gospel, bringing hope and restoration to the people of the land. Pray with us for the beloved nation of Angola.
War has left its wounds
Even 22 years after its bitter civil war, tanks, military bridges, shell-pocked buildings and landmines still characterise the countryside and cities of Angola. Among the people, apprehension and fear remain. Poverty and political and social issues linger and prevent growth.
The Gospel brings true healing
Despite the hardships, the powerful light of Christ is shining brightly in Angola! Pastors are marching out, no longer as soldiers in an earthly battle, but as overcomers in a spiritual war, with Jesus Christ as their Commander.
During two Harvesters Kick Off events in June, 195 pastors from the cities of Lubango and Huambo took to the streets to proclaim the Gospel using the Heart of Man Chart as an evangelisation tool. As new believers were added to the Army of Christ, fear subsided and they soon realised they were mere vessels, empowered by the Holy Spirit working mightily within them.
Ready to do whatever it takes
The Army of Christ in Angola is mobilised, with many ready to make sacrifices for the Kingdom. In Huambo, pastors who attended the Kick Off slept on thin mats on the floor for four nights – eager for fellowship and the teachings Harvesters provided. Food for the 90 attendees was prepared outside on coals and served with joy and smiles.
Pastor Domingos Cassinda from Huambo was so inspired by what he learned at the Kick Off that he led his church to visit the remote village of Tandalavala. Armed with medical supplies, food, construction materials and, most importantly, their Heart of Man evangelism charts, they supported, treated and ministered to the community. Eight people received Christ and were truly healed. A church has already been planted; just a few weeks after the training!
Pray with us that these dedicated pastors will remain faithful in their calling to evangelise, plant churches and make disciples. May these soldiers of Christ keep on marching for His glory.
Prayer Points
- Pray that a nation racked by war will experience the healing power of Christ. 1 Peter 2:24
- Pray for unity in God’s Church in Angola. Jeremiah 32:12
- Pray that pastors and all believers will be freed from the fear of preaching the Gospel and will trust the Holy Spirit to work through them. Romans 1:16
- Pray that churches will be planted, and that God will lift up leaders as men and women of peace in these churches. Luke 10:6
- Pray for the ongoing spiritual war between light and darkness in Angola and across the world. Ephesians 6:12
Newsletter – November 2024
We’re thrilled to share with you the latest edition of our newsletter, packed with inspiring updates and powerful stories of transformation.
Inside this issue is a truly remarkable testimony from a 15-year-old girl from Uganda, pastors’ feedback from two new church-planting Streams launched in Zimbabwe, and news about our recent Bible Placement. Download your copy below.
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25 Years in Malawi! Celebrations and Urgent Prayer Needs
Harvesters Ministries has been planting churches in Malawi for over 25 years, and our recent visit proved how fruitful that time has been. We were welcomed into the “Warm Heart of Africa” with open arms to celebrate the graduations of nearly 900 Student Pastors.
However, these pastors also shared the challenges they face, presenting us with a crucial opportunity to support Malawi through prayer. You will find prayer points below.
Celebrating 25 Years of Fruitful Ministry
Harvesters is able to provide training and materials to Student Pastors through the generous support of friends like you. In return, these students are required to plant at least three churches during their training. As we travelled to the four corners of Malawi, our expectations were blown away as pastors revealed the hundreds of churches that have been planted in unreached areas.
Take for instance, Pastor Wilned Phangula, who has planted 52 churches and trained 10 disciples. “I do this because of the calling that is upon my life,” he says. “Harvesters Ministries has really held my hands to reach out to lost souls. I follow the principle of multiplication.”
Then there’s Pastor Wiseman Ffraction who has planted an astounding 168 churches! “As a pastor, I was trained with Harvesters and I go and train others. We have been sharpened,” he says. “Harvesters is doing a tremendous work to transform lives.”
Recent graduate, Pastor Daniel Mtambo from Mzuzu is taking the training to rural areas in Malawi, as well as to neighbouring Tanzania and Zambia. He shares, “This material has lifted me as a pastor and also as a missionary.”
Pastor Isaac Nyamafumba, Harvesters’ Country Leader for Malawi, reflects on the past 25 years. “We have learned how to preach. We have learned how to plant churches. We have learned how to raise Timothies, the disciples. We have learned to send the Timothies to go and plant churches,” he explains. “Harvesters is not just theory. They give us knowledge and the [method] to plant churches. God has worked through Harvesters and we are no longer the same. Malawi is on fire!”
“Malawi Has Been Invaded”
Despite these successes, Pastor Isaac also described significant challenges in Malawi, from difficulties in transporting materials and the long distances travelled for evangelism, to natural disasters like cyclones and droughts.
And Pastor Barnet Phiri from Liwonde raised a grave concern, stating that “Malawi has been invaded” by Islam. He explained that Muslims are strategically infiltrating Malawi as a gateway to Southern Africa with an aim to Islamise the continent.
The impact of this invasion is dire. In the past decade, churches have been targeted and attacked. In 2014, more than 20 churches were set ablaze in Machinga. In 2016, radicals in Nkhata Bay burned Bibles to ashes. Just this year, a pastor and his congregation in Mangochi faced violence, and their church was set on fire.
Your prayers are desperately needed for Malawi!
Prayer Points
- Praise the Lord for the abundant fruit of Harvesters’ ministry over the past 25 years. He is faithful!
- Pray for the Malawian people who are suffering rhythms of cyclones and droughts. Ask the Lord for His protection and provision.
- Pray against the onslaught of Islam that is invading Malawi and other African nations. The solution lies in evangelism and church planting. Pray boldness for believers as they share the message of Christ.
The Widespread Impact of Harvesters
This article explores the far-reaching impact of Harvesters, highlighting a few recent stories of breakthrough, transformation and empowerment. Thanks to your ongoing support, pastors are being equipped, believers are being discipled, and God’s Kingdom is being expanded across the globe.
Discipleship in Egypt
In Egypt, Harvesters’ training is bearing fruit as dozens of Student Pastors are equipping new disciples. Merna from Alexandria confessed that previously she had been “afraid of people’s reactions” when trying to make disciples, but “during this training, the Lord told me to put into practise what I learned.” Today, she is actively discipling four believers.
In Cairo, Mary and Noura regularly meet with a group of women ranging in age from young adults to elderly ladies. “They have benefited greatly from the teaching,” explained Mary. “I am thankful to the Lord for [Harvesters] and for the valuable lessons in theology which benefit both us and our disciples.”
Pastor Yousri is “delighted” with the discipleship programme from Harvesters. He has a group of disciples whom he meets weekly. “The teachings are deep and impactful for us,” he said. “We thank the Lord for the spiritual growth we have experienced though Harvesters Ministries.”
Lives Transformed in Kenya
In Kapsabet, Kenya, the Lord orchestrated a powerful encounter. During our recent training visit, we met Hadija at a local hotel. She was a Muslim but was curious about our faith. After a brief conversation, God stirred a desire in her heart to know more. A few days passed and she returned to us with more questions. We had the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus and she accepted Him as her Lord and Saviour! Praise God for this divine encounter. Hadija has been connected to a church and is being discipled in her newfound faith.
A month later, in Trans-Nzoia, we presented Phase C, ‘Homiletics and Sermon Preparation’, to a group of Student Pastors. One pastor, whose church served as the training centre, recounted a humbling yet transformative experience.
Previously, his preaching at a funeral was so poorly received that elders and leaders present forcibly removed him and sent him home. “Through this course, I’ve learned my mistakes and realised that I need to invest time in sermon preparation,” he admitted. His renewed dedication to effective preaching is a testament to the impact of Harvesters’ training, which not only equips pastors with knowledge but also fosters genuine growth and improvement in their ministry.
Indigenous Trainers in Thailand
In Thailand we are seeing the fruits of training indigenous HLTs (Harvesters Licensed Trainers). Pastor Ali is from the Akha people who reside in the mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. Through Covid, he persevered with a lack of signal and electric blackouts to study online.
His determination paid off and he is now a fully trained HLT. Earlier this year he effectively presented the Phase B, ‘Preparing for Ministry’, curriculum to students from Thailand and Myanmar. “This was the first time I taught Phase B, so I was a little nervous. Will they understand my teaching?” he wondered. “By God’s grace alone, they all understood. And this teaching leads to transformation in Christ and then extending God’s Kingdom. So thank you for the opportunity to be a trainer here.”
Opportunities Are Opening Among Native American Tribes
Today I am calling upon you to pray with us for the Native American tribes in the USA.
As we lay the foundations for this ministry in relationship building and vision casting, your prayers play a vital role in propelling the work forward.
We are grateful to the Lord for the opportunities He has provided for us to sow seeds of hope and share the love of Christ in unique and often overlooked places.
By connecting with the Native American community and understanding their unique cultural heritage, we are establishing trust and demonstrating the love of Christ. He has provided strategic partnerships, and we have had the privilege to share about Harvesters at several key events.
We rejoice in the progress but humbly recognise that the mission field is vast. There are 574 federally recognised Native American tribes in the United States, each with its own distinct culture, language and history.
Thankfully, we have the power of the Holy Spirit that goes before and behind us. We are excited about the opportunities that lay ahead, including an upcoming visit to Arizona.
Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus to every nation and tribe!
Will you pray with us this week?
Prayer Points
- Thank the Lord for indigenous pastors who are making a positive impact on the Native communities of North America. Pray that we would identify and nurture more leaders.
- Pray that a deep hunger for spiritual growth and transformation would rise within Native American communities. Pray for the development of doctrinally-sound and culturally relevant resources to aid in effective discipleship and teaching.
- Ask the Lord to direct us to the right people and help us establish deep connections.
- Pray that the Lord will help us to meet the needs of the Native people with compassion and love.
- Ask the Lord to open the way for Harvesters to minister, support and serve where we can, so that all can know the saving love of Jesus.
As we continue ploughing the fields of a new mission field, we are seeing God’s hand in remarkable ways. Your prayers make an eternal difference! Thank you for praying with us.
Opportunities Abound in Central America
God has opened the way for Harvesters to train pastors in Central America. Recent testimonies from Panama, Nicaragua, Mexico and Cuba serve as encouragement to continue the work that God has called us to do in these beautiful but challenging countries.
The Fruit of Commitment in Panama
The road to reaching God’s people in Panama might present obstacles, but it cannot inhibit the far-reaching power of the Gospel. Despite social and political problems, resulting in closed main roads and restricted access, God has blessed the trainings with committed pastors and trainers.
Pastor Gerardo and his wife, Yoanis, are two of these committed servants in God’s Kingdom. They travelled through the night for 13 hours, first on horseback and later by vehicle to join us for Phase A discipleship training. By the time they returned for Phase B, ‘Preparing for Ministry’, in June this year, Gerardo and Yoanis had already planted a church in a remote village.
And Pastor Simón Miranda has planted five churches using Harvesters’ methodology of evangelism and discipleship. Whilst sharing the Good News one day, he met a young man named Luiz Carlos Rangel who accepted Jesus and has been transformed! Rescued from the streets of Panama City, Luiz has been baptised, is being discipled and serves in the church.
We cannot but emphasise the words of Pastor Luissi Garcia, Harvesters Regional Director for Central America: “Glory to God for pastors who love their nation and people!”
Excitement in Nicaragua and Mexico
In Nicaragua and Mexico more than 100 pastors eagerly anticipate Harvesters’ return. We recently conducted Kick Offs to launch the training programme in Managua, Nicaragua and Oaxaca, Mexico.
These pastors were challenged by the Holy Spirit with an urgency for evangelisation, church-planting and discipleship. In Mexico, 29 people received Christ as pastors faithfully put their training into practise and evangelised in Llano park.
In the midst of idolatry, paganism and witchcraft, Mexican pastors have expressed the dire need for training such as this. Pastor Samuel Jimenez said the teachings “really impacted my spirit, impacted my life” – and he felt a call from God to take the training to at least 80 more pastors in Oaxaca.
Hope in Cuba
Even in Cuba God has opened a way for us. It’s a country plagued by extreme poverty, widespread idolatry, and limited economic development, posing many difficulties for its people.
However, as Luissi says, “In the midst of so much adversity, God has a faithful remnant that is taking care of them.”
After encouraging conversations with local pastors, we trust that God will open doors for church planting in Cuba. The church needs motivation and ambition. With your prayers, we can continue supporting them, whatever it takes.
Open doors and faithful servants in these countries confirm to us that Central America is on God’s radar and, therefore, it is also on our radar. We continue to work here with quiet confidence in the growth that the Spirit will bring in the countries that have opened for Harvesters. Thank you for praying for Central America and its people. Keep these pastors in your hearts and in your minds as they continue to bring hope in dark places.
Newsletter – August 2024
We’re delighted to bring you the August Newsletter from Harvesters.
Inside, explore the profound impact of our Disciple Makers training in Spain and be inspired by the captivating story of a blind church-planter.
Plus, find powerful testimonies from those who have received their first Bibles from Harvesters thanks to your support!
Download the August 2024 newsletter – USA
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Download the August 2024 newsletter – International
Download the August 2024 newsletter – Brazil (Portuguese)
Download the August 2024 newsletter – Dutch
Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers which make testimonies like these possible. Our vision of planting 1 million churches by 2030 could not happen without you!
Pray for Church Planting in Bolivia’s Hidden Heartlands
Bolivia is the largest landlocked country in the Southern Hemisphere. In the western parts of the country one can find the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, whilst the eastern lowlands are situated in the Amazon basin.
It is here in the Amazon basin, bordering on Brazil, where Harvesters has partnered with local pastors to plant churches in communities with a great need for evangelisation and discipleship. These pastors need your prayers as they embark on this mission to plant churches.
Hope Springs in the Amazon Basin
Harvesters recently kicked off our church-planting training programme in four Bolivian cities. We were encouraged and inspired by the reception of the pastors of Guayaramerín, Riberalta, La Paz and El Alto. Bi-vocational pastors, eager to start planting churches, received us with gracious hospitality and excitement.
These cities are strategically located in the Amazon basin along the rivers. This strategic positioning means there is a huge potential for pastors to be trained and churches to be planted deep into the most hidden and overlooked places within the jungle. Please pray with us that the training these pastors will receive over the next few years will bring hope and lead to churches being planted throughout the region.
Churches Must Stand Strong in Spite of Challenges
In Bolivia, the church faces some serious challenges. The illicit drug trade in the area means that believers here have to deal with the effects of drug cartels, the breakdown of the legal system, a culture of deception, and wealth disparity. Children and women face abuse and trafficking. A longstanding belief in witchcraft also still has its hold on the Bolivian people.
Furthermore, poverty, depression and suicide rates are high. Clearly, the church here needs to be supported and strengthened. They desperately need your prayers.
Barriers to Church Planting
In addition to the societal challenges being faced in Bolivia, pastors and their churches also acknowledge that they to do not know how to address the great need for evangelisation and growth.
Pastor Elyel from Guayaramerín lists the main issues for pastors in his region as: spiritual immaturity, division among churches, complacency and syncretism. Nevertheless, the power of God is great and Pastor Elyel already leads a thriving church with disciples who are strong lights in the community. May God use pastors like Elyel to overcome the barriers to church planting in Bolivia so that all may find hope and be transformed by the Lord Jesus.
Prayer Points:
- Thank God for pastors in Guayaramerín, Riberalta, La Paz and El Alto who have accepted the task of planting churches and spreading the Gospel in the Amazon basin.
- Pray that God will grant these pastors wisdom, spiritual maturity and strength in the face of societal challenges.
- Pray that pastors will evangelise fearlessly, confident in the power and authority they have received from God.
- Pray that God will continue to bless the relationships that have been built with local pastors during the recent training Kick-Offs.
- Pray with Harvesters and pastors from Bolivia that churches will already have been planted by the time we return to Bolivia for the next Phase of training.
Bringing Hope to Thailand’s Borderlands
During our recent visit to Thailand, we were filled with excitement about what God is doing in this beautiful land. However, there exists an urgent need for the Gospel, as the Buddhist-majority population are caught in the trappings of a dead religion. Harvesters is addressing this need by training committed and courageous pastors who are determined to change the religious landscape.
Thailand’s Refugee Crisis Provides Opportunities
In the rugged borderlands where Thailand meets Myanmar, history’s longest civil war rages on, casting shadows of fear and uncertainty and forcing millions from their homes.
Amidst the turmoil, Harvesters is on the ground in Thailand, equipping local Student Pastors who are tirelessly serving refugees fleeing from the chaos. Many of these pastors have traversed the same treacherous paths.
Across the globe, the Lord is using migration as a means to spread the Good News of Jesus. Displacement, though wrought with challenges, has provided fertile ground for the Gospel to take root. During our visit, we were privileged to witness the baptisms of two new believers in the Moei River that marks the border between Thailand and Myanmar.
As believers from these refugee communities eventually return to Myanmar, they will carry with them the hope planted in their hearts, spreading the message of Jesus Christ to their homeland.
Establishing Churches of Hope
Our journey took us on a rocky ramble through rural neighbourhoods. As we followed the worn path into the valley, a hidden church came into view – the sole beacon of hope in its community. It sits nestled in the shadow of a Buddhist temple dominating the landscape.
This church was planted by Pastor Joe, Harvesters’ Country-Leader for Thailand who plans to establish another across the border in Myanmar. With the departure of the elderly pastor, prayers for a new leader were answered as Harvesters stepped in to train a pastor for this village church.
In this sacred place, Harvesters’ Phase A training took place as passionate young leaders gathered to learn about discipleship. In a land where altars line every street and people are ensnared in a dead religion, the abundant life found in Jesus remains a distant dream for many. It’s a tragedy unfolding before their eyes, and these pastors refuse to stand idly by.
Opportunities to Open the Way
This is just the beginning. Harvesters remains poised to expand the mission wherever the Lord opens the way. Our time in Thailand’s bustling capital, Bangkok, revealed the urgent needs of this country as the city’s nightlife unveiled a dark underbelly of drug culture, promiscuity and despair.
Local leaders like Pastor Kiet highlighted the desperate need for the Holy Spirit to breathe life into the few churches scattered throughout the urban sprawl. Together, we fervently prayed for a divine move of the Holy Spirit to ignite a revival that would ripple from Bangkok throughout Thailand and beyond.
As we reflect on our encounters with pastors and communities ablaze with passion for the Great Commission, we are filled with hope for the future. Thank you for your unwavering support and prayers, which enable us to extend the message of Jesus to even more hearts in Thailand and beyond.
Names changed for security reasons.
Pray for Brazil: “A New Season”
Brazil is one of the largest and most populated countries in the world, presenting an urgent and vast mission field. Your prayers are vital as Brazilian pastors like Raimundo, Lourisvaldo, Flávio and Sidney take the true Gospel to the lost. Join them in praising the Lord for the fruit that our training has borne in this country and discover how to pray for Brazil.
Spiritual Growth Leads to Church Planting
Pastor Raimundo, who has already planted two churches, confirms that our mission has been fruitful. He embraced Harvesters’ church-planting method “wholeheartedly.”
Consequently, he experienced the powerful ability of the Gospel to bring about spiritual growth in the lives of individuals who, in turn, allow this growth to multiply by making disciples and planting churches.
From Disciple to Pastor
Stories like Pastor Lourisvaldo’s illustrate the outcomes of the seeds being sown in Brazil. After being discipled, God called him to be the pastor of a church-plant in Betim. He is now being trained by Harvesters and recently completed Phase E, surveying the New Testament. “This is just the beginning!” he rejoiced.
It remains our mission that every pastor who receives training should plant at least one church per year and disciple and train another pastor to lead that church. Our aim is to see healthy churches self-replicating through evangelism and discipleship.
Pastor Lourisvaldo’s testimony resonates with this aim: “I see this training as a very useful tool. Not only for today, but also for the future leaders that we will train through this church-planting programme that Harvesters brought to Brazil to help us. Amen!”
Understanding the True Meaning of Church
Church planting and discipleship, however, is not without its challenges in Brazil. Catholicism remains the dominant religion and the vestiges of traditionalism sometimes thwart radical discipleship.
Pastor Flávio admits that, for many years, they viewed the church as a temple – a building. But as a result of the pastoral training offered by Harvesters, the Holy Spirit has convicted them anew that they themselves are the true church and that means church can be anywhere.
By applying the Biblical teachings they have received from Harvesters, Pastor Flávio believes that the Lord is bringing them into “a new season”. “We, as a church, have a mission to spread the Gospel,” he declares. Your prayers today will lift them up in this mission.
Prayer Points
- Pray that Harvesters’ church-planting training will assist Brazilians in preaching the true Gospel with boldness.
- Pray that the Biblical training provided by Harvesters will assail doubts among pastors and enable them to address doubts in others.
- Pray for true disciples who will make even more true disciples.
- Pray for future leaders to be equipped to reach the lost, make disciples and plant churches in unreached communities.
- Praise God with local pastor, Sidney, for “new horizons” that have opened in Brazil.
The Impact of Disciple Makers: Testimonies from France
Disciple Makers from Harvesters is making an impact throughout Europe, with the first churches already planted as a result in the Netherlands and Spain.
Recently, we visited Normandy in France to present the second Disciple Makers in Le Havre with 16 participants. Their goal is to activate at least 20 more churches with Disciple Makers techniques, igniting a movement to spread the message of Christ throughout France.
Although France is 60% Christian adherent, only 1.5% of the population are evangelical Christians. Secularism and atheism are on the rise and over half the people are Roman Catholic. It’s a vast mission field that needs to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour.
Sadly, the fastest growing religion throughout Western Europe is Islam, due to both a higher birth rate than other Europeans and migration from North Africa. France has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe (9%).
The need for discipleship is vital. Even some Christians confessed that they didn’t fully understand how to disciple others.
“My view of discipleship before this training was to raise awareness about personal prayer time and personal Bible reading at home,” shared Antonin, a Disciple Makers participant. “What impacted me most was the [the need for] perseverance and not hesitating to regularly follow up with people so they can progress.”
Another participant, Christophe, echoed this, saying, “Before the training, disciple making was really hard because I didn’t know where to start with helping someone to walk with Jesus. I viewed it like a big mountain that was hard to climb. I didn’t know what to do practically.”
“I really love the easiness of what to do,” Christophe continued. “Because it’s not me, it’s God who is going to do the work. You can start with your family and your neighbourhood, and if all Christians in the world start with this it would bring so many people to God.”
Disciple Makers, available throughout Europe, lays out the principals of the Great Commission and provides practical strategies for evangelism and discipleship.
“It’s the only and unique way to see multiplication – by making disciples,” said Clayton Joutet, pastor of the church in Le Havre. “There is no other solution.”
Participant Roseline shared that the training has given her tools and confidence. “I believe anyone who really wants to further their journey with the Lord and obey the Great Commission should really consider taking this training to be equipped and to gain confidence,” she said.
Excitement and momentum are growing among this group of disciple makers in France. Christophe, who is sadly suffering with liver cancer, wants to be “an everyday Great Commission Christian who makes disciples” and use whatever time he has left to reach people.
“I hope this encourages you that the Gospel is reaching Europe, especially France,” says Ian Stanton, Harvesters’ Europe Continent Leader. Disciple Makers is not just a course, it’s a movement that is gaining momentum across Europe, opening the way for the world to know Jesus.
Forming a Gospel Stronghold in Central Africa
Imagine planting churches in a country half the size of the USA but with barely any roads…
Unimaginable Challenges and Urgent Needs
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), residents contend with unpaved and inadequately maintained roads that become virtually impassable during the rainy season. This, combined with densely populated cities resembling small nations, presents formidable obstacles for pastors in their mission to spread the Gospel.
The cry of local pastors like Philippe Makambo, who has planted two churches so far, is for pastoral training that is urgently needed throughout the DRC. “There are not a lot of churches [in my rural province]. If there are churches, there are no pastors trained,” he explains. “My country needs Harvesters’ training. Not only here in the capital but also in remote areas.”
The DRC is so vast, it would be an overwhelming challenge if not for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and the prayers of friends like you. Pray with us using the below prayer points as a guide.
Equipping Pastors for Ministry
The Lord is already assembling an army of mighty warriors. Despite the unimaginable transportation difficulties, more than 120 dedicated pastors arrived eager to commence Harvesters’ four-year training and church-planting programme. Some travelled over 500 kilometres.
At present, Harvesters has three church-planting networks in the DRC, known as Streams, including this newly launched cohort of 127 pastors in the bustling capital city. Kinshasa, with a population of 17 million people – surpassing that of Zimbabwe – is Africa’s third-largest city.
The response was overwhelming, with attendees describing the training as “an answer to prayer” and a source of “light and clarity”. Local pastor Felix declared, “By the grace of God, many churches will be planted through this model.”
These leaders have a passion not only to see their nation embrace Christ, but also to establish the DRC as a stronghold for the Gospel throughout Africa.
A Bold Vision
North Africa, with its Islamic stronghold, presents another significant challenge for local pastors in the DRC. But they have a bold vision to establish a barrier against the persistent spread of Muslim teachings into sub-Saharan Africa.
Strategically located in Central Africa, the DRC is poised to withstand the encroaching influence from the north. Furthermore, their vision is to push back and take the Gospel into the unreached nations of North Africa, becoming missionaries to their neighbours.
Through the support of partners like you, Harvesters is equipping these faithful soldiers with tools and strategies for evangelism, church planting and discipleship. Together we are saturating unreached neighbourhoods, towns and entire cities with a Christian presence. Today we are calling upon you to pray with us and sow into this mission in prayer.
Prayer Points
- Pray for the development and infrastructure of the DRC. Ask the Lord for safe and effective outreach to remote regions where the lost need Jesus.
- Lift up the people of this nation in prayer, for them to have open hearts receptive to the message of Christ and be transformed.
- Pray for protection against spiritual opposition as these leaders take the Gospel to the corners of the DRC and beyond.
- Thank God for the passion and commitment of local pastors. Pray for their studies and ministries as they commence a four-year training programme with Harvesters.
- Pray for the vision to reach the nations of North Africa with the Gospel and stand as a barrier against the spread of false teachings.
Newsletter – May 2024
Download your copy of the May 2024 Newsletter here!
Inside, discover a newly planted church behind bars and explore the resilience of believers in India, where the Gospel shines brightly despite formidable spiritual opposition. Plus, the first churches are taking root in the Maasai lands of Kenya.
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