New Believers in India Experience Joy

We are living in unprecedented times. You are currently experiencing lockdowns, regulations and activities that has never been experienced before.

India, one of the many countries where Harvesters Ministries is working, is suffering terribly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. India has experienced a time of lockdown – like many other countries across the globe. This has made it very difficult to travel between villages.

Madri* is a pastor with Harvesters Ministries who has been reaching out to the lost and making disciples for Christ. One such man that accepted Christ on one of her outreaches is Raul*. Even better news: Raul’s entire family accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Redeemer.

Unfortunately, Raul and his family are illiterate. Before the lockdown it was possible for Madri to travel to Raul’s village. She would visit them regularly to share from God’s Word and enjoy fellowship with them.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Indian government announced a lockdown. No gatherings are allowed; nobody is allowed to leave their houses. The police have a presence in every street of the villages. They are only given four hours per day to buy essential goods. They are not allowed to gather in houses. Outsiders are not allowed into different villages.

Madri said, “I wanted to visit Raul and equip him and his family as they are new believers. I went to their village early in the morning, while it was still dark. Raul and his family were awake. I could see the joy in their faces when I met with them. They were very eager to listen to the Word of God during these turbulent times.

Raul is going through a very difficult time as a result of the lockdown. He lost his daily wages. I preached the Word and encouraged them to stand firm in these times of suffering. I told them that the church is not a building and reminded them of Matthew 18:19 – 20 that says, Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

We don’t know how things are going to be in the future. It might get more difficult for us here in India to evangelise and disciple people here. The enemy might have closed the doors of the church but God has made every home a church.”

You can continue to support pastors like Madri during these challenging times with your donations and prayers. Harvesters really appreciates your generous gifts. This ministry will not be able to grow and multiply without your prayers and gifts.


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*Names changed to protect identities.