Laos Pastors are Getting Arrested for Carrying Bibles

Pastor Fatee* was walking down the street, peacefully, minding his own business and instead of reaching his destination safely he was bombarded by policemen. The policemen insisted on searching him and when they found a Bible on him he was arrested immediately! He did not even have an opportunity to defend himself.

Pastor Fatee lives in Laos, one of the few communist countries in the world. He is now seen as an “enemy of the state”. Fatee was interrogated, threatened and fined. According to the police he is falsely indoctrinating the people of Laos. Christianity is one of the government-approved religions, but pastors and believers experience persecution on a daily basis.

Even though believers in Laos experience terrible and unprecedented persecution they are steadfast in their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ. Believers like Fatee continue to build God’s Kingdom in Laos. He continues to share the Gospel and motivate other believers.

Laos boats

Believers in Laos do not ask for much – they want other believers to pray for them and to uplift them with their prayers. Please continue to intercede for Pastor Fatee and believers in Laos.

Let us all pray as 1 Timothy 2:8 reminds us today, “Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.”

As Billy Graham said, “To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.” Let us get down on our knees to pray for hostile, desperate and broken nations across the world today.