Help to Feed Families in India

Millions of people all across the globe are suffering severely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are constantly praying and trusting the Lord for provision. These are truly unprecedented times!

In India, like in many other countries across the world, strict lockdown regulations were implemented. This resulted in churches and many economic services being closed down and forbidden.

We were able to communicate with our Harvesters’ coordinator in India on this matter who said, “During COVID-19, pastors could not meet with their congregation members and could not travel to the villages where they were ministering. In most cases there is no income for these pastors.”

Many pastors have additional jobs to support their families and were unable to work for long periods at a time. They were unable to put food on the table.

Harvesters received many urgent messages from other pastors – like Aahan*, begging for help.

Our coordinator testified, “During this time, Harvesters extended a hand of mercy towards these precious pastors. In many instances it meant the difference between having food on the table and having nothing. Thank you Harvesters, your love gift made a huge in this nation!”

“Pastors travel to the rural areas where it is very difficult to minister among the tribes,” he continued. “Often times they face persecution. During the outbreak of Coronavirus, [one of the pastors] was struggling to see and he feared that he might lose his eyesight due to a genetic condition.”

All hope was not lost. “During this time Harvesters Ministries came alongside this group and financially, supported them and stood with them. This precious pastor was so happy that he could get his eyesight back, thanks to Harvesters who paid for the treatment. He can now go to the villages and preach the Gospel. Thank you once again for partnering with us. The fields are indeed ripe unto harvest, what the enemy has planned to destroy my nation through COVID-19, the Lord Jesus has turned around to save my nation,” explained our coordinator, gratefully.

By God’s grace it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to help several pastors and their families in India during this crisis. Loyal donors heard the plight for help. Your generous gifts opened the way for Harvesters Ministries to make a difference in the lives of families in need.  The amazing thing about these families who received food parcels, is that they do not keep the food to themselves. They share every little bit that they receive.

Mahi*, a former school teacher, is serving fulltime in the ministry alongside her husband. They live in Maharashtra and she shared her story with us. “COVID-19 has challenged our lives. We were not able to meet as a church. Also, we are not supported by anyone, my husband and I live by faith and all our income has been stopped. We have a daughter to take care of,” explained Mahi.

“Since the COVID-19 lockdown, my family’s livelihood was taken away. So, it was very difficult for my family to survive. I was praying to God to provide food for us. In the morning, I got a message on my phone that there was money paid into my account. I called my Harvesters’ Stream Leader. He said that it is a love gift from Harvesters Ministries. I wept and I thanked God for answering our prayers. We bought groceries with that money. I thank God for Harvesters Ministries for considering me as part of their family and taking care of my need,” testified Mahi.

God still answers prayers! He is still in control and He is the only one who can save lives. There are however many more who still needs saving. Thousands of starving families who desperately need help.

In Galatians 2 verse 10 we are reminded to help the poor, “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.”

Harvesters Ministries cannot feed these families on our own, we need your help urgently. You can help believers like Aahan and Mahi. Your gift today will provide one family with one month’s worth of food – not fancy food, but definitely the basic necessities. Please consider partnering with Harvesters Ministries and helping a family in need in India with your gift today.

*Names were changed to protect the identity of individuals.


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