Help Feed Starving Families in Lesotho

Help Feed Starving Families in Lesotho. Harvesters Ministries. May 2020 Featured ImageThe COVID-19 virus has infected millions of people all across the globe. Hundreds of countries implemented lockdowns to control and curb the spreading of the virus. Because of these lockdowns, people have been unable to go to work, earn a living and provide for their families. Millions are starving.

One such country that was negatively affected by a lockdown is the mountainous kingdom of Lesotho. Lesotho is a small enclaved country within the borders of South Africa. It has a population of just over 2 million people.

The Lesotho government decided to impose a national lockdown even though there was only 1 Coronavirus case within the entire country. By God’s provision, loyal donors like you have enabled Harvesters Ministries to establish church networks here, through which needy families can be reached during this time.

Harvesters Ministries is also fortunate enough to have an HLT (Harvesters Licensed Trainer) who lives and works in the country, Francois Snyman. Francois and his family farms in Lesotho, trains Harvesters pastors, plants churches and ministers in communities.

Food parcel R150. Harvesters Ministries

They have seen devastating poverty in Lesotho, worsened by this lockdown. It has been possible for Francois to help 60 families in need during this lockdown. There are however hundreds more who urgently need help. You can help to make an even greater impact.

Prayerfully consider helping a starving family in Lesotho today. With your help Harvesters Ministries aims to provide 130 families in need with one month’s worth of food supply.

Click on the link below to help a family in need today:


In God’s Word we read that we as Christians must lighten the load of one another, in Proverbs 28 verse 27 it says, “Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.”