Families in Madagascar are in Dire Need of Help

Madagascar is one of the world’s poorest countries and the COVID-19 pandemic had a terrible effect on this nation. The unemployment rate is also extremely high here.

The lockdown period has been extended in Madagascar and this has a very negative effect on people’s livelihood. Pastors were not able to have church services or meet with their congregations – they were unable to earn an income. They are truly suffering.

Many of the villagers testified about different pastors preaching to them and doing mission work, but not really lending a helping hand.

These struggling pastors, their families and communities were left to their own devices.

By the grace of God generous donors made it possible for Harvesters Ministries to send aid to Madagascar. Pastor Alain, a Hub-leader in Madagascar, was able to reach many pastors and their families with some much needed food.

The receiving of some much needed aid is a turning point for many pastors. This has put hands and feet to the Gospel. Many of these pastors and their families are on their last meals. To receive bags of maize and much needed vegetables is incredibly encouraging to them.

The majority of these pastors do not keep the food to themselves – they go out and share the little that they received with others in their communities who are in need. This is yet another opportunity for these pastors to share the Gospel and change their communities.

Pastor Alain, Harvesters Ministries Hub-leader in Madagascar, testified that the funds that were received helped 40 pastors and their families. These pastors were able to buy much needed medication and food. There are however hundreds more who are in dire need of food and other supplies.

The enemy is trying to attack the ministry and believers. The lockdown in Madagascar did not stop the ministry. Pastor Alain testified that even though there is a lockdown in Madagascar the pastors and student pastors are still working for the Lord. They are sharing the Good News with those who are still unsaved.

This much needed aid has really opened the way for these struggling pastors to regain strength to go out and do what the Lord has called them for.  Your support made this possible.

You can help those who are still struggling. Many pastors do not know where their next meal will come from. Harvesters Ministries cannot reach these suffering families without you. We need the help of generous believers like you to reach those in need.


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