Bringing Hope to Thailand’s Borderlands

During our recent visit to Thailand, we were filled with excitement about what God is doing in this beautiful land. However, there exists an urgent need for the Gospel, as the Buddhist-majority population are caught in the trappings of a dead religion. Harvesters is addressing this need by training committed and courageous pastors who are determined to change the religious landscape.


Thailand’s Refugee Crisis Provides Opportunities

In the rugged borderlands where Thailand meets Myanmar, history’s longest civil war rages on, casting shadows of fear and uncertainty and forcing millions from their homes.

Amidst the turmoil, Harvesters is on the ground in Thailand, equipping local Student Pastors who are tirelessly serving refugees fleeing from the chaos. Many of these pastors have traversed the same treacherous paths.

Across the globe, the Lord is using migration as a means to spread the Good News of Jesus. Displacement, though wrought with challenges, has provided fertile ground for the Gospel to take root. During our visit, we were privileged to witness the baptisms of two new believers in the Moei River that marks the border between Thailand and Myanmar.

As believers from these refugee communities eventually return to Myanmar, they will carry with them the hope planted in their hearts, spreading the message of Jesus Christ to their homeland.


Establishing Churches of Hope

Our journey took us on a rocky ramble through rural neighbourhoods. As we followed the worn path into the valley, a hidden church came into view – the sole beacon of hope in its community. It sits nestled in the shadow of a Buddhist temple dominating the landscape.

This church was planted by Pastor Joe, Harvesters’ Country-Leader for Thailand who plans to establish another across the border in Myanmar. With the departure of the elderly pastor, prayers for a new leader were answered as Harvesters stepped in to train a pastor for this village church.

In this sacred place, Harvesters’ Phase A training took place as passionate young leaders gathered to learn about discipleship. In a land where altars line every street and people are ensnared in a dead religion, the abundant life found in Jesus remains a distant dream for many. It’s a tragedy unfolding before their eyes, and these pastors refuse to stand idly by.


Opportunities to Open the Way

This is just the beginning. Harvesters remains poised to expand the mission wherever the Lord opens the way. Our time in Thailand’s bustling capital, Bangkok, revealed the urgent needs of this country as the city’s nightlife unveiled a dark underbelly of drug culture, promiscuity and despair.

Local leaders like Pastor Kiet highlighted the desperate need for the Holy Spirit to breathe life into the few churches scattered throughout the urban sprawl. Together, we fervently prayed for a divine move of the Holy Spirit to ignite a revival that would ripple from Bangkok throughout Thailand and beyond.

As we reflect on our encounters with pastors and communities ablaze with passion for the Great Commission, we are filled with hope for the future. Thank you for your unwavering support and prayers, which enable us to extend the message of Jesus to even more hearts in Thailand and beyond.

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