Six Prayers for Harvesters Ministries in 2022

As 2022 begins, we invite you to join us in preparing for this new year in prayer. Below are six ways you can pray for Harvesters Ministries throughout the coming year.

“Every great move of God can be traced back to a kneeling figure.” – DL Moody.


1. Pray for Our Student Pastors

So far, Harvesters has trained over 32,000 students in 53 countries. All over the world, student pastors are committing their time to learn how to evangelise, preach, pastor, plant churches and study the Bible. Pray for their studies. Pray that those in persecuted countries will be able to access the materials. Pray for the Lord to lead the students to the right places to evangelise and plant churches. Pray for resilience and strength after a difficult year due to the pandemic. Pray for the families of the many student pastors that we sadly lost due to Covid-19 last year.


2. Pray for Our Trainers

Harvesters’ Licenced Trainers (HLTs) are trained to deliver our Pastoral Training Programme to student pastors. We are blessed to have 570 HLTs operating in 53 countries. Every few weeks they volunteer their time to visit groups of pastors to teach a new module. Join us in thanking God for them and their commitment. We are grateful for the experience and skill they each bring to Harvesters. Pray for their travels; that each journey will be as straightforward as it can be under the current circumstances. Pray for their preparation and teaching. Pray for our HLTs to bring wisdom as they have conversations with the student pastors about life and ministry.


3. Pray for Harvesters’ Founder, Regional Leaders and Staff

Steven Loots founded Harvesters Ministries over 20 years ago. Keep him and his family in your prayers as he leads this ministry through every season.

Harvesters has several leaders who oversee the work in various regions of the world – for example, East Africa, Southeast Asia, South America etc. Please pray that they will have clear visions. Pray protection over their families and against any attack of the enemy as they plan for the future. Thank the Lord for their faithfulness as they creatively adapt and lead through the pandemic. Pray over each of the regions: Asia, Southeast Asia, East Africa, West Africa, Southern Africa, South America and North America.

Pray for the Harvesters staff team working across the world.


4. Pray for Our Donors

The work of Harvesters would not happen without our financial donors. We are thankful for every act of generosity. Please pray blessing for all those who believe in our vision and give money towards the work. Pray that Harvesters will continue to build partnerships around the world so that we can continue the work of planting churches where there are no churches, delivering Bibles, training pastors, discipling believers, and evangelising the lost.


5. Pray for Our Development Team

Our development team works to connect with people and share the vision of Harvesters. Please pray for those who create and share the stories from the field. Pray for those who visit churches to present updates about our work. Pray for the right connections to be made.


6. Pray for the Work of Harvesters Ministries

Harvesters Ministries wants to plant 1 million churches, train 1 million pastors, and evangelise and disciple 100 million believers by 2030. Please pray for this vision. Pray that we connect to the right local leaders in the nations where we operate and will start to operate. Pray that we will continue to train pastors to love Christ above all and to lead their churches well. Pray for our online training too and Herman, our Master Trainer. Pray for the lost, for hearts to stir.


We appreciate all your prayers. If you would like to keep updated with prayer requests fresh from the field, visit our interactive Harvesters Prayer Wall.