Go the Extra Mile – Join the Virtual Event


Are you a runner? Do you enjoy a jog or a walk? Harvesters Ministries is hosting a virtual “Go the Extra Mile” event on Saturday 24th April for all our partners and friends around the world. You can participate from wherever you are. Upload your time and distance when you’ve finished and receive your event results and a certificate.


How it works

Firstly, sign up for the event here. You can choose to enter a 5k, 10k or 21k distance. The cost for a 5k and 10k race is R40; the cost for the 21k distance is R50. Additional donations are welcome. Funds raised will go towards Harvesters Crisis Response work.

Then on Saturday 24th April you run/walk your chosen distance. You may complete this as a leisurely walk, a fun jog or a competitive run – any method that is suitable and comfortable for you. All participants will be completing the race in their neighbourhoods or on their treadmills around the world. Harvesters partners everywhere will be participating alongside you – virtually. During your race, record your time and distance because you can upload those when you are finished. All COVID-19 health and safety protocols must be followed at all times.

To upload your time and download your certificate, go to https://results.finishtime.co.za/startpage.aspx?c=13. Select the Go the Extra Mile event and distance entered (5/10k or 21km). Click on your name and follow the prompts.

Join in the virtual event with your Harvesters partners and Go the Extra Mile to help poverty-stricken communities in crisis. This is open worldwide. Sign up today! https://www.entryninja.com/events/76560-go-the-extra-mile

If you would like the option of walking or running your own distance, if you do not require a certificate or you do not wish to sign up officially, then you are free to donate directly to Harvesters Ministries here.


Harvesters Crisis Response 

Harvesters Ministries is primarily a church planting ministry and has planted over 65,000 churches worldwide in over 53 countries. Harvesters provides pastoral training to indigenous leaders in these churches, free of charge, and currently has more than 32,000 students enrolled globally. We also provide Bibles to believers who do not have access to the Word of God either due to poverty or remote locations.

However, recent events presented a pressing need that Harvesters cannot ignore. Natural disasters and other crises have brought devastation to communities around the world where Harvesters is engaged. Following these events, people are left without basic necessities such as food, shelter and clean water. Harvesters has a heart for crisis response.

Thinus Botha, Regional Director who is involved in the Crisis Response work, describes the heart behind this as, “being the hands and feet of Jesus, aiding vulnerable people in their time of crisis by being a voice to the voiceless, face to the faceless and name to the nameless.”

You can help us to intervene and save communities in dire need. To learn more about the Crisis Response and to read some stories about this work of Harvesters Ministries, visit our Crisis Response page.


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matt 25:35-36.