Mozambican Cyclone Brought Widespread Destruction

At the end of January, Cyclone Eloise hit Mozambique and caused major destructions. Flooding and strong winds resulted in people losing their roads, crops and homes. It has now been declared a national disaster.


Harvesters Ministries Acted Quickly

As soon as the events occurred, Harvesters Ministries sprung to action. Harvesters did an urgent appeal, and we would like to thank you for your donations and prayers. We partnered with our contacts and other charitable organisations to get tonnes of food and relief parcels flown into the affected areas within days.

A previous natural disaster, Cyclone Idai, caused catastrophic damage in 2019. Followed by a large tropical storm at the end of that year. The people of Mozambique dreaded this happening again so soon. The same areas have been affected and people were barely recovered.

However, one advantage of those events is the experience and Disaster Management Training that the network of Harvesters Ministries churches now have. Which means they were able to mobilise quickly and efficiently to receive, organise and distribute the relief parcels as they arrived.

Thanks to you and thanks to our local Harvesters students and pastors, large amounts of food parcels have been distributed to affected families. Jose, one of the local pastors from Manica Province, sends his thanks, saying, “We are really happy to receive this food. God bless you all.”

They still need your prayers. More storms are forecast and thousands of disheartened people are considering where to begin rebuilding what has been lost. Personally and communally.


Pray for Donna Joana

Living right near the coast, Donna Joana is one Mozambican resident who was hugely affected when Cyclone Eloise swept through on January 23rd. She is a 66-year-old widow who has three children and seven grandchildren. She works as a saleswoman, selling seasonal products to her neighbours, including tangerines, mangos, bananas and bread.

When the Cyclone hit, it destroyed her 3m2 home. One wall has completely fallen down and the zinc roofing has blown away. A tragic loss which has undoubtedly caused distress, worry and insecurity.

Now homeless, Joana has had to find shelter in the homes of family and friends. Originally, she alternated sleeping at the houses of two of her sons. But, with their own wives and families, ultimately there was not enough space. Presently she spends the daytime with them when she isn’t working and travels a few kilometres each evening to sleep at a friend’s house.

Praise God, Donna Joana was one of the people who received a relief package from Harvesters Ministries.

Please keep Donna Joana in your prayers. Pray that she feels a sense of peace and security during this unsettled time. Pray that she is able to rebuild the wall and roof soon and be able to move back into her own home. Pray that her business selling produce is successful.

Remember to visit our Prayer Wall where you can see prayer requests as they come in from the field.