Faithful Pastors are Reaching Indigenous People in the Amazon


The work of Harvesters Ministries in Brazil includes a network of churches that have been planted in and around Tefé. This town, situated in Northwest Brazil, lies in the middle of the Tefé River, in the heart of the Amazon. There are no roads leading in. From the capital city of Amazonas state, Manaus, it would take three days by boat or an hour flight to reach Tefé. All goods come in through the river network – from fruit to furniture. However remote Tefé sounds, there are even more rural communities as you travel deeper into the jungle.

Harvesters training in Brazil began over two years ago and, since then, over 420 churches have been planted, many of them in these remote places in and around the town. The more formal church in Tefé has become a phenomenal church planting hub. Evangelising to indigenous groups has always carried unique challenges. However, when Covid-19 hit, these native communities began to retreat.

“Although many of the indigenous communities ran deeper into the jungle out of fear that Covid-19 would kill them, local missionaries and pastors we trained are reaching out like never before,” explains Francois Rauch, Harvesters Regional Director for South America.


Local pastors are caring for their communities

The hearts of the Brazilian pastors towards their neighbours are evident! Travelling out of the town into more rural areas is difficult. But these leaders are committed to obey the Great Commission. They care deeply about the people that they have made new and previous connections with. They continue to bring the love of Christ into the various indigenous communities around Tefé.


The only way to reach the unreached is by boat – usually owned by a church or group of churches. Most indigenous families live on small canoes on the mighty Amazon River. Pastors have brought messages of hope, read the Bible, sang songs of worship and delivered the Gospel. “God is never at rest,” declares a Brazilian pastor.


A heart for the Children

In our last Harvesters story from the Amazon, we reported that there are some terrible cases of abuse and neglect towards children happening among these groups. Against this dark backdrop, the Christians visiting these communities shine the Light of Christ. In a recent visit, Harvesters pastors took toys for the children. A large effort is made to reach and evangelise to these precious young souls.


You Can Help

The training of Harvesters Ministries focuses not only on evangelism, but discipleship. Both are needed to win souls and establish long-lasting Christian communities that grow, mature and produce more disciples. The fruit of this training is already evident in the Amazon. Pastors who have completed the programme are displaying the love of Jesus to their neighbours and preaching the Gospel. Communities are being changed! But there is further to go.

You can help train more leaders in the Amazon. Your gift will help to provide one student pastor with all six Harvesters Ministries modules and a Bible in their mother tongue. During their three-year programme, they will plant three churches.

“The church is the hope of a hurting world; and when the church works well, it changes everything and everyone around it!” says Francois Rauch.

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