Brand New Prayer Season

This month Harvesters Ministries will not be sharing the usual Prayer Calendar with you. We are excited to introduce you to the new Harvesters Ministries Prayer Wall.

Available now on our website, this interactive platform will allow us to share prayer requests from the mission field and ministry with you.

In Matthew 18 verse 19 we are reminded that our prayers are stronger when we pray together, Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”

One example where prayers have really been answered at Harvesters Ministries was when the Lord opened the door for Harvesters to start working in the Horn of Africa. Today, more than two years later, pastors are baptising new believers, planting new churches in unreached communities, and supporting new believers in one of the most notorious regions in the world.

You prayers have opened the way for Harvesters Ministries to place Bibles in the hands of believers in the Amazon, Malawi, Vietnam, Guatemala, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, China, India, Peru, Angola, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Ivory Coast, Mali, Chad, Thailand, Uganda – and many more countries. For most of these believers it was their very first Bible that they received.

Your prayers are making an impact.

Twenty-one years ago, Steven Loots, Founder and CEO of Harvesters Ministries, prayed that the Lord would open the way for him to plant churches, train pastors and make disciples in Malawi. Today, by the grace of God, there are more than 16,000 churches planted by Harvesters Ministries in Malawi alone. God not only opened the way for Harvesters Ministries to work in Malawi, but He also opened the way for Harvesters to work in 63 countries worldwide.

All of this was once unanswered prayers, but God is always faithful. He is our good Father who responds.

Partner with Harvesters and change your worry into worship, pray about everything and stand firm in faith. We invite you to participate in this exciting new season of prayer! Continue on this new prayer journey with us.


Visit the interactive Prayer Wall