Families in Ethiopia Need Your Help

Pastor Getahun Taddese from the Emanuel United Church in Ethiopia is one of Harvesters’ Hub Leaders who was hard at work with evangelism, discipleship, church planting and pastoral training. Unfortunately, the lockdown in Ethiopia halted all of these outreaches.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has widespread consequences. Third World countries are suffering immensely. Things are no better in Ethiopia. Many Ethiopian pastors and their families have no way of earning an income and providing for their families. Without intervention, these families will surely starve.

By the grace of God, it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to help pastors in Ethiopia. Pastor Getahun was overwhelmed by the support that Harvesters Ministries offered to pastors in Ethiopia. He said, “I want to also say thank you, Harvesters Ministries for really standing beside us in this gloomy season.”

He explained the situation further, “Leaders of the church are highly affected with this horrible pandemic.” Pastors were unable to have church services and earn an income. He said that his congregation is really trying their best to support and encourage pastors, missionaries and their families who live and work in rural areas of Ethiopia.

Thanks to loyal donors it was possible for Harvesters Ministries to offer some support to a group of pastors and their families. They received much needed food. Unfortunately, the cry for help is not over. There are still thousands more families who desperately need help. These families are suffering terribly. Without your gifts, these families will continue to struggle to stay alive.

Prayerfully consider making a donation today to help feed a family in Ethiopia for one month. Your donation can mean the difference between life or death for many families. You have the opportunity to feed a family and save a life.

Thinus Botha, Regional Director of East Africa for Harvesters Ministries, said, “We want to thank you for partnering with us, loving us and helping us to provide for pastors and their families who are in need. May God bless you.”

Your gifts truly make a difference in the lives of those who cannot provide for themselves during this terrible pandemic. We can make a difference, but we need your help. Partner with Harvesters and save the lives of believers in Ethiopia.

In Proverbs 19: 17 we are reminded of God’s promise, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.”


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