The Ministry is Expanding in Mozambique

Unlike most countries, Mozambique did not experience an official lockdown. Social distancing and a state of emergency was announced in the country. The work of God did not stop in Mozambique.

By the grace of God, it was still possible for pastors to pray and gather in small groups at home cells and even in church buildings in Nampula. Over Easter, earlier this year, Mozambican pastors experienced a blessed time – 35 new believers were baptised. Praise the Lord for these souls who were won for His Kingdom.

Furthermore, various radio stations in Mozambique are being utilised to share the Gospel. One pastor, Jadreque, received a call from a man from Muecate, a small village about 40 kilometres from Nampula City. This man heard the message and asked pastor Jadreque to visit his community.

When pastor Jadreque arrived and shared the Gospel, he led 12 new believers to Christ. He planted a church right there and then. This is the second church that was planted in the Nampula district during the country’s state of emergency. Pastor Jadreque visits these new churches every two weeks to encourage this group of believers on their journey with God. Praise the Lord for what is happening in Mozambique!

The greatest challenge that pastor Jadreque faces, on these outreaches, is enough funds for food and fuel. He said, “But God is doing wonders by the grace.”

It is such an encouragement to hear that the ministry can still expand and continue to function in Mozambique. This is all thanks to loyal donors who are able to carry the ministry with their gifts.

Let us be reminded today of what Jesus said in Matthew 16 verse 18, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”