Harvesters is 20 in 2020!

We are celebrating 20 years of church planting in 2020. We were able to plant our very first churches in 2000 in Zambia and in Malawi. Since then the ministry has expanded into more than 60 countries. God is good!

Thank you for travelling around the world with us during these past 20 years. It is amazing to see how God has provided for us.

One of the countries that recently opened their doors for us to work in is Brazil and more specifically the Amazon region. There are thousands of villages next to the Amazon river without access to a church and the Gospel.

While we were in the Amazon we could experience the incredible sounds of the jungle, the humidity and the overwhelming density of the flora. We realised that indeed a great service was given by those who have come before us.  We walk in their footsteps…

Amazon forest. Nov 2019

“It is God to whom and with whom we travel, and while He is the end of our journey, He is also at every stopping place.” – Elisabeth Elliot, Missionary and Author

Some days in the jungle were tough! We battled perceptions of evangelism and how to reach people. There are many willing people, but their methods need improving.

Thanks to loyal donors it was possible for one of our teams to train these pastors in evangelism, discipleship and church planting.

Please pray with us that this ministry will continue to grow exponentially in 2020.