A Sick Cow and the Gospel Open Hearts to Jesus

In a remote, Muslim-majority village in South Asia, where the name of Jesus had never been heard, a church planter arrived with a mission on his heart. His goal was to find a community where he could plant a church, guided by the Holy Spirit and equipped with the tools he had received during his training from Harvesters.


A Family, A Cow and the Power of the Gospel

As he walked through the village, he encountered a couple in distress – their cow, their only source of income, was gravely ill. They asked him to pray for the animal and, sensing an opportunity to show God’s power, he agreed. Afterwards, he shared the Gospel with them using the Heart of Man Chart, a powerful evangelism tool. The Heart of Man illustrates the state of a person’s heart before and after knowing God, making it an ideal way to share the Gospel with those who have never heard it.

He explained their need for a Saviour, highlighting the spiritual condition of every person apart from God: ensnared by sin and unable to rescue themselves. “You need Jesus,” he told them. He explained the profound price Jesus paid on the cross and the promise of eternal life through His sacrifice. They listened intently, visibly moved, but asked for time to consider his words.

The very next day, the couple reached out to him with open hearts. They were ready to commit their lives to Christ and be baptised – not only the husband and wife but also another lady they had prepared.


Baptised and Commissioned

As the pastor prayed blessings over them during their water baptism, he reminded them that this commitment wasn’t only for their own salvation. “Now it’s your duty to go and tell others about the Gospel,” he said, commissioning them to spread the Good News that Jesus died, was buried and rose again on the third day.

In the following months, the impact of their decision radiated across the village. The new believers faithfully shared the Gospel, and 30 people accepted Christ and were baptised in Jesus’ name.

From among these new converts, the pastor identified a young man filled with passion and potential, whom he began to train as a Student Pastor with Harvesters. This Student Pastor quickly took up the call to evangelise further, travelling to neighbouring villages and planting house churches where new believers could be discipled and baptised.


Growth and Multiplication

Today, this movement continues to grow. Together, the church planter and his Student Pastor have already established three house churches in unreached villages. Transformation is spreading as each new church brings spiritual change – all because a family asked for prayer for their sick cow. The Lord has opened the way!

This is just the beginning. In this closed nation, Harvesters has already established two church-planting movements, known as Streams. Each Stream consists of pastors committed to evangelising unreached villages, planting churches and training new pastors – creating a cycle of rapid multiplication.

The vision of Harvesters is to see Streams multiply across this nation and into the surrounding regions of Asia, carrying the light of the Gospel to those who have never heard it. Let us pray for more Streams to open, for the Gospel to penetrate hearts and for the Good News to spread across Asia, transforming lives and communities for God’s glory.


Read more testimonies from Asia


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