Opportunities Abound in Central America

God has opened the way for Harvesters to train pastors in Central America. Recent testimonies from Panama, Nicaragua, Mexico and Cuba serve as encouragement to continue the work that God has called us to do in these beautiful but challenging countries.


The Fruit of Commitment in Panama

The road to reaching God’s people in Panama might present obstacles, but it cannot inhibit the far-reaching power of the Gospel. Despite social and political problems, resulting in closed main roads and restricted access, God has blessed the trainings with committed pastors and trainers.

Pastor Gerardo and his wife, Yoanis, are two of these committed servants in God’s Kingdom. They travelled through the night for 13 hours, first on horseback and later by vehicle to join us for Phase A discipleship training. By the time they returned for Phase B, ‘Preparing for Ministry’, in June this year, Gerardo and Yoanis had already planted a church in a remote village.

And Pastor Simón Miranda has planted five churches using Harvesters’ methodology of evangelism and discipleship. Whilst sharing the Good News one day, he met a young man named Luiz Carlos Rangel who accepted Jesus and has been transformed! Rescued from the streets of Panama City, Luiz has been baptised, is being discipled and serves in the church.

We cannot but emphasise the words of Pastor Luissi Garcia, Harvesters Regional Director for Central America: “Glory to God for pastors who love their nation and people!”


Excitement in Nicaragua and Mexico

In Nicaragua and Mexico more than 100 pastors eagerly anticipate Harvesters’ return. We recently conducted Kick Offs to launch the training programme in Managua, Nicaragua and Oaxaca, Mexico.

These pastors were challenged by the Holy Spirit with an urgency for evangelisation, church-planting and discipleship. In Mexico, 29 people received Christ as pastors faithfully put their training into practise and evangelised in Llano park.

In the midst of idolatry, paganism and witchcraft, Mexican pastors have expressed the dire need for training such as this. Pastor Samuel Jimenez said the teachings “really impacted my spirit, impacted my life” – and he felt a call from God to take the training to at least 80 more pastors in Oaxaca.


Hope in Cuba

Taking notes. Kick Off Nicaragua. Harvesters Ministries

Even in Cuba God has opened a way for us. It’s a country plagued by extreme poverty, widespread idolatry, and limited economic development, posing many difficulties for its people.

However, as Luissi says, “In the midst of so much adversity, God has a faithful remnant that is taking care of them.”

After encouraging conversations with local pastors, we trust that God will open doors for church planting in Cuba. The church needs motivation and ambition. With your prayers, we can continue supporting them, whatever it takes.

Open doors and faithful servants in these countries confirm to us that Central America is on God’s radar and, therefore, it is also on our radar. We continue to work here with quiet confidence in the growth that the Spirit will bring in the countries that have opened for Harvesters. Thank you for praying for Central America and its people. Keep these pastors in your hearts and in your minds as they continue to bring hope in dark places.


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